Leone Timing and Results Services - Contractor License 
                   46th Annual Glenn D. Loucks Games                   
           White Plains High School  - 5/9/2013 to 5/11/2013           
Event 3  Men Distance Medley East Coast
 Meet Record: ! 10:01.13  2009        Westerly, Westerly, RI           
                          O'Loughlin, Phelps, Digangi, Springer        
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Benedicts                                      10:06.40   10   
     1) Guerin, Benjamin 10             2) Omari, Naija 11             
     3) Cooper, Tyler 11                4) Cheserek, Edward 12         
  2 Arlington                                          10:07.18    8   
     1) Beram, Trenten 11               2) Koenitzer, Chris 12         
     3) Hanson, Sebastion 12            4) Wimmers, Tom 11             
  3 Carmel                                             10:10.35    6   
     1) Muniz, Benito 10                2) Velazquez, Louie 12         
     3) Scott, Cyd 11                   4) Holt, Eric 12               
  4 St. John the Baptist                               10:15.75    4   
     1) Schneider, Jeremey 12           2) Selle, John 12              
     3) Rowan, Pat 12                   4) Fiore, Paolo 12             
  5 Curtis                                             10:16.72    2   
     1) Baig, Saad 12                   2) Hodges, Keshaun 11          
     3) Bah, Mohamed 11                 4) Ball, Ronaldo 12            
  6 Ridgefield                                         10:18.60    1   
     1) Bordash, Will 11                2) Sogaard, Kristian 10        
     3) Hopper, Trevor 11               4) Keating, Johnathan 10       
  7 St. Anthony's                                      10:21.15        
     1) Louro, Thomas 11                2) Pierre, Sebastian 11        
     3) Henfling, William 11            4) Santelli, Louis 11          
  8 Xavier                                             10:28.38        
     1) Buckley, James 12               2) Solomon, William 11         
     3) Camacho, Isidro 12              4) Kaufmann, Eliot 11          
  9 St. Peters Jersey City                             10:28.76        
     1) Wall, Randall 12                2) Butko, Chris 11             
     3) McGann, Ryan 12                 4) Heinrich, Fritz 11          
 10 Tappan Zee                                         10:28.97        
     1) Gavigan, Luke 10                2) Hehir, Flannan 11           
     3) Long, Steve 12                  4) Clarke, Dylan 11