THE LIVERPOOL TURKEY TROT 5K Liverpool, NY November 23, 2023 Results By Leone Timing & Results Services ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACES IN NET NET GUN GUN PLACE NAME AGE SEX & AGEGROUP TIME PACE TIME PACE CITY ST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ryan Hagan 19 M# 1 1/162 M18-29 15:09 4:53 15:09 4:53 Liverpool NY 2 Abshir Yerow 25 M# 2 2/162 M18-29 15:29 4:59 15:30 5:00 Syracuse NY 3 Aj Beers 27 M# 3 3/162 M18-29 15:48 5:05 15:49 5:06 Manlius NY 4 Nick Ryan 28 M# 4 4/162 M18-29 16:07 5:12 16:08 5:12 Fayetteville NY 5 Hans Matzal 22 M# 5 5/162 M18-29 16:17 5:15 16:18 5:15 Syracuse NY 6 Charlie Raymond 15 M# 6 1/144 M01-17 16:35 5:21 16:35 5:21 Brewerton NY 7 Brian Kenny 20 M# 7 6/162 M18-29 17:02 5:29 17:04 5:30 Syracuse NY 8 Matt Persampieri 20 M# 8 7/162 M18-29 17:16 5:34 17:17 5:34 Auburn NY 9 Kevin Beatty 47 M# 9 1/105 M40-49 17:19 5:35 17:21 5:35 Frankford ON 10 Scott Jones 41 M# 10 2/105 M40-49 17:24 5:36 17:26 5:37 Liverpool NY 11 Jenna Schulz 21 F# 1 1/202 F18-29 17:25 5:37 17:28 5:38 Liverpool NY 12 Hannah Gapes 19 F# 2 2/202 F18-29 17:26 5:37 17:28 5:38 Liverpool NY 13 George Young 42 M# 11 3/105 M40-49 17:28 5:38 17:30 5:38 Liverpool NY 14 Jacob Cottet 20 M# 12 8/162 M18-29 17:28 5:38 17:30 5:38 Syracuse NY 15 Miles Chamberlain 17 M# 13 2/144 M01-17 17:31 5:39 17:34 5:40 Briarcliff Manor NY 16 Stephanie Bitcon 27 F# 3 3/202 F18-29 17:42 5:42 17:44 5:43 Fayetteville NY 17 Alex Jamieson 18 M# 14 9/162 M18-29 17:42 5:42 17:43 5:43 Syracuse NY 18 Nicholas Andrews 22 M# 15 10/162 M18-29 17:46 5:43 17:48 5:44 Brockport NY 19 Windsor Ardner 22 F# 4 4/202 F18-29 17:47 5:44 17:48 5:44 Geneseo NY 20 Michael Purvis 18 M# 16 11/162 M18-29 17:56 5:47 17:57 5:47 Liverpool NY 21 Jake Roman 20 M# 17 12/162 M18-29 18:02 5:49 18:05 5:50 Liverpool NY 22 Nicholas Brancato 22 M# 18 13/162 M18-29 18:03 5:49 18:06 5:50 Liverpoolv NY 23 Spencer Ruediger 22 M# 19 14/162 M18-29 18:04 5:49 18:06 5:50 Syracuse NY 24 Rick Decarr 39 M# 20 1/131 M30-39 18:11 5:51 18:12 5:52 Albany NY 25 Benjamin Zinger 23 M# 21 15/162 M18-29 18:14 5:52 18:17 5:53 Liverpool NY 26 Christopher Lloyd 23 M# 22 16/162 M18-29 18:22 5:55 18:35 5:59 Jamesville NY 27 Richard Wing 37 M# 23 2/131 M30-39 18:25 5:56 18:27 5:57 Syracuse NY 28 Anthony Cawley 19 M# 24 17/162 M18-29 18:26 5:56 18:28 5:57 Jamesville NY 29 Abbie Sullivan 27 F# 5 5/202 F18-29 18:30 5:58 18:32 5:58 Manlius NY 30 Ryan Carter 16 M# 25 3/144 M01-17 18:31 5:58 18:34 5:59 Jamesville NY 31 Gavin McAllister 19 M# 26 18/162 M18-29 18:35 5:59 18:43 6:02 Cicero NY 32 Brady Petrella 13 M# 27 4/144 M01-17 18:57 6:06 18:58 6:07 Liverpool NY 33 Kevin Abel 29 M# 28 19/162 M18-29 19:16 6:12 19:16 6:12 Liverpool NY 34 Paul Fischi 16 M# 29 5/144 M01-17 19:30 6:17 19:34 6:18 Fayetteville NY 35 Benjamin Vella 15 M# 30 6/144 M01-17 19:32 6:18 19:35 6:18 Brooklyn NY 36 Sascha Scott 48 F# 6 1/142 F40-49 19:37 6:19 19:39 6:20 Syracuse NY 37 Scott Persampieri 55 M# 31 1/85 M50-59 19:38 6:20 19:41 6:20 Auburn NY 38 Robert Claypoole, III 17 M# 32 7/144 M01-17 19:40 6:20 19:48 6:23 Alpharetta GA 39 Jon Distefano 43 M# 33 4/105 M40-49 19:47 6:22 19:57 6:26 Liverpool NY 40 Brian Juston 15 M# 34 8/144 M01-17 19:48 6:23 19:56 6:25 Liverpool NY 41 Mackenzie Fox 34 M# 35 3/131 M30-39 19:50 6:23 19:52 6:24 Cazenovia NY 42 Camryn Cortez 22 F# 7 6/202 F18-29 19:53 6:24 20:03 6:27 Syracuse NY 43 Aaron Dunn 19 M# 36 20/162 M18-29 19:56 6:25 20:04 6:28 North Syracuse NY 44 Joseph Massett 16 M# 37 9/144 M01-17 20:08 6:29 20:11 6:30 Syracuse NY 45 Kyle Laatsch 36 M# 38 4/131 M30-39 20:19 6:33 20:30 6:36 Camillus NY 46 Ian Sherlock 17 M# 39 10/144 M01-17 20:25 6:35 20:41 6:40 Liverpool NY 47 Noah Lapidus 46 M# 40 5/105 M40-49 20:26 6:35 20:43 6:40 Syracuse NY 48 Kenny Byers 31 M# 41 5/131 M30-39 20:31 6:37 20:56 6:44 Akron OH 49 Byron Burson 15 M# 42 11/144 M01-17 20:37 6:38 20:45 6:41 Saint Cloudsaint CFL 50 William Hougland 14 M# 43 12/144 M01-17 20:42 6:40 20:52 6:43 Fayetteville NY 51 Alex Witting 29 M# 44 21/162 M18-29 20:43 6:40 21:05 6:47 Liverpool NY 52 Kevin Sheldon 43 M# 45 6/105 M40-49 20:43 6:40 20:59 6:45 Leesburg VA 53 Dominic Petrera 16 M# 46 13/144 M01-17 20:46 6:41 20:50 6:43 North Syracuse NY 54 Zachary Lapidus 16 M# 47 14/144 M01-17 20:46 6:41 20:57 6:45 Syracuse NY 55 Jacob Lapoint 17 M# 48 15/144 M01-17 20:46 6:41 20:50 6:43 Syracuse NY 56 Margaret Distefano 37 F# 8 1/209 F30-39 20:50 6:43 21:00 6:46 Liverpool NY 57 Alexander De Brino 14 M# 49 16/144 M01-17 20:50 6:43 20:58 6:45 Ridgefield CT 58 Evan Champ 16 M# 50 17/144 M01-17 20:50 6:43 20:55 6:44 Syracuse NY 59 Tyler Sadonis 31 M# 51 6/131 M30-39 20:50 6:43 21:21 6:53 New York NY 60 Andrew Putnam 17 M# 52 18/144 M01-17 20:51 6:43 20:58 6:45 Ithaca NY 61 Michael Hoey 14 M# 53 19/144 M01-17 20:51 6:43 20:55 6:44 Liverpool NY 62 Andrew Doherty 36 M# 54 7/131 M30-39 20:52 6:43 20:57 6:45 Ballston Spa NY 63 Paul Telesca 32 M# 55 8/131 M30-39 20:57 6:45 21:08 6:49 Liverpool NY 64 Greg Potter 43 M# 56 7/105 M40-49 20:58 6:45 21:06 6:48 Syracuse NY 65 Samuel Lloyd 22 M# 57 22/162 M18-29 21:02 6:46 21:15 6:51 Jamesville NY 66 David Williams 33 M# 58 9/131 M30-39 21:04 6:47 22:00 7:05 Liverpool NY 67 Aaron Armelino 34 M# 59 10/131 M30-39 21:04 6:47 21:45 7:00 Baldwinsville NY 68 Gabriella Longden 29 F# 9 7/202 F18-29 21:06 6:48 21:11 6:49 Memphis NY 69 Cole Bowen 26 M# 60 23/162 M18-29 21:06 6:48 21:16 6:51 Austin TX 70 Gary Mason 62 M# 61 1/39 M60-69 21:11 6:49 21:24 6:54 Auburn NY 71 Joseph Ascenzo 14 M# 62 20/144 M01-17 21:13 6:50 21:34 6:57 Liverpool NY 72 Michael Boni 58 M# 63 2/85 M50-59 21:15 6:51 21:19 6:52 Liverpool NY 73 Jonathan Yousey 32 M# 64 11/131 M30-39 21:17 6:51 22:11 7:09 Marcellus NY 74 Jordan Hnatiw 18 M# 65 24/162 M18-29 21:17 6:51 21:21 6:53 Clayclay NY 75 Eileen Mullen 15 F# 10 1/113 F01-17 21:25 6:54 21:40 6:59 Syracuse NY 76 Owen Mulholland 16 M# 66 21/144 M01-17 21:27 6:55 22:08 7:08 Syracuse NY 77 Yeechen Yang 11 M# 67 22/144 M01-17 21:32 6:56 21:39 6:58 Syracuse NY 78 Shizhong Yang 42 M# 68 8/105 M40-49 21:32 6:56 21:39 6:58 Syracuse NY 79 Ethan Desko 20 M# 69 25/162 M18-29 21:40 6:59 22:12 7:09 Camillus NY 80 Jake Owens 18 M# 70 26/162 M18-29 21:41 6:59 24:17 7:49 Chittenango NY 81 Meghan Moyer 18 F# 11 8/202 F18-29 21:42 6:59 22:13 7:09 Liverpool NY 82 Zak Fischer 32 M# 71 12/131 M30-39 21:44 7:00 22:14 7:10 New York NY 83 Jason Garuccio 25 M# 72 27/162 M18-29 21:47 7:01 22:17 7:11 Syracuse NY 84 Aidan Maturo 19 M# 73 28/162 M18-29 21:50 7:02 22:07 7:07 Clay NY 85 Kyle Potrzeba 22 M# 74 29/162 M18-29 21:52 7:03 21:55 7:04 Liverpool NY 86 Julian Jennings 37 M# 75 13/131 M30-39 21:52 7:03 22:04 7:06 Baldwinsville NY 87 Adrienne Doherty 34 F# 12 2/209 F30-39 21:53 7:03 22:00 7:05 Ballston Spa NY 88 Jim Vandish 53 M# 76 3/85 M50-59 21:55 7:04 22:05 7:07 Oswego NY 89 Thomas Pethybridge 41 M# 77 9/105 M40-49 22:00 7:05 22:11 7:09 Malden MA 90 Samuel Bianco 23 M# 78 30/162 M18-29 22:02 7:06 22:55 7:23 Frankfort NY 91 Sage Lester 16 F# 13 2/113 F01-17 22:05 7:07 22:24 7:13 Belmont MA 92 Sean Kraus 19 M# 79 31/162 M18-29 22:10 7:08 24:25 7:52 Manlius NY 93 Taylor Hoffman 19 F# 14 9/202 F18-29 22:11 7:09 22:30 7:15 East Syracuse NY 94 Jesse Raynor 43 M# 80 10/105 M40-49 22:11 7:09 23:07 7:27 Brewerton NY 95 John Sullivan 25 M# 81 32/162 M18-29 22:12 7:09 22:28 7:14 Liverpool NY 96 Luke Skardinski 18 M# 82 33/162 M18-29 22:14 7:10 22:46 7:20 Camillus NY 97 Robert Mozo 60 M# 83 2/39 M60-69 22:15 7:10 22:18 7:11 Clay NY 98 Paul Snell 34 M# 84 14/131 M30-39 22:16 7:10 22:33 7:16 Liverpool NY 99 Devon Munnell 14 M# 85 23/144 M01-17 22:17 7:11 22:32 7:15 La Fayette NY 100 Michael Hann 16 M# 86 24/144 M01-17 22:17 7:11 22:34 7:16 Poughkeepsie NY 101 Jonathan Howland 20 M# 87 34/162 M18-29 22:19 7:11 22:36 7:17 Liverpool NY 102 William Walker 32 M# 88 15/131 M30-39 22:19 7:11 23:14 7:29 Syracuse NY 103 Rebecca Mendez-Siquier 16 F# 15 3/113 F01-17 22:21 7:12 22:25 7:13 Jamesville NY 104 Kevin Freund 20 M# 89 35/162 M18-29 22:23 7:12 22:24 7:13 Syracuse NY 105 Greyson Plencner 12 M# 90 25/144 M01-17 22:26 7:13 22:37 7:17 Phoenix NY 106 Elizabeth Acee 38 F# 16 3/209 F30-39 22:27 7:14 23:28 7:34 Syracuse NY 107 Geoff Lloyd 52 M# 91 4/85 M50-59 22:28 7:14 22:46 7:20 Jamesville NY 108 Ben Farrell 21 M# 92 36/162 M18-29 22:29 7:15 22:38 7:17 Bozeman MT 109 Alexandra Jacob 20 F# 17 10/202 F18-29 22:32 7:16 22:48 7:21 Syracuse NY 110 Julio Martinez 32 M# 93 16/131 M30-39 22:33 7:16 22:40 7:18 Liverpool NY 111 Daniel Bloshkin 31 M# 94 17/131 M30-39 22:34 7:16 23:38 7:37 Liverpool NY 112 Christina Martinez 32 F# 18 4/209 F30-39 22:34 7:16 22:41 7:18 Liverpool NY 113 Nicholas Leclair 26 M# 95 37/162 M18-29 22:38 7:17 22:57 7:24 Liverpool NY 114 Sean Kuehn 25 M# 96 38/162 M18-29 22:38 7:17 22:57 7:23 Rochester NY 115 Mary Powers 33 F# 19 5/209 F30-39 22:40 7:18 23:08 7:27 Marcellus NY 116 David Pugh 24 M# 97 39/162 M18-29 22:47 7:20 23:11 7:28 Baldwinsville NY 117 Regan Brown 38 F# 20 6/209 F30-39 22:48 7:20 22:54 7:22 Cicero NY 118 Alexander Atherton 13 M# 98 26/144 M01-17 22:53 7:22 23:18 7:30 Baldwinsville NY 119 Cooper Lorenz 14 M# 99 27/144 M01-17 22:54 7:23 24:06 7:46 Red Creek NY 120 Ryan Fennelly 22 M#100 40/162 M18-29 22:57 7:24 23:43 7:38 Liverpool NY 121 Ethan Glashauser 21 M#101 41/162 M18-29 22:57 7:24 23:43 7:38 Liverpool NY 122 Toby Lester 59 M#102 5/85 M50-59 22:58 7:24 23:18 7:30 Belmont MA 123 Zachary Hann 16 M#103 28/144 M01-17 22:58 7:24 23:15 7:29 Camillus NY 124 Chris Bay 28 M#104 42/162 M18-29 22:59 7:24 23:10 7:28 Liverpool NY 125 Abby Feyerabend 23 F# 21 11/202 F18-29 22:59 7:24 23:10 7:28 Syracuse NY 126 Austin Fosberg 15 M#105 29/144 M01-17 22:59 7:24 23:05 7:26 Liverpool NY 127 Andrew Wright 15 M#106 30/144 M01-17 23:00 7:24 23:58 7:43 Liverpool NY 128 Bryan Maether 37 M#107 18/131 M30-39 23:02 7:25 23:26 7:33 Brewerton NY 129 Maggie Sherlock 14 F# 22 4/113 F01-17 23:03 7:25 23:09 7:27 Liverpool NY 130 Jillann Zoccolillo 15 M#108 31/144 M01-17 23:04 7:26 23:19 7:31 Phoenix NY 131 Christopher Blake 22 M#109 43/162 M18-29 23:07 7:27 24:20 7:50 Red Creek NY 132 Gabby McCarthy 20 F# 23 12/202 F18-29 23:08 7:27 23:27 7:33 Liverpool NY 133 Josiah Feng 15 M#110 32/144 M01-17 23:08 7:27 26:14 8:27 Ambler PA 134 Lucas Sharron 22 M#111 44/162 M18-29 23:09 7:27 23:28 7:33 Cicero NY 135 Derik Stucker 45 M#112 11/105 M40-49 23:09 7:27 23:40 7:38 Sayville NY 136 Alexander Duly 24 M#113 45/162 M18-29 23:12 7:28 23:39 7:37 137 Jason Byrnes 49 M#114 12/105 M40-49 23:20 7:31 24:10 7:47 Syracuse NY 138 Ava Lavalle 14 F# 24 5/113 F01-17 23:20 7:31 23:22 7:32 Liverpool NY 139 Saad Bukhari 24 M#115 46/162 M18-29 23:21 7:31 24:09 7:47 Syracuse NY 140 Aiden Meyer 20 M#116 47/162 M18-29 23:22 7:32 24:08 7:46 Liverpool NY 141 Lee Arthur 37 M#117 19/131 M30-39 23:25 7:33 24:13 7:48 Newport NY 142 Chloe Blaisdell 27 F# 25 13/202 F18-29 23:25 7:33 33:20 10:44 Syracuse NY 143 Karen Jones Beaudry 36 F# 26 7/209 F30-39 23:25 7:33 23:49 7:40 Chicago IL 144 Jenna Machina 26 F# 27 14/202 F18-29 23:28 7:33 24:17 7:49 Syracuse NY 145 Luca Maniko 14 M#118 33/144 M01-17 23:29 7:34 24:24 7:52 Washington DC 146 Jared Henry 24 M#119 48/162 M18-29 23:30 7:34 24:21 7:50 Kirkville NY 147 John Hunter 51 M#120 6/85 M50-59 23:30 7:34 23:50 7:41 Liverpool NY 148 John Cook 50 M#121 7/85 M50-59 23:35 7:36 24:58 8:03 Camillus NY 149 Gianna Gallelli 14 F# 28 6/113 F01-17 23:35 7:36 23:40 7:37 Liverpool NY 150 Joey Lisi 14 M#122 34/144 M01-17 23:36 7:36 25:00 8:03 Liverpool NY 151 David Kozak 26 M#123 49/162 M18-29 23:37 7:36 25:50 8:19 Syracuse NY 152 Jack Sherlock 19 M#124 50/162 M18-29 23:38 7:37 23:56 7:42 Liverpool NY 153 Owen Flanagan 16 M#125 35/144 M01-17 23:42 7:38 24:34 7:55 Warners NY 154 Breann Dodge 43 F# 29 2/142 F40-49 23:45 7:39 24:14 7:48 Clay NY 155 Ryan Cartwright 20 M#126 51/162 M18-29 23:47 7:40 24:33 7:54 Liverpool NY 156 Richard Aurelio 50 M#127 8/85 M50-59 23:48 7:40 24:03 7:45 Liverpool NY 157 John Feyerabend 68 M#128 3/39 M60-69 23:49 7:40 23:55 7:42 Syracuse NY 158 Sid Rhyant 62 M#129 4/39 M60-69 23:49 7:40 23:58 7:43 Nedrow NY 159 Jacob Frank 39 M#130 20/131 M30-39 23:49 7:40 24:46 7:59 Syracuse NY 160 James Peet 27 M#131 52/162 M18-29 23:49 7:40 26:03 8:23 Liverpool NY 161 Patrick Carroll 26 M#132 53/162 M18-29 23:53 7:42 24:26 7:52 Syracuse NY 162 Cole Andrejko 13 M#133 36/144 M01-17 23:54 7:42 25:10 8:06 Liverpool NY 163 Austin Lallier 26 M#134 54/162 M18-29 23:54 7:42 24:25 7:52 Syracuse NY 164 Jacob Blaszkow 24 M#135 55/162 M18-29 23:54 7:42 24:28 7:53 Liverpool NY 165 Yevgeny Bloshkin 33 M#136 21/131 M30-39 23:56 7:42 24:59 8:03 Liverpool NY 166 Vincent Janis 45 M#137 13/105 M40-49 23:56 7:43 24:26 7:52 Rock City Falls NY 167 Dennis Robillard 38 M#138 22/131 M30-39 24:01 7:44 24:30 7:53 Marcellus NY 168 Angela Machina 31 F# 30 8/209 F30-39 24:02 7:44 24:51 8:00 Cliffside Park NJ 169 Chloe Ryan 14 F# 31 7/113 F01-17 24:02 7:44 24:07 7:46 Liverpool NY 170 Jacob Dolan 17 M#139 37/144 M01-17 24:02 7:44 24:18 7:50 Liverpool NY 171 Jamie Finnegan 35 F# 32 9/209 F30-39 24:04 7:45 24:10 7:47 Liverpool NY 172 Conor Vaughn 26 M#140 56/162 M18-29 24:05 7:45 24:38 7:56 Fairfax VA 173 Ryan Persampieri 17 M#141 38/144 M01-17 24:05 7:45 24:20 7:50 Auburn NY 174 Andrew Wilkinson 28 M#142 57/162 M18-29 24:08 7:46 24:27 7:52 Aurora NY 175 Zachery Mosher 28 M#143 58/162 M18-29 24:09 7:47 24:43 7:58 Camden NY 176 Liam Foody 29 M#144 59/162 M18-29 24:09 7:47 26:18 8:28 Liverpool NY 177 Randall Atwater 64 M#145 5/39 M60-69 24:12 7:48 24:28 7:53 Barker NY 178 Rebecca James 18 F# 33 15/202 F18-29 24:16 7:49 24:36 7:56 Portage MI 179 Noe Gomez 34 M#146 23/131 M30-39 24:17 7:49 25:19 8:09 Syracuse NY 180 Kristen Worden 42 F# 34 3/142 F40-49 24:18 7:49 24:35 7:55 Liverpool NY 181 Timothy Ireton 28 M#147 60/162 M18-29 24:19 7:50 27:02 8:42 Liverpool NY 182 Jim Manard 17 M#148 39/144 M01-17 24:20 7:50 25:51 8:20 Syracuse NY 183 Mitchell Taylor 23 M#149 61/162 M18-29 24:22 7:51 25:36 8:15 Liverpool NY 184 Brendan Cataldo 27 M#150 62/162 M18-29 24:25 7:52 25:34 8:14 Adams NY 185 Nathaniel Larrea 37 M#151 24/131 M30-39 24:29 7:53 25:16 8:08 Hewitt NJ 186 Susan Kreplin-Michaels 67 F# 35 1/58 F60-69 24:30 7:53 24:33 7:54 Auburn NY 187 Joseph Labbate 40 M#152 14/105 M40-49 24:32 7:54 24:45 7:58 Clay NY 188 Ryden Meek 13 M#153 40/144 M01-17 24:32 7:54 24:58 8:03 Brewerton NY 189 Kelsey Wessel 39 F# 36 10/209 F30-39 24:33 7:55 25:00 8:03 Liverpool NY 190 David Persampieri 62 M#154 6/39 M60-69 24:34 7:55 24:48 7:59 Newton MA 191 Josiah Williams 16 M#155 41/144 M01-17 24:35 7:55 24:43 7:58 Syracuse NY 192 Jeffrey Jacobs 16 M#156 42/144 M01-17 24:35 7:55 25:51 8:20 New Rochelle NY 193 Justin Horth 17 M#157 43/144 M01-17 24:35 7:55 25:37 8:15 North Syracuse NY 194 Kyle Leimeister 26 M#158 63/162 M18-29 24:37 7:56 25:39 8:16 Liverpool NY 195 Becky Quilty 38 F# 37 11/209 F30-39 24:40 7:57 25:09 8:06 Jamesville NY 196 Christine Jones 40 F# 38 4/142 F40-49 24:42 7:57 24:50 8:00 Liverpool NY 197 Daniel Nolan 38 M#159 25/131 M30-39 24:43 7:58 26:17 8:28 Ithaca NY 198 Nathan Knapp 18 M#160 64/162 M18-29 24:43 7:58 25:13 8:07 Liverpool NY 199 Corey Jordan 33 M#161 26/131 M30-39 24:44 7:58 25:04 8:05 Madison TN 200 Payton Reese 23 M#162 65/162 M18-29 24:46 7:59 25:58 8:22 Liverpool NY 201 David Desko 17 M#163 44/144 M01-17 24:49 7:59 25:21 8:10 Camillus NY 202 Lucas Barsuaskas 17 M#164 45/144 M01-17 24:49 8:00 25:10 8:06 Westbury NY 203 Colleen Lloyd 16 F# 39 8/113 F01-17 24:51 8:00 25:35 8:14 Liverpool NY 204 James Beaudry 33 M#165 27/131 M30-39 24:51 8:00 25:14 8:08 Chicago IL 205 Nicholas Schuetter 34 M#166 28/131 M30-39 24:51 8:00 25:34 8:14 Alexandria VA 206 Delaney Gellert 20 F# 40 16/202 F18-29 24:54 8:01 25:38 8:15 Liverpool NY 207 William Zwerger 61 M#167 7/39 M60-69 24:55 8:02 25:14 8:08 Camillus NY 208 Morgan Bulman 29 F# 41 17/202 F18-29 24:56 8:02 25:47 8:18 New York NY 209 Adam Misener 31 M#168 29/131 M30-39 24:57 8:02 26:02 8:23 Cicero NY 210 David Salbert 31 M#169 30/131 M30-39 25:00 8:03 25:45 8:18 Boxborough MA 211 William Prior 14 M#170 46/144 M01-17 25:01 8:04 25:45 8:17 Camillus NY 212 Jack Hunter 20 M#171 66/162 M18-29 25:02 8:04 25:34 8:14 Liverpool NY 213 Michael Tamilia 61 M#172 8/39 M60-69 25:02 8:04 25:14 8:08 Fayetteville NY 214 Isaac Murchie 49 M#173 15/105 M40-49 25:03 8:04 25:27 8:12 Cicero NY 215 Mike Dickter 56 M#174 9/85 M50-59 25:03 8:04 25:44 8:17 Baldwinsville NY 216 Kendra Krichbaum 52 F# 42 1/109 F50-59 25:04 8:04 25:45 8:17 East Syracuse NY 217 Jessica Klymkow 29 F# 43 18/202 F18-29 25:04 8:04 28:23 9:08 Liverpool NY 218 Lauren Riihinen 20 F# 44 19/202 F18-29 25:10 8:06 25:30 8:13 Minoa NY 219 Parker Reynolds 12 M#175 47/144 M01-17 25:12 8:07 26:27 8:31 Clay NY 220 Kim Hunter 50 F# 45 2/109 F50-59 25:12 8:07 25:33 8:14 Iiverpool NY 221 Julia Atwater 27 F# 46 20/202 F18-29 25:13 8:07 25:31 8:13 Liverpool NY 222 Matthew Hann 13 M#176 48/144 M01-17 25:14 8:08 25:31 8:13 Poughkeepsie NY 223 Connor Boyle 17 M#177 49/144 M01-17 25:17 8:09 25:50 8:19 Liverpool NY 224 Layla Afzal 20 F# 47 21/202 F18-29 25:18 8:09 26:07 8:25 Gwynedd PA 225 Cameron Sisk 16 F# 48 9/113 F01-17 25:19 8:09 25:52 8:20 Liverpool NY 226 Hannah Boyle 19 F# 49 22/202 F18-29 25:19 8:09 25:52 8:20 Liverpool NY 227 Jeremy Hall 36 M#178 31/131 M30-39 25:19 8:09 26:37 8:34 Liverpool NY 228 Lindsey Mould 33 F# 50 12/209 F30-39 25:20 8:09 26:16 8:28 Central Square NY 229 Kara Edwards 14 F# 51 10/113 F01-17 25:20 8:09 26:23 8:30 Liverpool NY 230 Dante Quilty 24 M#179 67/162 M18-29 25:20 8:10 25:35 8:14 Liverpool NY 231 Colin Brazell 35 M#180 32/131 M30-39 25:21 8:10 26:28 8:32 Syracuse NY 232 Thomas Lavalle 15 M#181 50/144 M01-17 25:22 8:10 25:24 8:11 Liverpool NY 233 Eva Lukacs 15 F# 52 11/113 F01-17 25:23 8:10 25:25 8:11 Camillus NY 234 Matthew Renk 25 M#182 68/162 M18-29 25:24 8:11 27:49 8:58 Auburn NY 235 Taylor Mulherin 36 M#183 33/131 M30-39 25:25 8:11 26:47 8:38 New York NY 236 Brady Parker 10 M#184 51/144 M01-17 25:25 8:11 26:47 8:38 Framingham MA 237 Ashley Goss 12 F# 53 12/113 F01-17 25:25 8:11 25:30 8:13 Liverpool NY 238 Alexander Ferenti 34 M#185 34/131 M30-39 25:26 8:12 26:22 8:29 Liverpool NY 239 Kyle Sluzar 36 M#186 35/131 M30-39 25:27 8:12 26:20 8:29 Marietta GA 240 Eli Breindel 13 M#187 52/144 M01-17 25:27 8:12 25:54 8:20 Brewerton NY 241 Alex Klymkow 32 M#188 36/131 M30-39 25:28 8:12 28:47 9:16 Liverpool NY 242 Emma Farmer 22 F# 54 23/202 F18-29 25:28 8:12 26:18 8:28 Camillus NY 243 Brian Farmer 61 M#189 9/39 M60-69 25:28 8:12 26:18 8:28 Camillus NY 244 Jack Baron 19 M#190 69/162 M18-29 25:29 8:13 26:44 8:37 Bayport NY 245 Janet Murphy 55 F# 55 3/109 F50-59 25:29 8:13 25:49 8:19 Auroraaurora NY 246 Connor Dillon 27 M#191 70/162 M18-29 25:30 8:13 26:38 8:35 Syracuse NY 247 Sydney Baron 22 F# 56 24/202 F18-29 25:30 8:13 26:44 8:37 Bayport NY 248 Kylie Jones 22 F# 57 25/202 F18-29 25:30 8:13 26:52 8:39 Oswego NY 249 Kacie Yearout 32 F# 58 13/209 F30-39 25:30 8:13 26:37 8:34 Washington DC 250 Andrew Daly 37 M#192 37/131 M30-39 25:31 8:13 26:29 8:32 Liverpool NY 251 Rene Gomez 23 F# 59 26/202 F18-29 25:32 8:13 26:35 8:34 Syracuse NY 252 Alison Ashe 48 F# 60 5/142 F40-49 25:33 8:14 26:02 8:23 Sarasota FL 253 Benjamin Peet 31 M#193 38/131 M30-39 25:34 8:14 26:40 8:35 Liverpool NY 254 Robert Sterbank 35 M#194 39/131 M30-39 25:34 8:14 26:42 8:36 Syracuse NY 255 Jeff Conley 46 M#195 16/105 M40-49 25:34 8:14 27:20 8:48 Syracuse NY 256 Brenda Abelgore 50 F# 61 4/109 F50-59 25:36 8:15 25:41 8:16 Fulton NY 257 Angelina Argese 31 F# 62 14/209 F30-39 25:39 8:16 27:35 8:53 Syracuse NY 258 Anthony Callisto 30 M#196 40/131 M30-39 25:41 8:16 29:29 9:30 Jamesville NY 259 Woody Woodworth 69 M#197 10/39 M60-69 25:42 8:16 25:55 8:21 Chittenango NY 260 Lorie Ann Voight 58 F# 63 5/109 F50-59 25:42 8:17 26:45 8:37 Syracuse NY 261 Charlotte Cruz 25 F# 64 27/202 F18-29 25:45 8:18 26:27 8:31 Fairfax VA 262 Nathan Cruz 27 M#198 71/162 M18-29 25:45 8:18 26:27 8:31 Fairfax VA 263 Keaton Thiel 24 M#199 72/162 M18-29 25:47 8:18 28:16 9:06 Jamesville NY 264 Brian Walsh 31 M#200 41/131 M30-39 25:47 8:18 26:53 8:40 Washington DC 265 Alex Conway 28 M#201 73/162 M18-29 25:47 8:18 26:37 8:34 Astoria NY 266 Danielle Torrance 32 F# 65 15/209 F30-39 25:47 8:18 27:09 8:44 Syracuse NY 267 Benjamin Przepiora 33 M#202 42/131 M30-39 25:48 8:19 26:38 8:35 Baldwinsville NY 268 Kaz Kiguchi 16 M#203 53/144 M01-17 25:49 8:19 26:17 8:28 Oreland PA 269 Lillian Deuerlein 13 F# 66 13/113 F01-17 25:50 8:19 26:19 8:29 Corning NY 270 Trevor Selig 18 M#204 74/162 M18-29 25:50 8:19 26:18 8:28 Liverpool NY 271 Olivia Cook 17 F# 67 14/113 F01-17 25:53 8:20 26:51 8:39 Lebanon NH 272 Owen Murphy 11 M#205 54/144 M01-17 25:54 8:20 26:19 8:29 Cicero NY 273 Kaylah Mann 28 F# 68 28/202 F18-29 25:54 8:21 26:10 8:26 Liverpool NY 274 Alannah Edwards 16 F# 69 15/113 F01-17 25:54 8:21 26:58 8:41 Liverpool NY 275 Skylar Rogers 18 F# 70 29/202 F18-29 25:54 8:21 26:03 8:24 Syracuse NY 276 Melissa De Brino 49 F# 71 6/142 F40-49 25:57 8:21 26:26 8:31 Ridgefield CT 277 Polly Heininger 49 F# 72 7/142 F40-49 25:57 8:22 27:03 8:43 Charlotte VT 278 Ted Lenio 73 M#206 1/14 M70+ 25:58 8:22 26:17 8:28 Rome NY 279 Colin Byrnes 20 M#207 75/162 M18-29 25:59 8:22 26:21 8:29 N Syracuse NY 280 Paul Gellert 55 M#208 10/85 M50-59 25:59 8:22 27:13 8:46 Liverpool NY 281 Jenna Lallier 25 F# 73 30/202 F18-29 26:00 8:23 26:34 8:33 Syracuse NY 282 Kate Lester 23 F# 74 31/202 F18-29 26:01 8:23 26:42 8:36 Belmont MA 283 Sean McIndoo 51 M#209 11/85 M50-59 26:01 8:23 28:12 9:05 Framingham MA 284 William Wylie 44 M#210 17/105 M40-49 26:01 8:23 28:09 9:04 Jamesville NY 285 Elizabeth Osucha 34 F# 75 16/209 F30-39 26:04 8:24 26:22 8:30 Alden NY 286 Aaron Petty 53 M#211 12/85 M50-59 26:05 8:24 26:32 8:33 Liverpool NY 287 Brandon Boncella 23 M#212 76/162 M18-29 26:06 8:24 26:41 8:36 Bernhards Bay NY 288 Gavin Flanagan 14 M#213 55/144 M01-17 26:08 8:25 26:58 8:41 Warners NY 289 Brian Reynolds 33 M#214 43/131 M30-39 26:09 8:25 27:35 8:53 Brooklyn NY 290 Mark Gucciardi 54 M#215 13/85 M50-59 26:12 8:26 26:45 8:37 Syracusesyracuse NY 291 Karen Auffhammer 55 F# 76 6/109 F50-59 26:14 8:27 27:01 8:42 Liverpool NY 292 Nathan Flask 29 M#216 77/162 M18-29 26:17 8:28 27:44 8:56 Syracuse NY 293 Ethan Wojcik 32 M#217 44/131 M30-39 26:17 8:28 27:05 8:43 Peekskill NY 294 Michael Jacob 48 M#218 18/105 M40-49 26:18 8:28 26:50 8:39 North Syracuse NY 295 Brittany Ellis 32 F# 77 17/209 F30-39 26:19 8:29 27:21 8:48 Liverpool NY 296 Megan Farmer 24 F# 78 32/202 F18-29 26:20 8:29 27:10 8:45 Camillus NY 297 Coreen Steinbach 72 F# 79 1/9 F70+ 26:20 8:29 26:35 8:34 Pompey NY 298 Zack Zoanetti 23 M#219 78/162 M18-29 26:21 8:29 26:52 8:39 Warners NY 299 Carey Mielnicki 31 M#220 45/131 M30-39 26:21 8:29 27:10 8:45 Marcellus NY 300 Rob Claypoole 52 M#221 14/85 M50-59 26:21 8:29 26:42 8:36 Alpharetta GA 301 Sophia Hoffman 16 F# 80 16/113 F01-17 26:23 8:30 27:28 8:51 Syracuse NY 302 Kevin Hart 40 M#222 19/105 M40-49 26:23 8:30 28:12 9:05 Liverpool NY 303 Dan Amedro 42 M#223 20/105 M40-49 26:25 8:30 27:25 8:50 Warners NY 304 Erin Lawlor 31 F# 81 18/209 F30-39 26:25 8:31 27:08 8:44 Southington CT 305 James Springall 17 M#224 56/144 M01-17 26:25 8:31 28:26 9:10 Liverpool NY 306 Zach Amedro 11 M#225 57/144 M01-17 26:26 8:31 27:26 8:50 Warners NY 307 Rachel Evans 17 F# 82 17/113 F01-17 26:26 8:31 28:24 9:09 Syracuse NY 308 Meghan Evans 24 F# 83 33/202 F18-29 26:27 8:31 28:24 9:09 Syracuse NY 309 Katherine Evans 21 F# 84 34/202 F18-29 26:27 8:31 28:24 9:09 Syracuse NY 310 Giovanni Bowman 15 M#226 58/144 M01-17 26:28 8:31 26:44 8:36 Liverpool NY 311 Lauren Wright 13 F# 85 18/113 F01-17 26:29 8:32 27:27 8:50 Liverpool NY 312 Cara Buffaloe 23 F# 86 35/202 F18-29 26:29 8:32 26:55 8:40 Minoa NY 313 Sarah Wetsig 37 F# 87 19/209 F30-39 26:30 8:32 27:34 8:53 Central Square NY 314 Jason Clark 44 M#227 21/105 M40-49 26:31 8:32 27:56 9:00 Fulton NY 315 Scott Ireton 51 M#228 15/85 M50-59 26:34 8:34 29:19 9:26 Liverpool NY 316 Ross Insalaco 30 M#229 46/131 M30-39 26:35 8:34 27:40 8:55 Liverpool NY 317 Evan Woodburn 11 M#230 59/144 M01-17 26:36 8:34 26:48 8:38 Liverpool NY 318 Jonathan Kern 32 M#231 47/131 M30-39 26:36 8:34 27:30 8:51 Cleveland OH 319 Yanira Lauzon 32 F# 88 20/209 F30-39 26:37 8:34 27:15 8:47 Blainville QC 320 Zackary White 25 M#232 79/162 M18-29 26:38 8:35 27:01 8:42 Syracuse NY 321 Joseph Melfi 26 M#233 80/162 M18-29 26:38 8:35 27:01 8:42 Liverpool NY 322 Nancy Raicht 48 F# 89 8/142 F40-49 26:41 8:36 27:15 8:47 Marcellus NY 323 Aiden Gagne 19 F# 90 36/202 F18-29 26:41 8:36 28:02 9:02 Liverpool NY 324 Julia Rupp 22 F# 91 37/202 F18-29 26:43 8:36 27:52 8:59 Liverpool NY 325 Marcel Biodrowicz 26 M#234 81/162 M18-29 26:45 8:37 28:31 9:11 Syracuse NY 326 Tara Hodson 30 F# 92 21/209 F30-39 26:45 8:37 27:51 8:58 Middletown NJ 327 Matt McArdle 38 M#235 48/131 M30-39 26:47 8:38 27:48 8:57 Syracuse NY 328 Mark Brescia 43 M#236 22/105 M40-49 26:48 8:38 27:54 8:59 Syracuse NY 329 Nicholas Della Pelle 34 M#237 49/131 M30-39 26:50 8:38 27:22 8:49 Rockville Centre NY 330 Michael Seliger 59 M#238 16/85 M50-59 26:51 8:39 28:25 9:09 Cicero NY 331 Ej Bloomer 12 F# 93 19/113 F01-17 26:52 8:39 27:23 8:49 Syracuse NY 332 Zack Bloomer 46 M#239 23/105 M40-49 26:54 8:40 27:25 8:50 Syracuse NY 333 Nick Ventrone 34 M#240 50/131 M30-39 26:55 8:40 28:28 9:10 Liverpooll NY 334 Thomas Hodson 32 M#241 51/131 M30-39 26:56 8:41 28:01 9:01 Middletown NJ 335 Amelia Zumbuhl 20 F# 94 38/202 F18-29 26:59 8:41 27:46 8:57 West Point NY 336 Cheryl Cook 44 F# 95 9/142 F40-49 26:59 8:41 28:45 9:16 North Syracuse NY 337 Todd Finney 46 M#242 24/105 M40-49 27:02 8:42 28:50 9:17 Syracuse NY 338 Alexander Sindone 19 M#243 82/162 M18-29 27:04 8:43 28:21 9:08 Liverpool NY 339 Mak Kiguchi 13 M#244 60/144 M01-17 27:05 8:43 28:11 9:05 Oreland PA 340 Theodore Maniko 10 M#245 61/144 M01-17 27:08 8:44 29:00 9:20 Washington DC 341 Brian Worden 44 M#246 25/105 M40-49 27:08 8:44 27:34 8:53 Liverpool NY 342 Isabella Commesso 20 F# 96 39/202 F18-29 27:08 8:44 30:06 9:42 Syracuse NY 343 Alison Ellsworth 44 F# 97 10/142 F40-49 27:10 8:45 27:54 8:59 Ciero NY 344 Kevin Mullen 50 M#247 17/85 M50-59 27:10 8:45 27:52 8:58 Syracuse NY 345 Alexa Kosalek 27 F# 98 40/202 F18-29 27:11 8:45 29:23 9:28 Colebrook NH 346 Alexa D'Eredita 32 F# 99 22/209 F30-39 27:13 8:46 28:03 9:02 Baldwinsville NY 347 Jennifer Sterbank 30 F#100 23/209 F30-39 27:13 8:46 28:23 9:08 Syracuse NY 348 Andrew Whitlock 36 M#248 52/131 M30-39 27:13 8:46 28:35 9:12 Liverpool NY 349 Patrick Judd 59 M#249 18/85 M50-59 27:18 8:47 28:59 9:20 Liverpool NY 350 Christina Della Pelle 33 F#101 24/209 F30-39 27:18 8:48 27:51 8:58 Rockville Centre NY 351 Guillermo Maldonado 52 M#250 19/85 M50-59 27:19 8:48 29:07 9:23 Syracuse NY 352 Adam Woodburn 46 M#251 26/105 M40-49 27:19 8:48 27:33 8:52 Liverpool NY 353 Brandon Lallier 24 M#252 83/162 M18-29 27:20 8:48 27:53 8:59 Syracuse NY 354 Logan Janis 13 M#253 62/144 M01-17 27:20 8:48 27:50 8:58 Rock City Falls NY 355 Chris Denman 38 M#254 53/131 M30-39 27:20 8:48 28:20 9:08 Syracuse NY 356 Bevan Moscovici 46 F#102 11/142 F40-49 27:21 8:48 28:26 9:09 Oreland PA 357 Colton Denman 11 M#255 63/144 M01-17 27:21 8:48 28:21 9:08 Syracuse NY 358 Allison Janis 44 F#103 12/142 F40-49 27:21 8:48 27:50 8:58 Rock City Falls NY 359 Braeden Armbrust 14 M#256 64/144 M01-17 27:22 8:49 28:13 9:05 Syracuse NY 360 Nicole Maether 38 F#104 25/209 F30-39 27:23 8:49 27:47 8:57 Brewerton NY 361 Stephanie Degennaro 29 F#105 41/202 F18-29 27:29 8:51 28:56 9:19 Syracusedewitt NY 362 Elizabeth Conklin 29 F#106 42/202 F18-29 27:30 8:51 28:25 9:09 Liverpool NY 363 Jason Ramie 50 M#257 20/85 M50-59 27:30 8:52 30:22 9:47 Liverpool NY 364 John Drogo 28 M#258 84/162 M18-29 27:31 8:52 28:56 9:19 East Syracuse NY 365 Jane Putnam 20 F#107 43/202 F18-29 27:32 8:52 28:39 9:14 Ithaca NY 366 Matthew Wells 50 M#259 21/85 M50-59 27:32 8:52 30:23 9:47 Liverpool NY 367 Natalie Mannion 31 F#108 26/209 F30-39 27:33 8:52 28:59 9:20 Brooklyn NY 368 Patrick Nappi 33 M#260 54/131 M30-39 27:33 8:52 28:40 9:14 Syracuse NY 369 Jaclyn Lawrence 33 F#109 27/209 F30-39 27:33 8:52 28:09 9:04 Cortland NY 370 Alisha Jenks 33 F#110 28/209 F30-39 27:36 8:53 29:05 9:22 Brewerton NY 371 Greg Dekanski 29 M#261 85/162 M18-29 27:36 8:53 30:02 9:40 Palm Harbor FL 372 Adelaide Atherton 13 F#111 20/113 F01-17 27:37 8:54 29:01 9:21 Baldwinsville NY 373 Brayden Lapp 11 M#262 65/144 M01-17 27:38 8:54 28:48 9:16 Liverpool NY 374 David Piraino 32 M#263 55/131 M30-39 27:38 8:54 28:31 9:11 Buffalo NY 375 Michael Burns 62 M#264 11/39 M60-69 27:39 8:54 27:51 8:58 Syracuse NY 376 Bryan Knapick 33 M#265 56/131 M30-39 27:39 8:54 28:40 9:14 Liverpool NY 377 Alexander Olson 24 M#266 86/162 M18-29 27:39 8:54 29:13 9:25 Syracuse NY 378 Leo Legard 8 M#267 66/144 M01-17 27:43 8:56 28:35 9:12 Williamstown NY 379 Anthony Johnson 55 M#268 22/85 M50-59 27:43 8:56 28:26 9:09 Severn MD 380 Thomas Jones 71 M#269 2/14 M70+ 27:43 8:56 27:50 8:58 Liverpool NY 381 Kathy Putnam 56 F#112 7/109 F50-59 27:44 8:56 28:52 9:18 Ithaca NY 382 Noel Orozco 29 M#270 87/162 M18-29 27:45 8:56 28:23 9:08 Syracusesyracuse NY 383 Kahlei Reisinger 25 F#113 44/202 F18-29 27:45 8:56 28:23 9:08 Syracusesyracuse NY 384 Danielle Dattler 23 F#114 45/202 F18-29 27:45 8:56 28:46 9:16 Clay NY 385 Brian Guntharp 27 M#271 88/162 M18-29 27:46 8:56 28:46 9:16 Syracuse NY 386 Kevin Koval 38 M#272 57/131 M30-39 27:46 8:57 28:45 9:16 Cicero NY 387 Patrick Judd 34 M#273 58/131 M30-39 27:47 8:57 29:23 9:28 Baldwinsville NY 388 Timothy Pethybridge 41 M#274 27/105 M40-49 27:47 8:57 28:49 9:17 Liverpool NY 389 Corina Pignatti 35 F#115 29/209 F30-39 27:47 8:57 28:43 9:15 Buffalo NY 390 Hannah McQuatters 19 F#116 46/202 F18-29 27:47 8:57 29:12 9:24 Liverpool NY 391 Marisa Cline 17 F#117 21/113 F01-17 27:48 8:57 28:21 9:08 Westford MA 392 Jesus Mancilla 42 M#275 28/105 M40-49 27:49 8:57 28:32 9:11 Syracuse NY 393 Tom Michlovitch 55 M#276 23/85 M50-59 27:50 8:58 29:24 9:28 East Syracuse NY 394 Jayanna Monds 24 F#118 47/202 F18-29 27:51 8:58 28:32 9:12 Syracuse NY 395 David Putnam 56 M#277 24/85 M50-59 27:52 8:59 28:39 9:14 Ithaca NY 396 Emma Lester 25 F#119 48/202 F18-29 27:53 8:59 29:07 9:23 Belmont MA 397 Cassie Cooper 25 F#120 49/202 F18-29 27:53 8:59 28:28 9:10 Liverpool NY 398 Thomas Horth 48 M#278 29/105 M40-49 27:53 8:59 28:55 9:19 Syracuse NY 399 Albert Zumbuhl 55 M#279 25/85 M50-59 27:55 9:00 28:42 9:15 Syracuse NY 400 Jeannine Malay 33 F#121 30/209 F30-39 27:56 9:00 29:15 9:25 Tampa FL 401 Lynette Cunningham 56 F#122 8/109 F50-59 27:56 9:00 29:32 9:31 Syracuse NY 402 Lindsey Cunningham 22 F#123 50/202 F18-29 27:57 9:00 29:32 9:31 Syracuse NY 403 Mitch Rein 27 M#280 89/162 M18-29 27:58 9:01 30:04 9:41 Baldwinsville NY 404 Manisha Stucker 41 F#124 13/142 F40-49 28:02 9:02 28:34 9:12 Sayville NY 405 Brian Meaker 40 M#281 30/105 M40-49 28:03 9:02 29:50 9:36 Liverpool NY 406 Meredith Barrett 23 F#125 51/202 F18-29 28:03 9:02 30:54 9:57 Camillus NY 407 Rebecca Gellert 50 F#126 9/109 F50-59 28:03 9:02 30:12 9:43 Liverpool NY 408 Trevor Stahrr 20 M#282 90/162 M18-29 28:04 9:02 29:16 9:26 Syracuse NY 409 Chelsea Mosher 28 F#127 52/202 F18-29 28:07 9:03 28:40 9:14 Camden NY 410 Kaitlyn Deuerlein 9 F#128 22/113 F01-17 28:07 9:03 30:42 9:53 Corning NY 411 Lena Smith 15 F#129 23/113 F01-17 28:08 9:04 29:15 9:25 Charlotte VT 412 Peter Ritter 45 M#283 31/105 M40-49 28:10 9:04 29:22 9:28 Dedham MA 413 Allyson Muehlemann 31 F#130 31/209 F30-39 28:10 9:04 29:39 9:33 Liverpool NY 414 McKinley Childers 14 M#284 67/144 M01-17 28:10 9:04 29:10 9:24 Brewerton NY 415 Daniel Muehlemann 27 M#285 91/162 M18-29 28:10 9:04 29:39 9:33 Liverpool NY 416 Monica Devereaux 31 F#131 32/209 F30-39 28:10 9:04 29:04 9:22 Marietta GA 417 Hakeem Afzal 18 M#286 92/162 M18-29 28:10 9:04 28:58 9:20 North Wales PA 418 Tommy Abelgore 52 M#287 26/85 M50-59 28:11 9:05 28:52 9:18 Fulton NY 419 Cindy Smith 57 F#132 10/109 F50-59 28:12 9:05 30:29 9:49 Camillus NY 420 Karinn Abraham 41 F#133 14/142 F40-49 28:13 9:05 28:21 9:08 Syracuse NY 421 Isabella Jones 19 F#134 53/202 F18-29 28:14 9:05 29:50 9:36 Syracuse NY 422 Beatrize Gurgol 18 F#135 54/202 F18-29 28:14 9:05 29:25 9:28 Clay NY 423 Michelle Barrett 34 F#136 33/209 F30-39 28:15 9:06 28:59 9:20 Natick MA 424 Natalie Jones 27 F#137 55/202 F18-29 28:15 9:06 29:50 9:36 Syracuse NY 425 Brianna Stahrr 26 F#138 56/202 F18-29 28:17 9:07 29:31 9:30 Syracuse NY 426 Alyssa Stahrr 26 F#139 57/202 F18-29 28:17 9:07 29:30 9:30 Syracuse NY 427 Peter Jones 56 M#288 27/85 M50-59 28:19 9:07 29:56 9:38 Syracuse NY 428 Katie Springall 14 F#140 24/113 F01-17 28:22 9:08 30:23 9:47 Liverpool NY 429 Geoff Lloyd 16 M#289 68/144 M01-17 28:22 9:08 29:01 9:21 Jamesville NY 430 Drew Brooks 27 M#290 93/162 M18-29 28:22 9:08 31:41 10:12 Brewerton NY 431 James Blenn 53 M#291 28/85 M50-59 28:22 9:08 30:11 9:43 Brewerton NY 432 William Radford 15 M#292 69/144 M01-17 28:22 9:08 29:09 9:23 Syracuse NY 433 Sarah Matzal 55 F#141 11/109 F50-59 28:23 9:08 29:03 9:21 Syracuse NY 434 Leighana Woodard 35 F#142 34/209 F30-39 28:23 9:08 29:52 9:37 Central Square NY 435 Eliza Samchisen 35 F#143 35/209 F30-39 28:25 9:09 29:44 9:35 Syracuse NY 436 Ben Miles 11 M#293 70/144 M01-17 28:25 9:09 29:43 9:34 Liverpool NY 437 Ashley Holmes 30 F#144 36/209 F30-39 28:26 9:10 30:05 9:41 Liverpool NY 438 Tyrese Watson 24 M#294 94/162 M18-29 28:27 9:10 29:53 9:38 Syracuse NY 439 Jason Omelia 43 M#295 32/105 M40-49 28:27 9:10 30:26 9:48 Manlius NY 440 Christian Maloney 23 M#296 95/162 M18-29 28:28 9:10 29:54 9:38 Syracuse NY 441 Maya Mancilla 12 F#145 25/113 F01-17 28:29 9:10 29:12 9:24 Syracuse NY 442 Mike Kelly 39 M#297 59/131 M30-39 28:31 9:11 33:05 10:39 Liverpool NY 443 Justin Hale 47 M#298 33/105 M40-49 28:31 9:11 33:05 10:39 Camillus NY 444 Jennifer Sherbourne 42 F#146 15/142 F40-49 28:32 9:11 30:16 9:45 Cicero NY 445 Dennis Ryan 52 M#299 29/85 M50-59 28:33 9:12 29:47 9:35 Liverpool NY 446 Christopher Legard 42 M#300 34/105 M40-49 28:36 9:13 29:28 9:29 Williamstown NY 447 Scott Schneider 46 M#301 35/105 M40-49 28:38 9:13 33:12 10:42 Liverpool NY 448 Marly Francois 34 F#147 37/209 F30-39 28:38 9:13 29:27 9:29 Syracuse NY 449 Jeffrey Ritchie 34 M#302 60/131 M30-39 28:39 9:14 29:49 9:36 Syracuse NY 450 Levi Jennings 14 M#303 71/144 M01-17 28:42 9:15 28:55 9:19 Baldwinsville NY 451 Moxie Edwards 10 F#148 26/113 F01-17 28:43 9:15 29:04 9:22 Syracuse NY 452 Kevan Edwards 50 M#304 30/85 M50-59 28:44 9:15 29:05 9:22 Syracuse NY 453 Vivian Goodeve 15 F#149 27/113 F01-17 28:45 9:16 29:28 9:30 Liverpool NY 454 Steve Dolan 50 M#305 31/85 M50-59 28:47 9:16 29:41 9:33 Liverpool NY 455 Kristen Moryl 47 F#150 16/142 F40-49 28:47 9:16 30:04 9:41 Liverpool NY 456 Meghana Reddy 16 F#151 28/113 F01-17 28:48 9:17 29:24 9:28 Jamesville NY 457 Angelic Wright 45 F#152 17/142 F40-49 28:48 9:17 29:48 9:36 Liverpool NY 458 Cara Woznica 32 F#153 38/209 F30-39 28:49 9:17 28:56 9:19 Cicero NY 459 Norah Kirch 17 F#154 29/113 F01-17 28:50 9:17 29:25 9:28 Fayetteville NY 460 James Baldwin 15 M#306 72/144 M01-17 28:52 9:18 30:41 9:53 Syracuse NY 461 Ryan Manard 12 M#307 73/144 M01-17 28:53 9:18 30:24 9:47 Syracuse NY 462 Tom Laszlo 24 M#308 96/162 M18-29 28:53 9:18 29:48 9:36 Syracuse NY 463 Ryan Miller 43 M#309 36/105 M40-49 28:53 9:18 29:57 9:39 Liverpool NY 464 Jim Brescia 50 M#310 32/85 M50-59 28:55 9:19 30:00 9:40 Centreville VA 465 Dakota Windhausen 12 F#155 30/113 F01-17 28:55 9:19 29:57 9:39 Cato NY 466 Sofia Claypoole 19 F#156 58/202 F18-29 28:55 9:19 29:36 9:32 Alpharetta GA 467 Elsie Claypoole 14 F#157 31/113 F01-17 28:55 9:19 29:36 9:32 Alpharetta GA 468 Daniel Zinger 32 M#311 61/131 M30-39 28:55 9:19 31:51 10:16 Boston MA 469 Jessica Windhausen 46 F#158 18/142 F40-49 28:55 9:19 29:58 9:39 Cato NY 470 Sean St. Pierre 51 M#312 33/85 M50-59 28:56 9:19 29:53 9:37 Clifton Springs NY 471 Amy Landry 47 F#159 19/142 F40-49 28:56 9:19 30:00 9:40 Centreville VA 472 Justin Silvia 38 M#313 62/131 M30-39 28:57 9:19 29:41 9:34 Liverpool NY 473 Luke Lukacs 46 M#314 37/105 M40-49 28:57 9:19 29:01 9:21 Syracuse NY 474 Fred Perry 40 M#315 38/105 M40-49 28:57 9:19 30:44 9:54 Liverpool NY 475 Molly Gucciardi 14 F#160 32/113 F01-17 28:59 9:20 31:45 10:13 Syracusesyracuse NY 476 Allison Ayotte 44 F#161 20/142 F40-49 28:59 9:20 31:24 10:07 Fulton NY 477 James Hougland 47 M#316 39/105 M40-49 29:00 9:20 30:44 9:54 Fayetteville NY 478 Kim Fuller 41 F#162 21/142 F40-49 29:00 9:20 30:18 9:46 Syracuse NY 479 Gretchen Byrnes 15 F#163 33/113 F01-17 29:01 9:21 29:22 9:27 N Syracuse NY 480 Nolan Palsma 68 M#317 12/39 M60-69 29:03 9:21 30:13 9:44 Liverpool NY 481 Kathy Stewart 59 F#164 12/109 F50-59 29:03 9:21 29:57 9:39 Greensburg PA 482 Lisa Brancato 51 F#165 13/109 F50-59 29:03 9:21 29:26 9:29 Liverpool NY 483 Parker Gallagher 13 M#318 74/144 M01-17 29:04 9:22 30:42 9:53 Saratoga Springs NY 484 Chris Bianchi 41 M#319 40/105 M40-49 29:05 9:22 29:31 9:30 Syracuse NY 485 Alex Bosco 11 M#320 75/144 M01-17 29:05 9:22 30:00 9:40 Clay NY 486 Tom Rapke 42 M#321 41/105 M40-49 29:05 9:22 29:33 9:31 Baldwinsville NY 487 Addison Bosco 16 F#166 34/113 F01-17 29:06 9:22 30:01 9:40 Clay NY 488 Joshua Douglas 24 M#322 97/162 M18-29 29:10 9:24 29:49 9:36 Fabius NY 489 Michelle McPeak 17 F#167 35/113 F01-17 29:12 9:24 29:49 9:36 Fayetteville NY 490 Anna Smith 17 F#168 36/113 F01-17 29:12 9:24 29:49 9:36 Syracuse NY 491 Sloan Willey 13 F#169 37/113 F01-17 29:12 9:24 30:16 9:45 Denton MD 492 Danish Bukhari 30 M#323 63/131 M30-39 29:13 9:24 30:01 9:40 Syracuse NY 493 Cathy Carter 51 F#170 14/109 F50-59 29:16 9:26 30:03 9:41 Jamesville NY 494 Abigail Rosaschi 20 F#171 59/202 F18-29 29:17 9:26 32:04 10:20 Monroe NY 495 Moby Edwards 13 M#324 76/144 M01-17 29:19 9:27 29:39 9:33 Syracuse NY 496 Josh Tarolli 36 M#325 64/131 M30-39 29:20 9:27 31:43 10:13 Fulton NY 497 Mary Radford 50 F#172 15/109 F50-59 29:21 9:27 30:09 9:42 Syracuse NY 498 Odin Randall 10 M#326 77/144 M01-17 29:22 9:28 31:48 10:14 Marcellus NY 499 Sally Fisher 44 F#173 22/142 F40-49 29:23 9:28 32:45 10:33 Jamesville NY 500 Dan Cadden 49 M#327 42/105 M40-49 29:24 9:28 30:17 9:45 Syracuse NY 501 Joseph Gibbons 55 M#328 34/85 M50-59 29:24 9:28 30:40 9:53 Liverpool NY 502 Benjamin Owens 12 M#329 78/144 M01-17 29:24 9:28 31:26 10:07 Chittenango NY 503 Gregory Stahrr 56 M#330 35/85 M50-59 29:24 9:28 30:37 9:52 Syracuse NY 504 Natalie Venesky 19 F#174 60/202 F18-29 29:25 9:28 32:22 10:25 Liverpool NY 505 Bruce Wilcox 57 M#331 36/85 M50-59 29:26 9:29 29:54 9:38 Oneida NY 506 Thomas Kennedy 50 M#332 37/85 M50-59 29:27 9:29 30:19 9:46 Syracuse NY 507 Jon Treichler 25 M#333 98/162 M18-29 29:28 9:29 32:53 10:35 Baldwinsville NY 508 Nedine Yagan 33 F#175 39/209 F30-39 29:28 9:29 29:51 9:37 Syracuse NY 509 James Petrella 58 M#334 38/85 M50-59 29:30 9:30 31:27 10:08 Liverpool NY 510 Amanda Terzian 38 F#176 40/209 F30-39 29:31 9:30 30:16 9:45 Fayetteville NY 511 Mitchell Michalak 30 M#335 65/131 M30-39 29:32 9:31 29:56 9:38 Cicero NY 512 Joseph Porcelli 61 M#336 13/39 M60-69 29:33 9:31 29:58 9:39 Boca Raton FL 513 Riley King 18 F#177 61/202 F18-29 29:33 9:31 31:58 10:18 Malden MA 514 Jessica Yam 29 F#178 62/202 F18-29 29:37 9:32 30:40 9:53 Herndon VA 515 Vincent Yam 31 M#337 66/131 M30-39 29:37 9:32 30:40 9:53 Herndon VA 516 Alex Bowman 16 M#338 79/144 M01-17 29:39 9:33 32:22 10:26 Hebron OH 517 Heather Feng 42 F#179 23/142 F40-49 29:41 9:33 32:48 10:34 Ambler PA 518 Leah Isgar 32 F#180 41/209 F30-39 29:42 9:34 31:11 10:02 Syracuse NY 519 Mike Conway 32 M#339 67/131 M30-39 29:42 9:34 30:34 9:51 Syracuse NY 520 Audrey Mahoney 12 F#181 38/113 F01-17 29:43 9:34 30:37 9:52 Syracuse NY 521 Kevin Mahoney 42 M#340 43/105 M40-49 29:45 9:35 30:38 9:52 Syracuse NY 522 Rich Ashe 58 M#341 39/85 M50-59 29:45 9:35 30:14 9:44 Sarasota FL 523 Edward Wioncek 42 M#342 44/105 M40-49 29:45 9:35 30:53 9:57 Liverpool NY 524 Thomas Dickinson 11 M#343 80/144 M01-17 29:45 9:35 30:02 9:40 Liverpool NY 525 Stephanie. Maturo 50 F#182 16/109 F50-59 29:46 9:35 31:53 10:16 Clay NY 526 Emma Maturo 20 F#183 63/202 F18-29 29:47 9:36 31:53 10:16 Clay NY 527 Nicholas Glovack 34 M#344 68/131 M30-39 29:48 9:36 30:28 9:49 Buffalo NY 528 Austin Dearborn 24 M#345 99/162 M18-29 29:50 9:36 31:04 10:00 Syracuse NY 529 Jessica Owens 47 F#184 24/142 F40-49 29:51 9:37 32:27 10:27 Chittenango NY 530 Kristiana Giang 34 F#185 42/209 F30-39 29:52 9:37 31:30 10:09 Baldwinsville NY 531 Michael Deuerlein 39 M#346 69/131 M30-39 29:55 9:38 30:23 9:47 Corning NY 532 Nora Cass 14 F#186 39/113 F01-17 29:55 9:38 32:04 10:20 Liverpool NY 533 Christine Hanley 34 F#187 43/209 F30-39 29:55 9:38 30:45 9:54 Liverpool NY 534 Jocelyn Sluzar 34 F#188 44/209 F30-39 29:56 9:38 30:53 9:57 Auburn NY 535 Linda Freeman 65 F#189 2/58 F60-69 29:58 9:39 31:14 10:04 Binghamton NY 536 Logan Herrmann 20 M#347 100/162 M18-29 29:58 9:39 33:30 10:47 Liverpool NY 537 Michael Merrifield 52 M#348 40/85 M50-59 29:59 9:40 32:02 10:19 Liverpool NY 538 Kendall Moyer 13 F#190 40/113 F01-17 30:00 9:40 30:31 9:50 Liverpool NY 539 Zoey Bangson 12 F#191 41/113 F01-17 30:00 9:40 30:31 9:50 Liverpool NY 540 Joshua Grauke 33 M#349 70/131 M30-39 30:01 9:40 31:20 10:05 Liverpool NY 541 Andi Grevelding 29 F#192 64/202 F18-29 30:02 9:40 31:10 10:02 Phoenix NY 542 Greg Hubers 33 M#350 71/131 M30-39 30:04 9:41 31:44 10:13 Liverpool NY 543 Jeff Hafner 59 M#351 41/85 M50-59 30:04 9:41 31:22 10:06 Silver Spring MD 544 Delaney Stahrr 22 F#193 65/202 F18-29 30:05 9:41 31:17 10:04 Syracuse NY 545 Sarah Talucci 33 F#194 45/209 F30-39 30:05 9:41 31:43 10:13 Syracuse NY 546 Morgan Mrozek 25 F#195 66/202 F18-29 30:07 9:42 32:19 10:24 Syracuse NY 547 Brittany Spagnola 35 F#196 46/209 F30-39 30:08 9:42 32:08 10:21 Syracuse NY 548 Ashley Sterling 29 F#197 67/202 F18-29 30:09 9:43 31:38 10:11 Cicero NY 549 Maria Lore 25 F#198 68/202 F18-29 30:09 9:43 32:23 10:26 Liverpool NY 550 Todd Torrance 39 M#352 72/131 M30-39 30:10 9:43 32:23 10:26 Syracuse NY 551 Elizabeth Besio 65 F#199 3/58 F60-69 30:10 9:43 32:19 10:25 Camillus NY 552 Erin Congel 45 F#200 25/142 F40-49 30:12 9:44 32:37 10:30 Syracuse NY 553 Dylan Rathbun 26 M#353 101/162 M18-29 30:12 9:44 31:58 10:18 Solvay NY 554 Madeline Keohane 12 F#201 42/113 F01-17 30:12 9:44 34:02 10:58 Liverpool NY 555 Kelly Harrington 31 F#202 47/209 F30-39 30:13 9:44 32:49 10:34 Evanston IL 556 Alexi Harrington 23 F#203 69/202 F18-29 30:14 9:44 32:50 10:34 New Paltz NY 557 Lisa Spadafore 36 F#204 48/209 F30-39 30:14 9:44 31:59 10:18 Liverpool NY 558 Anthony Congel 48 M#354 45/105 M40-49 30:14 9:44 32:38 10:31 Syracuse NY 559 Dabria Dawkins 18 F#205 70/202 F18-29 30:16 9:45 31:12 10:03 Syracuse NY 560 Ellee Judd 61 F#206 4/58 F60-69 30:16 9:45 31:30 10:09 Liverpool NY 561 Faith Eberst 20 F#207 71/202 F18-29 30:17 9:45 31:50 10:15 Syracuse NY 562 Pete Faes 44 M#355 46/105 M40-49 30:19 9:46 33:16 10:43 Liverpool NY 563 Mary Lisa Manning 43 F#208 26/142 F40-49 30:19 9:46 33:32 10:48 Jamesville NY 564 Christopher Tovern 42 M#356 47/105 M40-49 30:19 9:46 33:16 10:43 Liverpool NY 565 Eric Giang 38 M#357 73/131 M30-39 30:19 9:46 32:01 10:19 Brooklyn NY 566 Kate Dudley 35 F#209 49/209 F30-39 30:21 9:47 31:30 10:09 Syracuse NY 567 Danielle Cieply 39 F#210 50/209 F30-39 30:21 9:47 30:58 9:58 Camillus NY 568 Paul Rachetta 43 M#358 48/105 M40-49 30:22 9:47 30:48 9:55 Rockville MD 569 Brian Smith 44 M#359 49/105 M40-49 30:27 9:48 32:59 10:37 Chittenango NY 570 Alexandria Smith 17 F#211 43/113 F01-17 30:27 9:48 32:59 10:37 Chittenango NY 571 Violette Devendorf 11 F#212 44/113 F01-17 30:28 9:49 31:06 10:01 Syracuse NY 572 Gavin Vanslyke 15 M#360 81/144 M01-17 30:29 9:49 31:56 10:17 Clinton NY 573 Lauren Fossel 23 F#213 72/202 F18-29 30:29 9:49 31:07 10:01 Syracuse NY 574 Abby Capella 27 F#214 73/202 F18-29 30:30 9:49 32:16 10:24 Syracuse NY 575 Abby Birchenough 27 F#215 74/202 F18-29 30:31 9:50 32:39 10:31 Syracuse NY 576 Crystal Iannuzzi 36 F#216 51/209 F30-39 30:31 9:50 31:31 10:09 Clay NY 577 Kelly Winchell 46 F#217 27/142 F40-49 30:32 9:50 32:17 10:24 Syracuse NY 578 Melissa Cappelli 38 F#218 52/209 F30-39 30:33 9:50 32:24 10:26 Baldwinsville NY 579 Rob Tedd 26 M#361 102/162 M18-29 30:34 9:51 32:39 10:31 Baldwinsville NY 580 Nora McLaughlin-Lantry 61 F#219 5/58 F60-69 30:36 9:51 32:19 10:25 Syracuse NY 581 Matthew Vanslyke 46 M#362 50/105 M40-49 30:37 9:52 32:05 10:20 Clinton NY 582 Grace Eberst 23 F#220 75/202 F18-29 30:37 9:52 32:11 10:22 Syracuse NY 583 Laura Crittela 30 F#221 53/209 F30-39 30:37 9:52 32:27 10:27 Syracuse NY 584 Carol Robinson 66 F#222 6/58 F60-69 30:38 9:52 32:07 10:21 Syracuse NY 585 Jonathan Cimilluca 26 M#363 103/162 M18-29 30:38 9:52 32:44 10:33 Constantia NY 586 Daniel Sindone 51 M#364 42/85 M50-59 30:39 9:52 31:56 10:17 Liverpool NY 587 Joanna Tysko 38 F#223 54/209 F30-39 30:40 9:52 32:38 10:31 Simsbury CT 588 Alisa Salbert 23 F#224 76/202 F18-29 30:41 9:53 33:10 10:41 Syracuse NY 589 Mason Kennedy 21 M#365 104/162 M18-29 30:41 9:53 33:18 10:44 New Paltz NY 590 Patrick Wrobel 71 M#366 3/14 M70+ 30:42 9:53 31:57 10:17 Seneca Falls NY 591 Jessica Salbert 29 F#225 77/202 F18-29 30:45 9:54 33:13 10:42 Hoboken NJ 592 Joseph Schuler 26 M#367 105/162 M18-29 30:45 9:54 32:53 10:35 Liverpool NY 593 Areana Town 13 F#226 45/113 F01-17 30:46 9:54 33:40 10:50 Baldwinsville NY 594 Kayleigh Camerota 28 F#227 78/202 F18-29 30:47 9:55 32:54 10:36 Baldwinsville NY 595 Kennedy Moore 25 F#228 79/202 F18-29 30:50 9:56 31:47 10:14 Liverpool NY 596 Kristina Moore 24 F#229 80/202 F18-29 30:51 9:56 31:46 10:14 Liverpool NY 597 Marg Sammarco Moore 60 F#230 7/58 F60-69 30:51 9:56 31:47 10:14 Liverpool NY 598 Nicholas Jacopelle 47 M#368 51/105 M40-49 30:52 9:56 35:04 11:18 Liverpool NY 599 Addison Burt 16 F#231 46/113 F01-17 30:53 9:57 33:30 10:47 Liverpool NY 600 Jeremy Scuderi 41 M#369 52/105 M40-49 30:53 9:57 33:34 10:49 Liverpool NY 601 Taylor McCoy 17 F#232 47/113 F01-17 30:54 9:57 33:31 10:48 Liverpool NY 602 Christina Crews 33 F#233 55/209 F30-39 30:54 9:57 33:49 10:53 Baldwinsville NY 603 Annette Sherwood-Fische 55 F#234 17/109 F50-59 30:55 9:57 31:14 10:03 Brewerton NY 604 Dominick Armbrust 9 M#370 82/144 M01-17 30:55 9:57 31:46 10:14 Syracuse NY 605 Melina Armbrust 41 F#235 28/142 F40-49 30:57 9:58 31:48 10:15 Syracuse NY 606 Anne Schiller 12 F#236 48/113 F01-17 31:00 9:59 33:27 10:46 Atlanta GA 607 Maximus Evans 12 M#371 83/144 M01-17 31:00 9:59 32:48 10:34 Liverpool NY 608 Amanda Cook 44 F#237 29/142 F40-49 31:02 10:00 32:02 10:19 Lebanon NH 609 Lindsey Sadonis 39 F#238 56/209 F30-39 31:03 10:00 33:10 10:41 Dedham MA 610 Maureen McMennamin 15 F#239 49/113 F01-17 31:03 10:00 36:10 11:39 Bel Air MD 611 Patrick Parkinson 32 M#372 74/131 M30-39 31:03 10:00 33:07 10:40 Syracuse NY 612 Lindsey Demascole 33 F#240 57/209 F30-39 31:04 10:00 33:04 10:39 Liverpool NY 613 Greg Vaga 32 M#373 75/131 M30-39 31:04 10:00 33:07 10:40 Syracuse NY 614 Nell Schiller 45 F#241 30/142 F40-49 31:04 10:00 33:31 10:48 Atlanta GA 615 Morgan Shibel 25 F#242 81/202 F18-29 31:05 10:01 32:30 10:28 Corning NY 616 Kate Radford 15 F#243 50/113 F01-17 31:07 10:01 31:54 10:16 Syracuse NY 617 Stephen Winchell 43 M#374 53/105 M40-49 31:08 10:02 32:56 10:36 Solvay NY 618 Maria Gronau 26 F#244 82/202 F18-29 31:09 10:02 32:13 10:23 Cicero NY 619 Jack Maniko 49 M#375 54/105 M40-49 31:10 10:02 33:03 10:39 Washington DC 620 Ben Kosalek 27 M#376 106/162 M18-29 31:11 10:02 33:22 10:45 Colebrook NH 621 Samantha Dattler 19 F#245 83/202 F18-29 31:13 10:03 32:14 10:23 Clay NY 622 Jacob Wojtowycz 22 M#377 107/162 M18-29 31:13 10:03 33:28 10:47 Syracuse NY 623 Lief Gilsdorf 39 M#378 76/131 M30-39 31:14 10:03 34:50 11:13 Syracuse NY 624 Nicole Massett 40 F#246 31/142 F40-49 31:15 10:04 33:32 10:48 Clay NY 625 John Dillon 31 M#379 77/131 M30-39 31:15 10:04 35:00 11:16 Jacksonville BeachFL 626 Trina Dattler 46 F#247 32/142 F40-49 31:17 10:04 32:18 10:24 Clay NY 627 Caitlin Hawley 28 F#248 84/202 F18-29 31:18 10:05 31:50 10:15 Syracuse NY 628 Helen Cha 34 F#249 58/209 F30-39 31:19 10:05 33:21 10:44 Troy NY 629 Jennifer Rhoades 52 F#250 18/109 F50-59 31:21 10:06 33:20 10:44 Cleveland NY 630 Elizabeth Parsons 42 F#251 33/142 F40-49 31:21 10:06 33:20 10:44 Cicero NY 631 Jonathan Jacobs 49 M#380 55/105 M40-49 31:22 10:06 32:41 10:31 New Rochelle NY 632 Jamie Bugnacki 26 F#252 85/202 F18-29 31:23 10:06 33:23 10:45 Liverpool NY 633 Christina Cartwright 49 F#253 34/142 F40-49 31:25 10:07 35:38 11:28 Liverpool NY 634 Caroline Desocio 39 F#254 59/209 F30-39 31:26 10:07 34:36 11:08 Clay NY 635 Christopher Jr Aloi 12 M#381 84/144 M01-17 31:26 10:08 33:11 10:41 Baldwinsville NY 636 Robert Jerry 56 M#382 43/85 M50-59 31:27 10:08 33:16 10:43 Cicero NY 637 Nicole Heaney 41 F#255 35/142 F40-49 31:28 10:08 33:33 10:48 Syracuse NY 638 David Ardner 61 M#383 14/39 M60-69 31:32 10:09 32:08 10:21 Kirkville NY 639 Zachary Wyant 25 M#384 108/162 M18-29 31:32 10:09 33:34 10:48 Liverpool NY 640 Abigail Stuhlmiller 15 F#256 51/113 F01-17 31:32 10:09 33:37 10:49 Buffalo NY 641 David Michlovitch 53 M#385 44/85 M50-59 31:32 10:09 36:32 11:46 Liverpool NY 642 Elisabeth Holmes 38 F#257 60/209 F30-39 31:33 10:10 33:11 10:41 Liverpool NY 643 Isaac Martin 9 M#386 85/144 M01-17 31:34 10:10 32:40 10:31 Syracuse NY 644 Marie Spoelstra 32 F#258 61/209 F30-39 31:34 10:10 32:40 10:31 Syracuse NY 645 Cierra Duval 18 F#259 86/202 F18-29 31:35 10:10 34:11 11:00 Chittenango NY 646 Caroline Schiller 12 F#260 52/113 F01-17 31:36 10:11 34:02 10:58 Atlanta GA 647 Adam Bullock 34 M#387 78/131 M30-39 31:37 10:11 34:05 10:58 Cicero NY 648 Katie Dwyer 40 F#261 36/142 F40-49 31:38 10:11 33:22 10:45 Liverpool NY 649 Morgan Gaulrapp 32 F#262 62/209 F30-39 31:39 10:12 34:06 10:59 Cicero NY 650 Laura Zwerger 25 F#263 87/202 F18-29 31:39 10:12 33:08 10:40 Syracuse NY 651 Conor Fahy 22 M#388 109/162 M18-29 31:40 10:12 33:06 10:39 Liverpool NY 652 Jackie Egle-Capella 63 F#264 8/58 F60-69 31:40 10:12 33:27 10:46 Syracuse NY 653 Jonelle Michlovitch 52 F#265 19/109 F50-59 31:40 10:12 36:32 11:46 Liverpool NY 654 Gene Jones 46 M#389 56/105 M40-49 31:41 10:12 33:06 10:39 Syracuse NY 655 Amy Jennings 42 F#266 37/142 F40-49 31:41 10:12 33:23 10:45 Baldwinsville NY 656 Megan Dennehy 31 F#267 63/209 F30-39 31:43 10:13 33:34 10:49 Liverpool NY 657 Tanner Ditton 14 M#390 86/144 M01-17 31:43 10:13 32:44 10:33 Lebanon NH 658 Shannon Groves 25 F#268 88/202 F18-29 31:44 10:13 34:46 11:12 Kapolei HI 659 Valerie Manzo 38 F#269 64/209 F30-39 31:44 10:13 34:49 11:13 Baldwinsville NY 660 Allie Posnick 22 F#270 89/202 F18-29 31:45 10:13 34:36 11:09 Syracuse NY 661 Robert Rupp 63 M#391 15/39 M60-69 31:45 10:13 33:27 10:46 Liverpool NY 662 Lincoln Sweeney 13 M#392 87/144 M01-17 31:47 10:14 33:29 10:47 Liverpool NY 663 Megan James 52 F#271 20/109 F50-59 31:48 10:14 33:03 10:39 Portage MI 664 Ryan Swartz 28 M#393 110/162 M18-29 31:50 10:15 38:26 12:23 Syracuse NY 665 Alyssa Marrone 42 F#272 38/142 F40-49 31:52 10:16 33:56 10:56 Syracuse NY 666 Madison Gerbsch 23 F#273 90/202 F18-29 31:52 10:16 34:26 11:05 Syracuse NY 667 Jason Wright 47 M#394 57/105 M40-49 31:52 10:16 33:55 10:55 Liverpool NY 668 Susannah Matzal 19 F#274 91/202 F18-29 31:53 10:16 32:33 10:29 Syracuse NY 669 Monica Blaisdell 29 F#275 92/202 F18-29 31:54 10:16 33:10 10:41 Philadelphia PA 670 Kristin Iversen 42 F#276 39/142 F40-49 31:55 10:17 34:17 11:02 Brooklyn NY 671 Mike Cimilluca 54 M#395 45/85 M50-59 31:56 10:17 34:02 10:58 West Monroe NY 672 William Juston 11 M#396 88/144 M01-17 31:56 10:17 35:28 11:25 Liverpool NY 673 Finn Hernandez 9 M#397 89/144 M01-17 31:56 10:17 35:39 11:29 Liverpool NY 674 Jared Springall 11 M#398 90/144 M01-17 31:56 10:17 35:28 11:25 Liverpool NY 675 Carson Finocchiaro 12 M#399 91/144 M01-17 31:57 10:17 33:58 10:56 Chittenango NY 676 Karen Stuhlmiller 50 F#277 21/109 F50-59 31:57 10:17 34:01 10:57 Buffalo NY 677 Daniel Litherland 47 M#400 58/105 M40-49 31:57 10:17 35:57 11:35 Syracuse NY 678 Melissa Croft 50 F#278 22/109 F50-59 31:58 10:18 34:01 10:57 Syracuse NY 679 Angela Charles 30 F#279 65/209 F30-39 31:58 10:18 33:52 10:55 Liverpool NY 680 Nolan Litherland 10 M#401 92/144 M01-17 31:58 10:18 35:57 11:35 Syracuse NY 681 Nicole Parah 33 F#280 66/209 F30-39 31:58 10:18 33:53 10:55 Liverpool NY 682 Rachel Blankenship 34 F#281 67/209 F30-39 31:59 10:18 34:11 11:01 Liverpool NY 683 Samantha Neuser 29 F#282 93/202 F18-29 31:59 10:18 33:53 10:55 Liverpool NY 684 Shirah Schwartz-Jacobs 47 F#283 40/142 F40-49 32:00 10:18 33:21 10:44 New Rochelle NY 685 Cori Lynn 45 F#284 41/142 F40-49 32:00 10:18 33:39 10:50 Parish NY 686 Sherry Gareau 44 F#285 42/142 F40-49 32:00 10:18 34:31 11:07 Tully NY 687 Vivan Lockwood 65 M#402 16/39 M60-69 32:01 10:19 34:12 11:01 Clay NY 688 Jennifer Tearney 45 F#286 43/142 F40-49 32:03 10:19 35:31 11:26 Liverpool NY 689 Hayley Downs 36 F#287 68/209 F30-39 32:04 10:20 34:18 11:03 Liverpool NY 690 Spencer Wright 25 M#403 111/162 M18-29 32:05 10:20 34:21 11:04 Baldwinsville NY 691 Kristin Dappolonia 45 F#288 44/142 F40-49 32:05 10:20 35:43 11:30 Liverpool NY 692 Sarah Griffin 44 F#289 45/142 F40-49 32:06 10:20 35:43 11:30 Liverpool NY 693 Lilly O'Malley 14 F#290 53/113 F01-17 32:09 10:21 34:43 11:11 Saint Johnsbury VT 694 Grace O'Malley 16 F#291 54/113 F01-17 32:10 10:21 34:42 11:11 Saint Johnsbury VT 695 Josh Delelys 17 M#404 93/144 M01-17 32:10 10:22 34:28 11:06 Central Square NY 696 Deanna Hartman 36 F#292 69/209 F30-39 32:11 10:22 34:15 11:02 Vienna VA 697 Sam Spinella 63 M#405 17/39 M60-69 32:11 10:22 34:15 11:02 Cicero NY 698 Antoine Laatsch 69 M#406 18/39 M60-69 32:11 10:22 34:24 11:05 Liverpool NY 699 Richard Frio 72 M#407 4/14 M70+ 32:12 10:22 34:21 11:04 Liverpool NY 700 Linda Dwyer 60 F#293 9/58 F60-69 32:12 10:22 33:55 10:55 Liverpool NY 701 Taylor Wright 30 F#294 70/209 F30-39 32:12 10:22 34:29 11:06 Syracuse NY 702 Brian Vincent 32 M#408 79/131 M30-39 32:13 10:23 34:29 11:06 East Syracuse NY 703 Neil Dennison 61 M#409 19/39 M60-69 32:14 10:23 34:39 11:09 Liverpool NY 704 Jake Sims 32 M#410 80/131 M30-39 32:14 10:23 33:02 10:38 Watervliet NY 705 Alison Mrowinski 31 F#295 71/209 F30-39 32:14 10:23 33:02 10:38 Watervliet NY 706 Sara Rockwell 39 F#296 72/209 F30-39 32:15 10:23 32:41 10:31 Camillus NY 707 Gabriella Rabbia 17 F#297 55/113 F01-17 32:15 10:23 34:31 11:07 Brewerton NY 708 Roman Yamini 9 M#411 94/144 M01-17 32:16 10:24 33:51 10:54 Liverpool NY 709 Timothy Spina 59 M#412 46/85 M50-59 32:19 10:24 34:48 11:12 Jamesville NY 710 Paul Wilson 63 M#413 20/39 M60-69 32:19 10:24 33:12 10:42 Syracuse NY 711 Nicole Anastasi 39 F#298 73/209 F30-39 32:19 10:25 34:50 11:13 Camillus NY 712 Megan Rogers 41 F#299 46/142 F40-49 32:19 10:25 32:47 10:33 Syracuse NY 713 Declan Fahy 19 M#414 112/162 M18-29 32:20 10:25 33:47 10:53 Liverpool NY 714 Jason Fahy 51 M#415 47/85 M50-59 32:20 10:25 33:47 10:53 Liverpool NY 715 Caragh Fahy 51 F#300 23/109 F50-59 32:21 10:25 33:46 10:53 Liverpool NY 716 Aubrey Lupi 32 F#301 74/209 F30-39 32:24 10:26 34:18 11:03 Troy NY 717 Carol Wilkie 68 F#302 10/58 F60-69 32:24 10:26 34:14 11:01 Liverpool NY 718 Peyton Dexter 12 F#303 56/113 F01-17 32:25 10:26 35:41 11:29 Baldwinsville NY 719 Augie Holekamp 26 M#416 113/162 M18-29 32:26 10:27 34:29 11:06 New York NY 720 Melissa Lampman 34 F#304 75/209 F30-39 32:27 10:27 34:35 11:08 Manlius NY 721 Anna Schuler 26 F#305 94/202 F18-29 32:27 10:27 34:35 11:08 Liverpool NY 722 Brianna Sprole 40 F#306 47/142 F40-49 32:27 10:27 33:48 10:53 Oneida NY 723 Jude Lidinsky 12 M#417 95/144 M01-17 32:28 10:27 34:00 10:57 Columbia MD 724 Lauren Merrifield 25 F#307 95/202 F18-29 32:28 10:27 34:31 11:07 Liverpool NY 725 Sierra Dorr 25 F#308 96/202 F18-29 32:29 10:28 34:32 11:07 Arlington VA 726 Phillip Napoli 36 M#418 81/131 M30-39 32:29 10:28 34:25 11:05 Syracuse NY 727 Yvonne Childers 52 F#309 24/109 F50-59 32:31 10:28 33:30 10:47 Brewerton NY 728 Alison Cataldo 27 F#310 97/202 F18-29 32:31 10:28 33:42 10:51 Baldwinsville NY 729 Aidan Brackett 13 M#419 96/144 M01-17 32:34 10:29 32:51 10:35 Jamesville NY 730 Pete Gafner 38 M#420 82/131 M30-39 32:35 10:30 35:41 11:29 Syracuse NY 731 Shannon Cutliff 46 F#311 48/142 F40-49 32:35 10:30 34:32 11:07 Clay NY 732 Madison Cook 15 F#312 57/113 F01-17 32:36 10:30 33:58 10:56 Camillus NY 733 Gretta Miles 42 F#313 49/142 F40-49 32:38 10:31 34:34 11:08 Liverpool NY 734 Nicole Cunningham Nolan 32 F#314 76/209 F30-39 32:39 10:31 34:19 11:03 Ithaca NY 735 Ansley Cutliff 13 F#315 58/113 F01-17 32:39 10:31 34:35 11:08 Clay NY 736 David Abrams 50 M#421 48/85 M50-59 32:41 10:31 35:38 11:29 Liverpool NY 737 Kara Hendley 54 F#316 25/109 F50-59 32:42 10:32 36:25 11:44 Binghamton NY 738 Donald Ball 53 M#422 49/85 M50-59 32:43 10:32 35:23 11:24 Bethlehem NH 739 Mark Hendley 56 M#423 50/85 M50-59 32:44 10:32 36:26 11:44 Binghamton NY 740 Joshua Ball 11 M#424 97/144 M01-17 32:44 10:32 35:23 11:24 Bethlehem NH 741 James Cuddy 58 M#425 51/85 M50-59 32:44 10:33 36:15 11:40 Cicero NY 742 Nichole Whitlock 39 F#317 77/209 F30-39 32:44 10:33 34:06 10:59 Baldwinsville NY 743 Patrick Cuddy 22 M#426 114/162 M18-29 32:45 10:33 36:15 11:40 Cicero NY 744 Rachel Geruso 32 F#318 78/209 F30-39 32:45 10:33 33:33 10:48 Hoboken NJ 745 Brittany Larrea 36 F#319 79/209 F30-39 32:46 10:33 33:34 10:48 Hewitt NJ 746 Keith Juman 49 M#427 59/105 M40-49 32:47 10:33 35:14 11:21 Syracuse NY 747 Wendy Sirvent 44 F#320 50/142 F40-49 32:47 10:34 34:36 11:08 Groton NY 748 Cathrine Metz 31 F#321 80/209 F30-39 32:47 10:34 36:08 11:38 Syracuse NY 749 Christine Pinnelli 37 F#322 81/209 F30-39 32:48 10:34 35:14 11:21 Syracuse NY 750 Heather Arcese 46 F#323 51/142 F40-49 32:49 10:34 34:21 11:04 Liverpool NY 751 Derrick Brooks 32 M#428 83/131 M30-39 32:49 10:34 36:09 11:39 Brewerton NY 752 Victorya Liebel 22 F#324 98/202 F18-29 32:52 10:35 35:48 11:32 West Monroe NY 753 Sandy Liebel 51 F#325 26/109 F50-59 32:52 10:35 35:49 11:32 Cleveland NY 754 Alexandra Nigolian 39 F#326 82/209 F30-39 32:52 10:35 34:13 11:01 Garden City NY 755 Remi Dillon 31 F#327 83/209 F30-39 32:54 10:36 36:39 11:48 Jacksonville BeachFL 756 Kayley Kraushaar 23 F#328 99/202 F18-29 32:56 10:36 35:23 11:24 Baldwinsville NY 757 Cindy Ostuni 56 F#329 27/109 F50-59 32:56 10:36 35:36 11:28 Syracuse NY 758 Joe Nelli 43 M#429 60/105 M40-49 32:57 10:37 36:45 11:50 Syracuse NY 759 Terese Prebish 55 F#330 28/109 F50-59 32:58 10:37 35:37 11:28 Syracuse NY 760 Taylor Bodine 27 F#331 100/202 F18-29 32:58 10:37 36:17 11:41 Brewerton NY 761 Alison Grimes 35 F#332 84/209 F30-39 32:58 10:37 36:45 11:50 Syracuse NY 762 Robert Lafaver 61 M#430 21/39 M60-69 32:59 10:37 34:57 11:15 Germantown MD 763 Ryan Toukatly 35 M#431 84/131 M30-39 33:00 10:37 34:45 11:11 Liverpool NY 764 Logan Boncella 13 M#432 98/144 M01-17 33:00 10:38 33:35 10:49 Bernhards Bay NY 765 Josiah Martin 26 M#433 115/162 M18-29 33:01 10:38 33:45 10:52 York PA 766 Eliana Anderson 13 F#333 59/113 F01-17 33:02 10:38 34:05 10:58 Syracuse NY 767 Kelly Brooks 61 F#334 11/58 F60-69 33:02 10:38 36:19 11:42 Brewerton NY 768 Betty Anderson 15 F#335 60/113 F01-17 33:03 10:39 34:05 10:59 Syracuse NY 769 Declan Sweeney 10 M#434 99/144 M01-17 33:03 10:39 34:46 11:12 Liverpool NY 770 Debbi Hole 61 F#336 12/58 F60-69 33:03 10:39 35:21 11:23 Bohemia NY 771 Shaun Sweeney 43 M#435 61/105 M40-49 33:03 10:39 34:47 11:12 Liverpool NY 772 William Jones 30 M#436 85/131 M30-39 33:04 10:39 34:09 11:00 Baldwinsville NY 773 Jonathan Reynolds 42 M#437 62/105 M40-49 33:04 10:39 34:27 11:05 Clay NY 774 Rachel Losito 30 F#337 85/209 F30-39 33:04 10:39 33:57 10:56 Liverpool NY 775 Carter Reynolds 14 M#438 100/144 M01-17 33:04 10:39 34:27 11:06 Clay NY 776 Kylee Cimilluca 26 F#338 101/202 F18-29 33:05 10:39 35:10 11:20 Constantia NY 777 Amanda McDermott 34 F#339 86/209 F30-39 33:05 10:39 35:05 11:18 Liverpool NY 778 Taylor Adams 30 F#340 87/209 F30-39 33:05 10:39 35:22 11:23 Camillus NY 779 Thomas Gurgol 48 M#439 63/105 M40-49 33:06 10:40 34:16 11:02 Clay NY 780 Emma Mulherin 21 F#341 102/202 F18-29 33:08 10:40 35:46 11:31 Syracuse NY 781 Catherine Cahn 37 F#342 88/209 F30-39 33:10 10:41 35:41 11:29 Hillsborough NC 782 Kathleen MacDuff 39 F#343 89/209 F30-39 33:11 10:41 35:44 11:30 Liverpool NY 783 Ashley Selover 34 F#344 90/209 F30-39 33:12 10:41 35:11 11:20 Liverpool NY 784 Colleen Clancy 56 F#345 29/109 F50-59 33:12 10:42 34:30 11:07 Syracuse NY 785 Robbi Tanenbaum 59 F#346 30/109 F50-59 33:12 10:42 35:09 11:19 Syracuse NY 786 Kristen Wakulchuk 26 F#347 103/202 F18-29 33:13 10:42 35:16 11:21 Syracuse NY 787 Erin Gafner 38 F#348 91/209 F30-39 33:14 10:42 36:18 11:41 Syracuse NY 788 Karalina Casselbury 36 F#349 92/209 F30-39 33:14 10:42 34:54 11:14 Marietta NY 789 Karen Colling 61 F#350 13/58 F60-69 33:14 10:42 34:33 11:07 Liverpool NY 790 Carl Bargabos 23 M#440 116/162 M18-29 33:15 10:42 34:44 11:11 Syracuse NY 791 Debbie Tracy 68 F#351 14/58 F60-69 33:15 10:42 35:00 11:16 Liverpool NY 792 Rylee Reynolds 12 F#352 61/113 F01-17 33:16 10:43 36:07 11:38 Clay NY 793 Bennett McNab 8 M#441 101/144 M01-17 33:16 10:43 36:06 11:37 Manlius NY 794 Kelley Joss 43 F#353 52/142 F40-49 33:17 10:43 36:27 11:44 Schwenksville PA 795 Mike Renaud 33 M#442 86/131 M30-39 33:19 10:44 37:21 12:02 Liverpool NY 796 Elliott Murphy 9 M#443 102/144 M01-17 33:20 10:44 35:02 11:17 Cicero NY 797 Chris Aloi 43 M#444 64/105 M40-49 33:20 10:44 35:03 11:17 Baldwinsville NY 798 Katelyn Goettel 32 F#354 93/209 F30-39 33:20 10:44 35:55 11:34 Liverpool NY 799 Maria Carelli 42 F#355 53/142 F40-49 33:20 10:44 37:01 11:55 Warners NY 800 Paulina Rein 29 F#356 104/202 F18-29 33:21 10:44 35:35 11:28 Baldwinsville NY 801 Ashley Zimmerman 37 F#357 94/209 F30-39 33:21 10:45 37:01 11:55 Syracuse NY 802 Chris Murphy 45 M#445 65/105 M40-49 33:23 10:45 35:05 11:18 Cicero NY 803 Mark Zimmerman 37 M#446 87/131 M30-39 33:23 10:45 37:02 11:56 Syracuse NY 804 Tom Gerstner 61 M#447 22/39 M60-69 33:24 10:45 36:36 11:47 Liverpool NY 805 Daniela Tartaro 31 F#358 95/209 F30-39 33:24 10:45 35:19 11:22 Syracuse NY 806 Bridget Pellichet 61 F#359 15/58 F60-69 33:25 10:46 36:36 11:47 Liverpool NY 807 Tyler Gardner 31 M#448 88/131 M30-39 33:27 10:46 36:38 11:48 Syracuse NY 808 Shalane Gardner 30 F#360 96/209 F30-39 33:29 10:47 36:38 11:48 Syracuse NY 809 Summerlyn Smith 25 F#361 105/202 F18-29 33:30 10:47 36:00 11:36 Ruskin FL 810 Sharon Rosaschi 60 F#362 16/58 F60-69 33:30 10:47 36:18 11:41 Monroe NY 811 Steven Quintal 32 M#449 89/131 M30-39 33:31 10:47 34:39 11:09 Pennellville NY 812 Robert Birmingham 67 M#450 23/39 M60-69 33:31 10:48 34:04 10:58 Liverpool NY 813 Sofi McGinn 12 F#363 62/113 F01-17 33:32 10:48 35:33 11:27 Port Washington NY 814 Edel McCarville 44 F#364 54/142 F40-49 33:33 10:48 35:33 11:27 Port Washington NY 815 Andrew Singh 36 M#451 90/131 M30-39 33:34 10:48 36:56 11:54 Fayetteville NY 816 Caleb Houston 8 M#452 103/144 M01-17 33:35 10:49 34:07 10:59 Baldwinsville NY 817 Gabriella Commesso 22 F#365 106/202 F18-29 33:35 10:49 36:37 11:48 Syracuse NY 818 Braxton Cutliff 16 M#453 104/144 M01-17 33:37 10:49 35:35 11:28 Clay NY 819 Collin Szyffer 9 M#454 105/144 M01-17 33:38 10:50 34:05 10:58 Liverpool NY 820 Debbie Sindone 56 F#366 31/109 F50-59 33:38 10:50 34:55 11:15 Liverpool NY 821 Allyson Murphy 31 F#367 97/209 F30-39 33:39 10:50 37:02 11:56 Liverpool NY 822 Bethany Murphy 26 F#368 107/202 F18-29 33:39 10:50 37:02 11:56 Aurora NY 823 Michael Davis 47 M#455 66/105 M40-49 33:39 10:50 38:46 12:29 Liverpool NY 824 Becky Szyffer 42 F#369 55/142 F40-49 33:39 10:50 34:06 10:59 Liverpool NY 825 Michael Cutliff 49 M#456 67/105 M40-49 33:40 10:50 35:35 11:28 Clay NY 826 Jerri Haskell 51 F#370 32/109 F50-59 33:40 10:50 36:05 11:37 Syracuse NY 827 Brian Szyffer 42 M#457 68/105 M40-49 33:40 10:51 34:07 10:59 Liverpool NY 828 Jamie Lundy 26 F#371 108/202 F18-29 33:42 10:51 36:04 11:37 Liverpool NY 829 Joyce Boncella 50 F#372 33/109 F50-59 33:44 10:52 34:22 11:04 Bernhards Bay NY 830 Joe Landry 35 M#458 91/131 M30-39 33:44 10:52 37:04 11:56 Auburn NY 831 Julia Feng 12 F#373 63/113 F01-17 33:45 10:52 36:54 11:53 Ambler PA 832 Tim Feng 44 M#459 69/105 M40-49 33:45 10:52 36:53 11:53 Ambler PA 833 Dom Pirozzi 28 M#460 117/162 M18-29 33:47 10:53 35:45 11:31 Liverpool NY 834 Caitlin Cook 12 F#374 64/113 F01-17 33:47 10:53 35:10 11:19 Camillus NY 835 Chris Pirozzi 56 F#375 34/109 F50-59 33:47 10:53 35:46 11:31 Liverpool NY 836 Amber Dubois 34 F#376 98/209 F30-39 33:49 10:53 36:18 11:41 Fulton NY 837 Daniel Kelley 58 M#461 52/85 M50-59 33:49 10:53 37:42 12:08 Syracuseuse NY 838 Daniel Campbell 36 M#462 92/131 M30-39 33:49 10:54 36:04 11:37 Syracuse NY 839 Shawna Morasco 41 F#377 56/142 F40-49 33:49 10:54 37:34 12:06 Clay NY 840 Anthony Vincent 68 M#463 24/39 M60-69 33:51 10:54 33:57 10:56 Liverpool NY 841 Tatiana Monds 25 F#378 109/202 F18-29 33:51 10:54 35:13 11:20 Syracuse NY 842 Kaitlin Dahl 39 F#379 99/209 F30-39 33:52 10:54 37:29 12:04 Charleston SC 843 Margaret Foody 27 F#380 110/202 F18-29 33:52 10:54 36:01 11:36 Liverpool NY 844 Chris Geel 42 M#464 70/105 M40-49 33:53 10:55 37:29 12:04 Charleston SC 845 Ian Kenville 26 M#465 118/162 M18-29 33:54 10:55 34:45 11:11 Rochester NY 846 Ian Chaffin 22 M#466 119/162 M18-29 33:54 10:55 36:28 11:44 Manlius NY 847 Sydney Wilde 22 F#381 111/202 F18-29 33:56 10:56 36:28 11:44 Manlius NY 848 Alyssa Schock 31 F#382 100/209 F30-39 33:56 10:56 34:39 11:10 Sparrow Bush NY 849 Amanda Campbell 39 F#383 101/209 F30-39 33:56 10:56 35:54 11:34 Pennellville NY 850 Maura Schuetter 36 F#384 102/209 F30-39 33:59 10:57 34:43 11:11 Syracuse NY 851 Liz McKeever 36 F#385 103/209 F30-39 33:59 10:57 34:44 11:11 Liverpool NY 852 Kathy Tryon 60 F#386 17/58 F60-69 33:59 10:57 36:40 11:48 Syracuse NY 853 Korinne Kemp 18 F#387 112/202 F18-29 33:59 10:57 37:29 12:04 Marcellus NY 854 Rick St.Pierre 57 M#467 53/85 M50-59 34:02 10:57 34:59 11:16 Syracuse NY 855 Corey Whitaker 23 M#468 120/162 M18-29 34:02 10:57 36:21 11:42 Bernhards Bay NY 856 Greta Simmonds 21 F#388 113/202 F18-29 34:04 10:58 37:15 12:00 Mc Graw NY 857 Charlotte Domago 13 F#389 65/113 F01-17 34:06 10:59 38:49 12:30 Liverpool NY 858 Justin Domago 49 M#469 71/105 M40-49 34:08 11:00 38:49 12:30 Liverpool NY 859 Rowan Eroh 6 M#470 106/144 M01-17 34:08 11:00 35:42 11:30 Syracuse NY 860 Heather Hubers 34 F#390 104/209 F30-39 34:09 11:00 36:12 11:39 Liverpool NY 861 Howie Flett 67 M#471 25/39 M60-69 34:09 11:00 34:52 11:14 Syracuse NY 862 Robert Eroh 41 M#472 72/105 M40-49 34:10 11:00 35:43 11:30 Syracuse NY 863 Andrew Smith 39 M#473 93/131 M30-39 34:10 11:00 36:20 11:42 Fredonia NY 864 Cortney Quimby 41 F#391 57/142 F40-49 34:10 11:00 36:43 11:49 Liverpool NY 865 Katelyn Marcy 22 F#392 114/202 F18-29 34:11 11:01 36:30 11:45 Syracuse NY 866 Stacy Hernandez 37 F#393 105/209 F30-39 34:12 11:01 38:00 12:14 Liverpool NY 867 Haley Herman 28 F#394 115/202 F18-29 34:13 11:01 36:34 11:47 Moravia NY 868 Meredith Ball 48 F#395 58/142 F40-49 34:13 11:01 36:53 11:53 Bethlehem NH 869 Zoe Herman 32 F#396 106/209 F30-39 34:13 11:01 36:35 11:47 Syracuse NY 870 Kenneth Baker 30 M#474 94/131 M30-39 34:15 11:02 35:09 11:19 Liverpool NY 871 Kimberly Eroh 44 F#397 59/142 F40-49 34:16 11:02 35:51 11:33 Syracuse NY 872 Madison Kennedy 18 F#398 116/202 F18-29 34:17 11:02 36:37 11:47 Liverpool NY 873 Maya Johnson 31 F#399 107/209 F30-39 34:18 11:03 36:40 11:48 Liverpool NY 874 Chris Armbrust 44 M#475 73/105 M40-49 34:19 11:03 35:10 11:19 Syracuse NY 875 Kevin O'Boyle 35 M#476 95/131 M30-39 34:23 11:04 35:07 11:19 Mount Forest ON 876 Matt Obrien 40 M#477 74/105 M40-49 34:23 11:04 38:54 12:31 Syracuse NY 877 Rebecca O'Boyle 33 F#400 108/209 F30-39 34:24 11:05 35:07 11:19 Mount Forest ON 878 Carissa Laurenti 43 F#401 60/142 F40-49 34:25 11:05 36:44 11:50 Liverpool NY 879 Trevor Bacon 30 M#478 96/131 M30-39 34:25 11:05 37:34 12:06 Liverpool NY 880 Kristy Ward 45 F#402 61/142 F40-49 34:27 11:06 38:38 12:26 Cicero NY 881 Brett Ritter 19 M#479 121/162 M18-29 34:27 11:06 35:38 11:29 North Syracuse NY 882 Sheree Galek 40 F#403 62/142 F40-49 34:29 11:06 36:24 11:43 Baldwinsville NY 883 Nihad Kaiseruddin 45 F#404 63/142 F40-49 34:30 11:06 37:40 12:08 North Wales PA 884 Maryclair Grace 66 F#405 18/58 F60-69 34:31 11:07 38:29 12:24 Liverpool NY 885 Shelley Garofalo-Sahm 50 F#406 35/109 F50-59 34:31 11:07 35:52 11:33 Central Square NY 886 Arianna Kuznia 15 F#407 66/113 F01-17 34:34 11:08 37:21 12:02 Liverpool NY 887 Donalea Maloney 56 F#408 36/109 F50-59 34:35 11:08 36:42 11:49 Liverpool NY 888 Scott Gucciardi 55 M#480 54/85 M50-59 34:38 11:09 37:24 12:03 Syracusesyracuse NY 889 Katherine Driscoll 30 F#409 109/209 F30-39 34:38 11:09 37:24 12:03 Syracuse NY 890 Megan Savage 39 F#410 110/209 F30-39 34:40 11:10 36:32 11:46 Holly Springs NC 891 Luke Cambria 11 M#481 107/144 M01-17 34:41 11:10 39:38 12:46 Syracuse NY 892 Kaleigh Kemp 23 F#411 117/202 F18-29 34:43 11:11 38:14 12:19 Marcellus NY 893 Paolo Mento 26 M#482 122/162 M18-29 34:46 11:12 37:35 12:06 Scottsdale AZ 894 Nicholas Price 29 M#483 123/162 M18-29 34:46 11:12 37:34 12:06 Syracuse NY 895 Samantha Sauerbrei 27 F#412 118/202 F18-29 34:46 11:12 38:32 12:25 East Syracuse NY 896 Alec Sauerbrei 28 M#484 124/162 M18-29 34:47 11:12 38:33 12:25 East Syracuse NY 897 Kristopher Micinski 33 M#485 97/131 M30-39 34:48 11:12 37:34 12:06 Syracuse NY 898 Kimberly Ritter 50 F#413 37/109 F50-59 34:48 11:12 35:59 11:35 Syracuse NY 899 Rob Tucker 9 M#486 108/144 M01-17 34:49 11:13 37:23 12:02 Stafford VA 900 Amanda Ellman 26 F#414 119/202 F18-29 34:50 11:13 37:51 12:11 Syracuse NY 901 Kassidy Seary 25 F#415 120/202 F18-29 34:52 11:14 38:17 12:20 Liverpool NY 902 Madelyn Smith 25 F#416 121/202 F18-29 34:54 11:14 38:17 12:20 Syracuse NY 903 Vinny Paglia 10 M#487 109/144 M01-17 34:54 11:14 38:12 12:18 Liverpool NY 904 Lillian Porter 13 F#417 67/113 F01-17 34:54 11:14 36:41 11:49 Syracuse NY 905 Joseph Bufano 7 M#488 110/144 M01-17 34:54 11:14 38:13 12:18 Liverpool NY 906 Kelly Porter 46 F#418 64/142 F40-49 34:54 11:14 36:40 11:49 Syracuse NY 907 Joseph Bufano 46 M#489 75/105 M40-49 34:55 11:15 38:13 12:18 Liverpool NY 908 Mike Fielding 32 M#490 98/131 M30-39 34:55 11:15 37:55 12:12 Cicero NY 909 Stephanie Price 26 F#419 122/202 F18-29 34:57 11:15 37:45 12:09 San Francisco CA 910 Madeline Stroin 27 F#420 123/202 F18-29 34:57 11:15 37:45 12:09 Syracuse NY 911 Kristin Wrobel 31 F#421 111/209 F30-39 34:58 11:16 36:52 11:52 Liverpool NY 912 Dorianne Wrobel 59 F#422 38/109 F50-59 34:58 11:16 36:52 11:52 Liverpool NY 913 Aiden Domago 9 M#491 111/144 M01-17 35:00 11:16 39:44 12:48 Liverpool NY 914 Emily Monahan 25 F#423 124/202 F18-29 35:00 11:16 38:24 12:22 Baldwinsville NY 915 Sarah Wicks 24 F#424 125/202 F18-29 35:01 11:17 38:32 12:24 Cicero NY 916 Michael Sherbourne 43 M#492 76/105 M40-49 35:02 11:17 36:38 11:48 Cicero NY 917 Michael Schaeber 17 M#493 112/144 M01-17 35:02 11:17 38:04 12:16 Liverpool NY 918 Andy Wicks 58 M#494 55/85 M50-59 35:02 11:17 38:31 12:24 Cicero NY 919 Liam Gordon 8 M#495 113/144 M01-17 35:02 11:17 37:06 11:57 Cicero NY 920 Allison Bowman 42 F#425 65/142 F40-49 35:03 11:17 37:46 12:10 Hebron OH 921 Jaylin Pope 15 F#426 68/113 F01-17 35:04 11:18 38:06 12:16 Liverpool NY 922 Kathleen Martin 49 F#427 66/142 F40-49 35:07 11:18 36:38 11:48 Syracuse NY 923 Linda Ness 53 F#428 39/109 F50-59 35:07 11:18 36:38 11:48 Syracuse NY 924 Jordyn Maloney 25 F#429 126/202 F18-29 35:07 11:18 37:13 11:59 Liverpool NY 925 Olivia Maturo 18 F#430 127/202 F18-29 35:07 11:19 37:13 11:59 Clay NY 926 Lisa Chasse 58 F#431 40/109 F50-59 35:09 11:19 37:50 12:11 Chittenango NY 927 Erica Burgeson 32 F#432 112/209 F30-39 35:13 11:20 39:03 12:34 Baldwinsville NY 928 Cheryl Furze 59 F#433 41/109 F50-59 35:14 11:21 38:02 12:15 North Syracuse NY 929 Jennifer Nicolette 35 F#434 113/209 F30-39 35:14 11:21 37:18 12:01 Manlius NY 930 Benjamin Thompson 36 M#496 99/131 M30-39 35:17 11:22 37:34 12:06 Syracuse NY 931 Lauren Decarr 38 F#435 114/209 F30-39 35:18 11:22 38:09 12:17 Albany NY 932 Amy Moyer 46 F#436 67/142 F40-49 35:18 11:22 37:07 11:57 Liverpool NY 933 Jackie Decker 27 F#437 128/202 F18-29 35:20 11:23 36:32 11:46 Liverpool NY 934 Edward Maturo 53 M#497 56/85 M50-59 35:22 11:23 37:30 12:04 Clay NY 935 Shari Stedman 38 F#438 115/209 F30-39 35:22 11:23 38:49 12:30 Verona NY 936 Jes Dickinson 38 F#439 116/209 F30-39 35:25 11:24 37:30 12:05 Liverpool NY 937 Kiana Swell 25 F#440 129/202 F18-29 35:25 11:24 36:33 11:46 Liverpool NY 938 Jessica Hasak 38 F#441 117/209 F30-39 35:25 11:24 39:00 12:34 Albany NY 939 Andrea Brown 63 F#442 19/58 F60-69 35:26 11:25 39:01 12:34 Liverpool NY 940 Jeffrey Tafel 47 M#498 77/105 M40-49 35:27 11:25 37:51 12:11 North Syracuse NY 941 Christina Evans 36 F#443 118/209 F30-39 35:27 11:25 37:17 12:00 Liverpool NY 942 Vincent Valentino 32 M#499 100/131 M30-39 35:29 11:26 39:20 12:40 Baldwinsville NY 943 Neil Davis 53 M#500 57/85 M50-59 35:29 11:26 40:38 13:05 Liverpool NY 944 Alyssa Morley 20 F#444 130/202 F18-29 35:32 11:27 38:28 12:23 Malden MA 945 Patrick Oneill 40 M#501 78/105 M40-49 35:33 11:27 37:27 12:04 Auburn NY 946 Fiona Thein 10 F#445 69/113 F01-17 35:34 11:27 37:27 12:04 Rochester NY 947 Benjamin Gable 38 M#502 101/131 M30-39 35:34 11:27 37:27 12:04 Auburn NY 948 Alicia Koval 33 F#446 119/209 F30-39 35:35 11:27 38:17 12:20 Chittenango NY 949 Steven Houston 45 M#503 79/105 M40-49 35:35 11:28 36:11 11:39 Baldwinsville NY 950 Maximo Flint-Morgan 37 M#504 102/131 M30-39 35:37 11:28 37:59 12:14 Syracuse NY 951 Myla Uribe 11 F#447 70/113 F01-17 35:38 11:28 37:04 11:56 Baldwinsville NY 952 Kevin Greene 55 M#505 58/85 M50-59 35:39 11:29 36:16 11:41 Bernhards Bay NY 953 Jayden Waite 13 F#448 71/113 F01-17 35:40 11:29 38:19 12:20 Bernhards Bay NY 954 Jay Barry 68 M#506 26/39 M60-69 35:42 11:30 38:35 12:26 Liverpool NY 955 Giles Cates 39 M#507 103/131 M30-39 35:43 11:30 37:53 12:12 Minoa NY 956 Laura Fontana 30 F#449 120/209 F30-39 35:45 11:31 38:12 12:18 Rome NY 957 Saria Deal 10 F#450 72/113 F01-17 35:45 11:31 36:13 11:40 LiverpoolliverpoolNY 958 Dawn Heim 57 F#451 42/109 F50-59 35:45 11:31 38:14 12:19 Charlotte NC 959 Diana Smith 26 F#452 131/202 F18-29 35:45 11:31 38:13 12:19 Chittenango NY 960 Leah Rapke 10 F#453 73/113 F01-17 35:45 11:31 36:12 11:40 Baldwinsville NY 961 Zoey Stoddard 11 F#454 74/113 F01-17 35:46 11:31 38:53 12:31 East Syracuse NY 962 Laura Stoddard 37 F#455 121/209 F30-39 35:46 11:31 38:54 12:31 East Syracuse NY 963 Julie Smith 35 F#456 122/209 F30-39 35:46 11:31 38:12 12:18 Manlius NY 964 Jerry P. Smith 76 M#508 5/14 M70+ 35:46 11:31 37:11 11:58 Liverpool NY 965 Patti Sargeant 49 F#457 68/142 F40-49 35:51 11:33 39:19 12:40 Camillus NY 966 Patricia Bangson 42 F#458 69/142 F40-49 35:52 11:33 38:51 12:31 Liverpool NY 967 Amy Klymkow 34 F#459 123/209 F30-39 35:52 11:33 39:12 12:37 Liverpool NY 968 Nathan Moyer 47 M#509 80/105 M40-49 35:52 11:33 37:33 12:06 Liverpool NY 969 Sam Schaeber 19 M#510 125/162 M18-29 35:53 11:33 39:16 12:39 Liverpool NY 970 Carrie Veley 48 F#460 70/142 F40-49 35:53 11:33 37:21 12:02 Syracuse NY 971 Anthony Griffin 48 M#511 81/105 M40-49 35:53 11:33 36:47 11:51 Liverpool NY 972 Jenna Hayes 16 F#461 75/113 F01-17 35:56 11:34 38:38 12:27 Liverpool NY 973 Laura Perwitz 28 F#462 132/202 F18-29 35:58 11:35 40:30 13:03 Phoenix NY 974 Kendall Cuyler 20 F#463 133/202 F18-29 36:00 11:36 39:20 12:40 Oswego NY 975 Evelyn Keohane 10 F#464 76/113 F01-17 36:00 11:36 39:49 12:49 Liverpool NY 976 Sarah Ditterline 25 F#465 134/202 F18-29 36:00 11:36 39:01 12:34 Cicero NY 977 Alex Claypoole 9 M#512 114/144 M01-17 36:00 11:36 36:37 11:48 Alpharetta GA 978 Maryann Denhoff 57 F#466 43/109 F50-59 36:02 11:36 38:09 12:17 East Syracuse NY 979 Ashley Duvall Hayes 54 F#467 44/109 F50-59 36:02 11:36 38:44 12:28 Memphis NY 980 Patrick Acee 40 M#513 82/105 M40-49 36:03 11:37 38:16 12:19 Syracuse NY 981 Kristin Fiorini 37 F#468 124/209 F30-39 36:04 11:37 38:16 12:19 Alexandria VA 982 Nicole Garofalo 51 F#469 45/109 F50-59 36:04 11:37 38:16 12:19 Liverpool NY 983 Victoria Morgan 20 F#470 135/202 F18-29 36:04 11:37 39:25 12:42 Liverpool NY 984 Sophia D’Arcangelis 20 F#471 136/202 F18-29 36:05 11:37 39:25 12:42 Liverpool NY 985 Brigitte Gucciardi 46 F#472 71/142 F40-49 36:06 11:37 38:53 12:31 Syracusesyracuse NY 986 Dominic R. Garofalo 52 M#514 59/85 M50-59 36:06 11:37 38:17 12:20 Liverpool NY 987 Yelitza Claypoole 47 F#473 72/142 F40-49 36:08 11:38 36:45 11:50 Alpharetta GA 988 Jamie Sampson 38 F#474 125/209 F30-39 36:08 11:38 38:16 12:19 Fredonia NY 989 Rachel Magliarditi 37 F#475 126/209 F30-39 36:09 11:38 38:58 12:33 Niagara Falls NY 990 Jennie Hoffmann 37 F#476 127/209 F30-39 36:09 11:38 38:58 12:33 Perrysburg OH 991 Richard Farley Jr 44 M#515 83/105 M40-49 36:11 11:39 40:01 12:53 Liverpool NY 992 Dario Vannelli 9 M#516 115/144 M01-17 36:11 11:39 37:42 12:09 Liverpool NY 993 Jasmin Asmus 25 F#477 137/202 F18-29 36:14 11:40 40:00 12:53 Liverpool NY 994 Joseph Birchenough 28 M#517 126/162 M18-29 36:14 11:40 38:25 12:22 Syracuse NY 995 Mike Vrabel 55 M#518 60/85 M50-59 36:15 11:40 39:06 12:35 Syracuse NY 996 Christine Asmus 49 F#478 73/142 F40-49 36:15 11:40 40:01 12:53 Liverpool NY 997 Becky Murphy 42 F#479 74/142 F40-49 36:16 11:41 37:59 12:14 Cicero NY 998 Emerson Murphy 7 F#480 77/113 F01-17 36:17 11:41 37:59 12:14 Cicero NY 999 John Casillo 30 M#519 104/131 M30-39 36:18 11:42 40:52 13:10 Fulton NY 1000 Sierra Earle 30 F#481 128/209 F30-39 36:22 11:43 39:20 12:40 Camillus NY 1001 Robin Cottrell 62 F#482 20/58 F60-69 36:24 11:43 38:10 12:17 Liverpool NY 1002 Dylan Plis 24 M#520 127/162 M18-29 36:25 11:44 38:15 12:19 Baldwinsville NY 1003 Alex Abrams 21 M#521 128/162 M18-29 36:25 11:44 39:23 12:41 Liverpool NY 1004 Jenn Friscia 24 F#483 138/202 F18-29 36:25 11:44 38:15 12:19 Baldwinsville NY 1005 Penelope Jacobs 12 F#484 78/113 F01-17 36:26 11:44 37:46 12:10 New Rochelle NY 1006 Amy Gifford 51 F#485 46/109 F50-59 36:28 11:45 39:28 12:42 Fort Mill SC 1007 Emily Spina 26 F#486 139/202 F18-29 36:30 11:45 39:01 12:34 Jamesville NY 1008 Ayla Yagan 26 F#487 140/202 F18-29 36:30 11:45 39:26 12:42 Syracuse NY 1009 Erin Gallelli 44 F#488 75/142 F40-49 36:31 11:45 36:47 11:51 Liverpool NY 1010 Christopher Hotaling 52 M#522 61/85 M50-59 36:31 11:46 38:01 12:14 Liverpool NY 1011 Alyssa Landry 32 F#489 129/209 F30-39 36:39 11:48 40:01 12:53 Auburn NY 1012 Christine Andrews 22 F#490 141/202 F18-29 36:39 11:48 40:30 13:03 Ny NY 1013 Andrew Hazard 27 M#523 129/162 M18-29 36:42 11:49 38:17 12:20 North Syracuse NY 1014 Rachel Knight 26 F#491 142/202 F18-29 36:44 11:50 40:45 13:07 Liverpool NY 1015 Karen Welch 53 F#492 47/109 F50-59 36:45 11:50 39:07 12:36 Liverpool NY 1016 Sarah Corfield 37 F#493 130/209 F30-39 36:45 11:50 39:05 12:35 Syracuse NY 1017 Lauren McIndoo 53 F#494 48/109 F50-59 36:45 11:50 40:45 13:07 Liverpool NY 1018 Cassandra Guerra 34 F#495 131/209 F30-39 36:46 11:50 39:05 12:35 Fayetteville NY 1019 Benjamin Mayers 27 M#524 130/162 M18-29 36:54 11:53 40:28 13:02 Cicero NY 1020 Betsy Byrnes 48 F#496 76/142 F40-49 36:55 11:53 38:27 12:23 N Syracuse NY 1021 Anna Cerretani 45 F#497 77/142 F40-49 36:57 11:54 40:22 13:00 Liverpool NY 1022 Katie Cerretani 42 F#498 78/142 F40-49 36:58 11:54 40:22 13:00 Washington DC 1023 Catherine Polhamus 40 F#499 79/142 F40-49 37:00 11:55 39:27 12:42 Syracuse NY 1024 Maggie Clancy 19 F#500 143/202 F18-29 37:01 11:55 38:19 12:20 Camillus NY 1025 Austin Wong 28 M#525 131/162 M18-29 37:03 11:56 39:49 12:49 Syracuse NY 1026 Andrea Arnaiz 29 F#501 144/202 F18-29 37:03 11:56 39:49 12:49 Syracuse NY 1027 Timothy Roberson 70 M#526 6/14 M70+ 37:03 11:56 39:56 12:51 Minoa NY 1028 Samantha Kozak 25 F#502 145/202 F18-29 37:03 11:56 39:17 12:39 Syracuse NY 1029 Haley Kane 27 F#503 146/202 F18-29 37:04 11:56 40:08 12:55 Syracuse NY 1030 Emily Arthur 37 F#504 132/209 F30-39 37:05 11:57 38:49 12:30 Newport NY 1031 Bryan Kennedy 37 M#527 105/131 M30-39 37:07 11:57 39:28 12:42 Liverpool NY 1032 Alexis Brayley Speer 26 F#505 147/202 F18-29 37:08 11:57 40:43 13:07 Cicero NY 1033 Brittany Lafaver 24 F#506 148/202 F18-29 37:12 11:59 39:11 12:37 Columbia MO 1034 Wendy Monroe 63 F#507 21/58 F60-69 37:14 11:59 40:27 13:02 Marcellus NY 1035 Jack Hernandez 12 M#528 116/144 M01-17 37:14 12:00 40:58 13:12 Liverpool NY 1036 Michelle Piraino 54 F#508 49/109 F50-59 37:15 12:00 40:53 13:10 Liverpool NY 1037 Gregg Pappas 42 M#529 84/105 M40-49 37:17 12:00 40:46 13:08 Liverpool NY 1038 Lynn Tucker 37 F#509 133/209 F30-39 37:17 12:00 39:56 12:52 Stafford VA 1039 Kaitlyn Greer 24 F#510 149/202 F18-29 37:18 12:01 39:20 12:40 Fulton NY 1040 Kathleen Hougland 44 F#511 80/142 F40-49 37:18 12:01 39:01 12:34 Fayetteville NY 1041 Katie Waite 34 F#512 134/209 F30-39 37:18 12:01 39:58 12:52 Bernhards Bay NY 1042 Paul Kulpa 48 M#530 85/105 M40-49 37:18 12:01 41:30 13:22 Rome NY 1043 Kelsey Stadelmyer 31 F#513 135/209 F30-39 37:19 12:01 40:49 13:09 Cato NY 1044 Maggie Barrett 58 F#514 50/109 F50-59 37:19 12:01 40:10 12:56 Camillus NY 1045 Danielle Orasi 29 F#515 150/202 F18-29 37:19 12:01 39:54 12:51 Auburn NY 1046 Jennifer Stephens 33 F#516 136/209 F30-39 37:21 12:02 39:55 12:51 Auburn NY 1047 Jessica Spina 23 F#517 151/202 F18-29 37:22 12:02 39:52 12:50 Jamesville NY 1048 Katie Miller 36 F#518 137/209 F30-39 37:23 12:02 40:00 12:53 Camillus NY 1049 Kellie Redmond 30 F#519 138/209 F30-39 37:24 12:03 41:12 13:16 Weedsport NY 1050 Adam Drescher 35 M#531 106/131 M30-39 37:24 12:03 42:05 13:33 Syracuse NY 1051 Michael Sticco 40 M#532 86/105 M40-49 37:25 12:03 39:32 12:44 Dedham MA 1052 Scott Brodie 38 M#533 107/131 M30-39 37:30 12:05 41:50 13:28 Liverpool NY 1053 Emily Crouse 26 F#520 152/202 F18-29 37:34 12:06 39:40 12:47 Baldwinsville NY 1054 Kori Toms 19 F#521 153/202 F18-29 37:35 12:06 40:30 13:02 Cicero NY 1055 Abigail Zumbuhl 23 F#522 154/202 F18-29 37:35 12:06 40:45 13:07 Syracuse NY 1056 Robert Toms 69 M#534 27/39 M60-69 37:35 12:06 40:29 13:02 Cicero NY 1057 Kyle Toms 18 M#535 132/162 M18-29 37:35 12:06 40:29 13:02 Cicero NY 1058 Anthony Cappel 30 M#536 108/131 M30-39 37:36 12:06 40:13 12:57 West Branch IA 1059 Kevin Toms 18 M#537 133/162 M18-29 37:36 12:06 40:30 13:02 Cicero NY 1060 Zoey O'Brien 10 F#523 79/113 F01-17 37:37 12:07 42:08 13:34 Clay NY 1061 Noah Turtura 12 M#538 117/144 M01-17 37:38 12:07 41:36 13:24 Liverpool NY 1062 Mary-Claire Hoffman 41 F#524 81/142 F40-49 37:41 12:08 38:45 12:29 Syracuse NY 1063 Andrew Abrams 12 M#539 118/144 M01-17 37:42 12:08 40:41 13:06 Liverpool NY 1064 Stephanie Zumbuhl 54 F#525 51/109 F50-59 37:42 12:08 40:52 13:09 Syracuse NY 1065 Jp Sabourin 53 M#540 62/85 M50-59 37:45 12:09 40:10 12:56 Baldwinsville NY 1066 Lucien Haskas 15 M#541 119/144 M01-17 37:45 12:09 37:53 12:12 Brooklyn NY 1067 Allison Macri 27 F#526 155/202 F18-29 37:47 12:10 40:15 12:58 Fayetteville NY 1068 Lindsey Knewstub 33 F#527 139/209 F30-39 37:47 12:10 40:18 12:59 Ithaca NY 1069 Christina Bruce 30 F#528 140/209 F30-39 37:48 12:10 40:08 12:56 Syracuse NY 1070 Shawna Kurtz 49 F#529 82/142 F40-49 37:49 12:11 40:20 12:59 Rochester NY 1071 Kathleen Dillon 29 F#530 156/202 F18-29 37:49 12:11 41:35 13:23 Jamesville NY 1072 Michelle Coyne 54 F#531 52/109 F50-59 37:51 12:11 40:14 12:57 Liverpool NY 1073 Catherine Claypoole 58 F#532 53/109 F50-59 37:55 12:12 39:08 12:36 Belmont MA 1074 Marilyn Andrejko 15 F#533 80/113 F01-17 37:55 12:13 40:36 13:04 Liverpool NY 1075 Ava Andrejko 17 F#534 81/113 F01-17 37:57 12:13 40:38 13:05 Liverpool NY 1076 Jean Sabourin 56 F#535 54/109 F50-59 37:57 12:13 40:22 13:00 Baldwinsville NY 1077 Bret Schiller 48 M#542 87/105 M40-49 37:57 12:13 40:24 13:01 Atlanta GA 1078 Leah Marinelli 31 F#536 141/209 F30-39 37:59 12:14 40:54 13:10 Malden MA 1079 Libby Morley 31 F#537 142/209 F30-39 37:59 12:14 40:54 13:10 Malden MA 1080 Lari Rutherford 44 F#538 83/142 F40-49 38:01 12:15 40:06 12:55 Jamesville NY 1081 Gwen Fosberg 15 F#539 82/113 F01-17 38:01 12:15 40:39 13:05 Liverpool NY 1082 Chris Barrus 54 M#543 63/85 M50-59 38:02 12:15 40:59 13:12 Syracuse NY 1083 Izzy Fingerman 16 F#540 83/113 F01-17 38:02 12:15 40:39 13:05 Liverpool NY 1084 Cindy Barrus 52 F#541 55/109 F50-59 38:02 12:15 41:00 13:12 Syracuse NY 1085 Joann Billy 66 F#542 22/58 F60-69 38:04 12:16 41:19 13:18 Cicero NY 1086 Tia Piraino 29 F#543 157/202 F18-29 38:05 12:16 41:05 13:14 Liverpool NY 1087 John Owens 24 M#544 134/162 M18-29 38:06 12:16 39:57 12:52 Cato NY 1088 Samuel Sterling 15 M#545 120/144 M01-17 38:06 12:16 40:27 13:01 Bernhards Bay NY 1089 Samantha Foland 30 F#544 143/209 F30-39 38:07 12:17 40:42 13:06 Liverpool NY 1090 Jennifer Ingerson 56 F#545 56/109 F50-59 38:08 12:17 41:08 13:15 Baldwinsville NY 1091 Marcello Prattico 52 M#546 64/85 M50-59 38:08 12:17 39:32 12:44 Syracuse NY 1092 Jason Tarnow 48 M#547 88/105 M40-49 38:11 12:18 40:08 12:55 Simsbury CT 1093 Anthony Armelino 40 M#548 89/105 M40-49 38:11 12:18 41:02 13:13 Cicero NY 1094 Gracelyn Tallarico 9 F#546 84/113 F01-17 38:14 12:19 39:24 12:41 Baldwinsville NY 1095 Rebecca Nemitz 31 F#547 144/209 F30-39 38:15 12:19 41:10 13:15 Chittenango NY 1096 Peter Tallarico 39 M#549 109/131 M30-39 38:15 12:19 39:25 12:41 Baldwinsville NY 1097 Kimberly Rorick 50 F#548 57/109 F50-59 38:17 12:20 41:22 13:19 Canastota NY 1098 Aric Andrejko 51 M#550 65/85 M50-59 38:17 12:20 41:00 13:12 Liverpool NY 1099 Wendy O'Leary 33 F#549 145/209 F30-39 38:17 12:20 41:22 13:19 Bridgeport NY 1100 Victoria Grauke 31 F#550 146/209 F30-39 38:18 12:20 39:37 12:45 Liverpool NY 1101 Phillip Braudrick 10 M#551 121/144 M01-17 38:18 12:20 40:10 12:56 Hannibal NY 1102 Sebastian Brathen 11 M#552 122/144 M01-17 38:20 12:21 40:11 12:56 Hannibal NY 1103 McKenzie Randall 8 F#551 85/113 F01-17 38:28 12:23 41:02 13:13 Marcellus NY 1104 Maryanne Reale 55 F#552 58/109 F50-59 38:28 12:23 41:11 13:16 Syracuse NY 1105 Earl Evans 56 M#553 66/85 M50-59 38:30 12:24 41:42 13:26 Syracuse NY 1106 Kristi Springall 44 F#553 84/142 F40-49 38:30 12:24 42:02 13:32 Liverpool NY 1107 Rose Springall 19 F#554 158/202 F18-29 38:32 12:24 42:02 13:32 Liverpool NY 1108 Cindy Stevens 62 F#555 23/58 F60-69 38:33 12:25 42:04 13:33 Liverpool NY 1109 Evan Greenwald 62 M#554 28/39 M60-69 38:34 12:25 40:53 13:10 Englewood FL 1110 Leann West 41 F#556 85/142 F40-49 38:37 12:26 41:11 13:16 Fayetteville NY 1111 Lorelei West 9 F#557 86/113 F01-17 38:38 12:27 41:11 13:16 Fayetteville NY 1112 Susan Kelley 55 F#558 59/109 F50-59 38:39 12:27 42:31 13:42 East Hampton CT 1113 Lindsey Richards 23 F#559 159/202 F18-29 38:39 12:27 41:14 13:17 Liverpool NY 1114 Vanessa Scott 48 F#560 86/142 F40-49 38:40 12:27 40:32 13:03 Cicero NY 1115 Makenna Robbins 20 F#561 160/202 F18-29 38:40 12:27 40:31 13:03 Syracuse NY 1116 Drew Scharoun 53 M#555 67/85 M50-59 38:40 12:27 41:16 13:17 Auburn NY 1117 Regan Robbins 17 F#562 87/113 F01-17 38:40 12:27 40:31 13:03 Syracuse NY 1118 Christopher Romano 26 M#556 135/162 M18-29 38:45 12:29 41:45 13:27 Cicero NY 1119 Luke Shepard 8 M#557 123/144 M01-17 38:46 12:29 41:53 13:29 Liverpool NY 1120 Diego Uribe 44 M#558 90/105 M40-49 38:48 12:30 40:15 12:58 Baldwinsville NY 1121 Kaiden Uribe 8 M#559 124/144 M01-17 38:52 12:31 40:16 12:58 Baldwinsville NY 1122 Tim Beshers 21 M#560 136/162 M18-29 38:53 12:31 39:30 12:43 Syracuse NY 1123 Lauren Buck 35 F#563 147/209 F30-39 38:53 12:31 43:00 13:51 Camillus NY 1124 Caitlin Keller 38 F#564 148/209 F30-39 39:00 12:33 41:44 13:26 Erin NY 1125 Helen Feldman 60 F#565 24/58 F60-69 39:00 12:34 41:44 13:26 Syracuse NY 1126 Jesse Hunt 33 M#561 110/131 M30-39 39:01 12:34 39:51 12:50 Cincinnati OH 1127 Jenny Linn 27 F#566 161/202 F18-29 39:01 12:34 42:25 13:39 Marcellus NY 1128 Kelsey Baird 29 F#567 162/202 F18-29 39:03 12:34 39:53 12:50 Cincinnati OH 1129 Kyle Herrmann 18 M#562 137/162 M18-29 39:03 12:34 42:33 13:42 Liverpool NY 1130 William Ireton 17 M#563 125/144 M01-17 39:04 12:35 41:49 13:28 Liverpool NY 1131 Sarah Paquette 36 F#568 149/209 F30-39 39:07 12:36 40:47 13:08 Syracuse NY 1132 Kristy Vaughn 39 F#569 150/209 F30-39 39:07 12:36 39:52 12:50 Buffalo NY 1133 Ryan Yamini 41 M#564 91/105 M40-49 39:09 12:36 40:45 13:07 Liverpool NY 1134 Aedan Carlton 14 M#565 126/144 M01-17 39:10 12:37 42:20 13:38 Warners NY 1135 Kayleigh Begley 37 F#570 151/209 F30-39 39:17 12:39 41:43 13:26 Syracuse NY 1136 Jonathan Andrejko 49 M#566 92/105 M40-49 39:24 12:41 42:06 13:33 Liverpool NY 1137 Stephen Clark 29 M#567 138/162 M18-29 39:25 12:41 43:44 14:05 Bonita Springs FL 1138 Stephanie Ruston 50 F#571 60/109 F50-59 39:26 12:42 42:11 13:35 Liverpool NY 1139 Paige Willey 10 F#572 88/113 F01-17 39:28 12:43 42:34 13:42 Denton MD 1140 Bobby Tucker 26 M#568 139/162 M18-29 39:31 12:43 42:37 13:43 Syracuse NY 1141 Olivia Schaeber 30 F#573 152/209 F30-39 39:36 12:45 42:58 13:50 Liverpool NY 1142 Adriana Kohanski 15 F#574 89/113 F01-17 39:38 12:46 42:35 13:43 Syracuse NY 1143 Olga Powers 63 F#575 25/58 F60-69 39:39 12:46 42:39 13:44 Marcellus NY 1144 Kelsey Harroun 31 F#576 153/209 F30-39 39:42 12:47 40:35 13:04 Liverpool NY 1145 Bella Monroe 13 F#577 90/113 F01-17 39:45 12:48 42:59 13:51 Marcellus NY 1146 Meredith Rothschild 8 F#578 91/113 F01-17 39:49 12:49 43:39 14:03 Manlius NY 1147 Othman Abu Samra 28 M#569 140/162 M18-29 39:49 12:49 42:10 13:35 Moravia NY 1148 Sara Yagan 28 F#579 163/202 F18-29 39:52 12:50 42:49 13:47 Syracuse NY 1149 Lindsay Keohane 41 F#580 87/142 F40-49 39:54 12:51 43:45 14:05 Liverpool NY 1150 Zachary Parker 41 M#570 93/105 M40-49 39:57 12:52 44:43 14:24 Framingham MA 1151 Avery Parker 6 F#581 92/113 F01-17 39:57 12:52 44:43 14:24 Framingham MA 1152 Mark Stanton 42 M#571 94/105 M40-49 40:00 12:53 42:01 13:32 Highlands Ranch CO 1153 Paul French 62 M#572 29/39 M60-69 40:03 12:54 43:44 14:05 Constantia NY 1154 Colby Hawley 35 F#582 154/209 F30-39 40:08 12:55 40:38 13:05 Camillus NY 1155 Kathleen Arsenault 67 F#583 26/58 F60-69 40:09 12:56 44:11 14:14 Syracuse NY 1156 Kurt Stanton 74 M#573 7/14 M70+ 40:15 12:58 42:15 13:36 Liverpool NY 1157 Brianne Wilcox 26 F#584 164/202 F18-29 40:15 12:58 43:47 14:06 Rome NY 1158 Anthony Sicilia 27 M#574 141/162 M18-29 40:16 12:58 43:47 14:06 Rome NY 1159 Karen Leshko 43 F#585 88/142 F40-49 40:17 12:58 44:54 14:27 Cicero NY 1160 Stacy Finney 48 F#586 89/142 F40-49 40:19 12:59 41:02 13:13 Liverpool NY 1161 Raymond Finney 54 M#575 68/85 M50-59 40:20 12:59 41:01 13:12 Liverpool NY 1162 Ryan Bolognone 16 M#576 127/144 M01-17 40:21 12:59 44:23 14:18 Liverpool NY 1163 Ashley Desilvia 37 F#587 155/209 F30-39 40:22 13:00 44:24 14:18 Liverpool NY 1164 Shelbi Montanaro 30 F#588 156/209 F30-39 40:22 13:00 44:23 14:17 Camillus NY 1165 Jackie Kimball 40 F#589 90/142 F40-49 40:26 13:01 44:00 14:10 Canastota NY 1166 Maria Del Amo 50 F#590 61/109 F50-59 40:31 13:03 43:20 13:57 Orlando FL 1167 Jennifer Pope 31 F#591 157/209 F30-39 40:33 13:03 43:36 14:02 Liverpool NY 1168 Scott Pierson 60 M#577 30/39 M60-69 40:39 13:05 44:18 14:16 Liverpool NY 1169 Margaret Rosaschi 23 F#592 165/202 F18-29 40:42 13:06 43:58 14:09 Monroe NY 1170 Amanda Shepard 35 F#593 158/209 F30-39 40:42 13:06 43:50 14:07 Liverpool NY 1171 Melissa Walls 47 F#594 91/142 F40-49 40:45 13:07 43:38 14:03 Liverpool NY 1172 Nicole Warren 32 F#595 159/209 F30-39 40:51 13:09 44:42 14:24 Weedsport NY 1173 Rachel Heyman 29 F#596 166/202 F18-29 40:52 13:09 44:14 14:15 Fayetteville NY 1174 Liam Stage 13 M#578 128/144 M01-17 40:59 13:12 41:56 13:30 Clay NY 1175 Gabriel Vanslyke 13 M#579 129/144 M01-17 41:00 13:12 42:26 13:40 Clinton NY 1176 Jodi Kapes 50 F#597 62/109 F50-59 41:01 13:12 42:27 13:40 Clinton NY 1177 Janet Metcalf 65 F#598 27/58 F60-69 41:01 13:12 44:46 14:25 Syracuse NY 1178 Heather Lavancher 48 F#599 92/142 F40-49 41:01 13:12 44:44 14:24 Syracuse NY 1179 Bill Langdon 39 M#580 111/131 M30-39 41:01 13:13 44:17 14:16 Garnet Valley PA 1180 Hazel Naplin 8 F#600 93/113 F01-17 41:03 13:13 43:36 14:02 North Street MI 1181 Brenda Langdon 37 F#601 160/209 F30-39 41:03 13:13 44:17 14:16 Garnet Valley PA 1182 Leah Naplin 36 F#602 161/209 F30-39 41:07 13:15 43:40 14:04 North Street MI 1183 Edgar Naplin 6 M#581 130/144 M01-17 41:08 13:15 43:41 14:04 North Street MI 1184 Amy Laforte 43 F#603 93/142 F40-49 41:09 13:15 44:04 14:12 Chittenango NY 1185 Mikayla Laforte 24 F#604 167/202 F18-29 41:09 13:15 44:05 14:12 West Monroe NY 1186 Victor Harrington 12 M#582 131/144 M01-17 41:11 13:16 44:26 14:18 Liverpool NY 1187 Danielle Cadden 48 F#605 94/142 F40-49 41:14 13:17 44:16 14:15 Syracuse NY 1188 Sophia Sullivan 7 F#606 94/113 F01-17 41:21 13:19 45:09 14:32 Baldwinsville NY 1189 Jenna Sullivan 35 F#607 162/209 F30-39 41:21 13:19 45:10 14:32 Baldwinsville NY 1190 Kelly Esposito 38 F#608 163/209 F30-39 41:22 13:19 42:24 13:39 Clay NY 1191 Alexis Doughty 35 F#609 164/209 F30-39 41:25 13:20 44:02 14:11 Syracuse NY 1192 Louise Pierson 57 F#610 63/109 F50-59 41:26 13:21 45:04 14:31 Liverpool NY 1193 Lauren Helterline 9 F#611 95/113 F01-17 41:27 13:21 44:43 14:24 Liverpool NY 1194 John Szlosek 23 M#583 142/162 M18-29 41:28 13:21 45:02 14:30 Dunellen NJ 1195 Sheryl Szlosek 60 F#612 28/58 F60-69 41:29 13:21 45:01 14:30 Dunellen NJ 1196 James Budd 59 M#584 69/85 M50-59 41:30 13:22 44:00 14:10 Liverpool NY 1197 Madison David-Szlosek 8 F#613 96/113 F01-17 41:30 13:22 45:02 14:30 Dublin OH 1198 Christina Stodd 31 F#614 165/209 F30-39 41:30 13:22 43:59 14:10 Portland OR 1199 Lynelle Bosworth 43 F#615 95/142 F40-49 41:33 13:23 43:56 14:09 Delmar NY 1200 Adrienne Foederer 40 F#616 96/142 F40-49 41:34 13:23 43:56 14:09 Baldwinsvillel NY 1201 Ryin Pope 12 F#617 97/113 F01-17 41:35 13:23 44:37 14:22 Liverpool NY 1202 Liz Helterline 45 F#618 97/142 F40-49 41:36 13:24 44:52 14:27 Liverpool NY 1203 Mollie Geiger 29 F#619 168/202 F18-29 41:40 13:25 44:47 14:25 Liverpool NY 1204 Andrea Romeo 57 F#620 64/109 F50-59 41:40 13:25 44:48 14:26 Liverpool NY 1205 Lynne McMennamin 55 F#621 65/109 F50-59 41:42 13:26 46:50 15:05 Bel Air MD 1206 Julianna Godici 25 F#622 169/202 F18-29 41:49 13:28 46:23 14:56 Brewerton NY 1207 Sarah Scuderi 36 F#623 166/209 F30-39 42:07 13:34 44:47 14:25 Liverpool NY 1208 Mark Bellows 62 M#585 31/39 M60-69 42:10 13:35 46:46 15:04 Gibsonia PA 1209 Tina Slater 54 F#624 66/109 F50-59 42:12 13:35 45:51 14:46 Hayes VA 1210 Gabe Carlton 12 M#586 132/144 M01-17 42:15 13:36 45:25 14:37 Warners NY 1211 Angela Pericozzi 39 F#625 167/209 F30-39 42:16 13:37 45:25 14:37 Warners NY 1212 Jennifer Obrien 39 F#626 168/209 F30-39 42:28 13:40 46:13 14:53 Clay NY 1213 Megan Drescher 34 F#627 169/209 F30-39 42:37 13:43 47:16 15:13 Syracuse NY 1214 Kathleen Treat 67 F#628 29/58 F60-69 42:38 13:44 45:44 14:43 Baldwinsville NY 1215 Kris Jenne 62 F#629 30/58 F60-69 42:38 13:44 45:33 14:40 Syracusemattydale NY 1216 Jennifer Furchak 25 F#630 170/202 F18-29 42:49 13:47 45:48 14:45 Cicero NY 1217 Pam Sterling 56 F#631 67/109 F50-59 42:53 13:49 45:08 14:32 Bernhards Bay NY 1218 Sharon Holliday 67 F#632 31/58 F60-69 42:54 13:49 45:49 14:45 Liverpool NY 1219 Marie McVeen 44 F#633 98/142 F40-49 42:58 13:50 45:15 14:34 Central Square NY 1220 Chelsey Groves 30 F#634 170/209 F30-39 43:01 13:51 46:00 14:49 Kapolei HI 1221 Karen Perwitz 54 F#635 68/109 F50-59 43:11 13:54 47:43 15:22 Fulton NY 1222 Alicia Tanner Deuerlein 37 F#636 171/209 F30-39 43:19 13:57 45:54 14:47 Corning NY 1223 Amanda Ryan 50 F#637 69/109 F50-59 43:19 13:57 45:18 14:35 Liverpool NY 1224 Jessica Petersen 33 F#638 172/209 F30-39 43:20 13:57 48:01 15:28 Baldwinsville NY 1225 Janice Walter-Ferrick 60 F#639 32/58 F60-69 43:20 13:57 46:10 14:52 Syracuse NY 1226 Lucy Ferrick 19 F#640 171/202 F18-29 43:21 13:57 46:10 14:52 Syracuse NY 1227 Alexander Bacon 14 M#587 133/144 M01-17 43:28 14:00 46:34 15:00 Buffalo NY 1228 Taylor Elie 23 M#588 143/162 M18-29 43:28 14:00 44:25 14:18 Fairport NY 1229 Deborah Ireton 52 F#641 70/109 F50-59 43:33 14:01 46:18 14:54 Liverpool NY 1230 Melissa Decker 33 F#642 173/209 F30-39 43:34 14:02 48:09 15:30 Syracuse NY 1231 Suzann Andrews 53 F#643 71/109 F50-59 43:34 14:02 47:26 15:17 Kirkville NY 1232 Emily Andrews 18 F#644 172/202 F18-29 43:34 14:02 47:26 15:16 Kirkville NY 1233 Carl Weed 73 M#589 8/14 M70+ 43:41 14:04 44:21 14:17 Weedsport NY 1234 Kristin Simmonds 41 F#645 99/142 F40-49 43:41 14:04 44:21 14:17 Rochester NY 1235 Linda Weller 58 F#646 72/109 F50-59 43:44 14:05 46:58 15:07 Albion NY 1236 Erin Foster 49 F#647 100/142 F40-49 43:45 14:05 47:36 15:20 Liverpool NY 1237 Mitch Weller 59 M#590 70/85 M50-59 43:45 14:05 46:57 15:07 Albion NY 1238 Rj Tucker 37 M#591 112/131 M30-39 43:51 14:07 46:28 14:58 Stafford VA 1239 Frederick James 58 M#592 71/85 M50-59 43:51 14:07 48:56 15:45 Portage MI 1240 Alex Moore 27 M#593 144/162 M18-29 44:04 14:11 48:02 15:28 Liverpool NY 1241 Tessa Glavin 27 F#648 173/202 F18-29 44:05 14:12 48:02 15:28 Liverpool NY 1242 Amanda Woznica 27 F#649 174/202 F18-29 44:19 14:16 46:48 15:04 Cicero NY 1243 Ethan Neshevich 9 M#594 134/144 M01-17 44:22 14:17 46:11 14:52 Clay NY 1244 Carlie Morley 29 F#650 175/202 F18-29 44:23 14:17 47:18 15:14 Malden MA 1245 Monique Cuyler 56 F#651 73/109 F50-59 44:28 14:19 46:12 14:53 Liverpool NY 1246 Jenny Petersen 29 F#652 176/202 F18-29 44:34 14:21 49:17 15:52 Syracuse NY 1247 Tammy Brodie 28 F#653 177/202 F18-29 44:37 14:22 48:59 15:46 Beverly MA 1248 Rita Rein 62 F#654 33/58 F60-69 44:39 14:23 46:51 15:05 Baldwinsville NY 1249 Jessicah Bryan-Gomez 37 F#655 174/209 F30-39 44:41 14:23 48:08 15:30 Syracuse NY 1250 Dale Groves 59 M#595 72/85 M50-59 44:45 14:25 47:45 15:23 Kapolei HI 1251 Mackenzie Cooley 33 F#656 175/209 F30-39 44:46 14:25 49:09 15:49 Liverpool NY 1252 Kim Brodie 33 F#657 176/209 F30-39 44:47 14:25 49:07 15:49 Bonita Springs FL 1253 Veronica Polhamus 17 F#658 98/113 F01-17 44:49 14:26 47:16 15:13 Syracuse NY 1254 Abigail Zimmerman 8 F#659 99/113 F01-17 44:51 14:26 49:01 15:47 Cicero NY 1255 Terri Spinella 58 F#660 74/109 F50-59 44:56 14:28 47:01 15:08 Cicero NY 1256 Nikki Henry 42 F#661 101/142 F40-49 45:01 14:30 49:28 15:56 Kirkville NY 1257 William Ryan 33 M#596 113/131 M30-39 45:03 14:30 48:01 15:28 Syracuse NY 1258 Tara Neshevich 43 F#662 102/142 F40-49 45:04 14:31 46:53 15:06 Clay NY 1259 Adam Ritter 21 M#597 145/162 M18-29 45:05 14:31 46:19 14:55 N Syracuse NY 1260 Kristina Turtura 41 F#663 103/142 F40-49 45:05 14:31 49:05 15:48 Liverpool NY 1261 Emelia Neshevich 7 F#664 100/113 F01-17 45:06 14:31 46:53 15:06 Clay NY 1262 Erinn White 42 F#665 104/142 F40-49 45:07 14:32 48:00 15:27 Manlius NY 1263 Maxwell McNab 5 M#598 135/144 M01-17 45:08 14:32 48:00 15:27 Manlius NY 1264 Heather Zimmerman 40 F#666 105/142 F40-49 45:09 14:32 49:19 15:53 Cicero NY 1265 Nathan Fingerman 18 M#599 146/162 M18-29 45:12 14:33 47:56 15:26 Liverpool NY 1266 William Myers 56 M#600 73/85 M50-59 45:13 14:33 48:26 15:36 Liverpool NY 1267 Jillian Myers 36 F#667 177/209 F30-39 45:13 14:33 48:26 15:36 Liverpool NY 1268 Anna Verwij 21 F#668 178/202 F18-29 45:18 14:35 49:59 16:06 Liverpool NY 1269 Marsha Budynas 59 F#669 75/109 F50-59 45:22 14:37 47:17 15:13 Liverpool NY 1270 Destiny Hamilton 8 F#670 101/113 F01-17 45:24 14:37 49:25 15:55 Elmira NY 1271 Brad White 71 M#601 9/14 M70+ 45:25 14:37 48:19 15:33 Watertown NY 1272 Bradford White 39 M#602 114/131 M30-39 45:25 14:37 48:18 15:33 Bend OR 1273 Joshua Payzant 43 M#603 95/105 M40-49 45:26 14:38 49:26 15:55 Elmira NY 1274 Sean Warnock 13 M#604 136/144 M01-17 45:28 14:39 49:19 15:53 Syracuse NY 1275 Steve Wickham 34 M#605 115/131 M30-39 45:34 14:40 50:38 16:18 Syracuse NY 1276 Mark Barbato 32 M#606 116/131 M30-39 45:34 14:40 50:38 16:18 Liverpool NY 1277 Jeremy Montague 74 M#607 10/14 M70+ 45:36 14:41 48:49 15:43 Syracuse NY 1278 Barbara Anne Morisseau 57 F#671 76/109 F50-59 45:40 14:42 48:50 15:43 Syracuse NY 1279 Amanda Fosberg 47 F#672 106/142 F40-49 45:42 14:43 48:27 15:36 Liverpool NY 1280 Lisa Fingerman 48 F#673 107/142 F40-49 45:43 14:43 48:26 15:36 Liverpool NY 1281 Rebecca Salbert 61 F#674 34/58 F60-69 45:43 14:43 49:06 15:48 Syracuse NY 1282 Conor Chambrone 19 M#608 147/162 M18-29 45:48 14:45 49:29 15:56 Liverpool NY 1283 Angelo Chambrone 61 M#609 32/39 M60-69 45:54 14:47 49:34 15:57 Liverpool NY 1284 Jennifer Miller Hemmerl 40 F#675 108/142 F40-49 45:54 14:47 49:12 15:51 Baldwinsville NY 1285 Orla Mc 42 F#676 109/142 F40-49 45:55 14:47 47:55 15:26 Liverpool NY 1286 Linda Wicks 57 F#677 77/109 F50-59 46:03 14:50 49:34 15:58 Cicero NY 1287 Daniel Malay 71 M#610 11/14 M70+ 46:07 14:51 49:01 15:47 Jamesville NY 1288 Aubrianna Zimmer 14 F#678 102/113 F01-17 46:08 14:51 49:59 16:06 Liverpool NY 1289 Laura Harrington 52 F#679 78/109 F50-59 46:17 14:54 49:33 15:57 Liverpool NY 1290 Isla Eroh 8 F#680 103/113 F01-17 46:21 14:55 47:58 15:27 Syracuse NY 1291 Lilly Eroh 18 F#681 179/202 F18-29 46:21 14:56 47:58 15:27 Syracuse NY 1292 Dina MacCammon 52 F#682 79/109 F50-59 46:34 15:00 50:43 16:20 Liverpool NY 1293 Nicole Hanlon 39 F#683 178/209 F30-39 46:39 15:01 50:21 16:13 Camillus NY 1294 Linda Gallagher 66 F#684 35/58 F60-69 46:40 15:02 48:56 15:45 Manliusmanlius NY 1295 Carmen Dyer-Glaser 19 F#685 180/202 F18-29 46:41 15:02 50:56 16:24 Syracuse NY 1296 Melinda Casselmon 39 F#686 179/209 F30-39 46:41 15:02 50:24 16:14 Central Square NY 1297 Jane Trezise 70 F#687 2/9 F70+ 46:43 15:02 48:58 15:46 Liverpool NY 1298 Claudia Glaser 62 F#688 36/58 F60-69 46:45 15:03 50:59 16:25 Syracuse NY 1299 Mary Malay 69 F#689 37/58 F60-69 46:46 15:04 50:24 16:14 Jamesville NY 1300 Michael Harris 49 M#611 96/105 M40-49 46:50 15:05 50:17 16:12 Tully NY 1301 Christopher Gransden 37 M#612 117/131 M30-39 46:52 15:06 51:37 16:37 Liverpool NY 1302 David Bowen 71 M#613 12/14 M70+ 46:57 15:07 48:49 15:43 Port Byron NY 1303 Daniel Heyman 31 M#614 118/131 M30-39 47:00 15:08 50:24 16:14 Fayetteville NY 1304 William Seitz 56 M#615 74/85 M50-59 47:04 15:09 50:27 16:15 Canastota NY 1305 Gary Pugh 38 M#616 119/131 M30-39 47:06 15:10 50:28 16:15 North Syracuse NY 1306 Cheri Wilcox 57 F#690 80/109 F50-59 47:12 15:12 50:44 16:20 Oneida NY 1307 Maria Loudis 32 F#691 180/209 F30-39 47:15 15:13 51:59 16:44 Liverpool NY 1308 Finley Lyon 9 M#617 137/144 M01-17 47:24 15:16 50:35 16:17 Liverpool NY 1309 Ashley Lyon 39 F#692 181/209 F30-39 47:25 15:16 50:36 16:17 Liverpool NY 1310 Kayla Wagner 28 F#693 181/202 F18-29 47:29 15:17 50:14 16:10 Clay NY 1311 Dallas Baker 30 M#618 120/131 M30-39 47:30 15:18 50:14 16:11 Clay NY 1312 Deborah Herrmann 53 F#694 81/109 F50-59 47:34 15:19 51:50 16:41 Liverpool NY 1313 Jonathan Yiatras 20 M#619 148/162 M18-29 47:39 15:21 51:27 16:34 Central Square NY 1314 Angel Willey 48 F#695 110/142 F40-49 47:39 15:21 50:45 16:21 Denton MD 1315 Robin Bryant 70 F#696 3/9 F70+ 47:44 15:22 50:34 16:17 Parish NY 1316 Sam Sammarco 87 M#620 13/14 M70+ 47:47 15:23 51:47 16:40 Camillus NY 1317 William Moore 59 M#621 75/85 M50-59 47:49 15:24 51:47 16:40 Liverpool NY 1318 Mary Juman 50 F#697 82/109 F50-59 47:50 15:24 51:43 16:39 Syracuse NY 1319 Doreen Kelly 54 F#698 83/109 F50-59 47:54 15:25 51:10 16:28 Memphis NY 1320 Carrie Foster 57 F#699 84/109 F50-59 47:56 15:26 51:10 16:28 Baldwinsville NY 1321 Samantha Stevens 35 F#700 182/209 F30-39 47:59 15:27 50:59 16:25 Canastota NY 1322 Kaitlynn Pfeiffer 29 F#701 182/202 F18-29 48:07 15:30 50:38 16:18 Fayetteville NY 1323 Sarah Verwij-Wood 24 F#702 183/202 F18-29 48:18 15:33 52:55 17:02 Liverpool NY 1324 Jeanneen Bellows 59 F#703 85/109 F50-59 48:19 15:33 52:55 17:02 Gibsonia PA 1325 Michael Barrett 59 M#622 76/85 M50-59 48:29 15:37 51:22 16:32 Camillus NY 1326 Ella Gagne 15 F#704 104/113 F01-17 48:36 15:39 52:57 17:03 Liverpool NY 1327 Jeffrey Jones 49 M#623 97/105 M40-49 48:38 15:40 50:54 16:23 Syracuse NY 1328 Jenn Gagne 46 F#705 111/142 F40-49 48:43 15:41 53:04 17:05 Liverpool NY 1329 Tish Acee 68 F#706 38/58 F60-69 48:43 15:41 50:58 16:24 Syracuse NY 1330 John Costello 62 M#624 33/39 M60-69 48:59 15:46 51:53 16:42 Cicero NY 1331 Reagan Lawrence 9 F#707 105/113 F01-17 49:34 15:58 53:41 17:17 Cicero NY 1332 Colleen Heinrich 55 F#708 86/109 F50-59 49:48 16:02 53:02 17:04 Syracuse NY 1333 Kara Lawrence 38 F#709 183/209 F30-39 49:53 16:04 54:00 17:23 Cicero NY 1334 Heidi Fabian 28 F#710 184/202 F18-29 49:56 16:05 52:54 17:02 Syracuse NY 1335 Paige Dexter 8 F#711 106/113 F01-17 50:04 16:07 53:19 17:10 Baldwinsville NY 1336 Michelle Dexter 40 F#712 112/142 F40-49 50:04 16:07 53:20 17:10 Baldwinsville NY 1337 Patricia Szlosek 62 F#713 39/58 F60-69 50:06 16:08 53:45 17:18 Dublin OH 1338 Stephanie Zaino 32 F#714 184/209 F30-39 50:12 16:10 53:48 17:19 Dublin OH 1339 Joseph Zaino 33 M#625 121/131 M30-39 50:12 16:10 53:48 17:19 Dublin OH 1340 Mark Lawson 61 M#626 34/39 M60-69 50:12 16:10 54:17 17:29 Liverpool NY 1341 Martha Lawson 61 F#715 40/58 F60-69 50:13 16:10 54:17 17:29 Liverpool NY 1342 Brian Zimmer 41 M#627 98/105 M40-49 50:19 16:12 54:25 17:31 Liverpool NY 1343 Ashley McEwen 42 F#716 113/142 F40-49 50:22 16:13 52:55 17:02 Liverpool NY 1344 Patricia Domago 42 F#717 114/142 F40-49 50:28 16:15 55:11 17:46 Liverpool NY 1345 Maxwell Beavers 11 M#628 138/144 M01-17 50:29 16:15 53:01 17:04 Liverpool NY 1346 Kevin Beavers 44 M#629 99/105 M40-49 50:30 16:15 53:01 17:04 Liverpool NY 1347 Christian Gutowski 51 M#630 77/85 M50-59 50:37 16:18 53:57 17:22 Syracuse NY 1348 Sandra Banas 68 F#718 41/58 F60-69 50:37 16:18 53:54 17:21 Liverpool NY 1349 Shannon Rocker 52 F#719 87/109 F50-59 50:42 16:19 55:22 17:50 Camillus NY 1350 Clare Cuddy 24 F#720 185/202 F18-29 50:45 16:20 54:17 17:29 Cicero NY 1351 Taylor Grant 30 M#631 122/131 M30-39 50:48 16:21 54:45 17:38 Penn Yan NY 1352 Ashlee Salato 30 F#721 185/209 F30-39 50:50 16:22 54:45 17:38 Penn Yan NY 1353 Jeff Flood 50 M#632 78/85 M50-59 50:50 16:22 52:45 16:59 Syracuse NY 1354 Jason Misco 45 M#633 100/105 M40-49 50:56 16:24 52:50 17:01 Syracuse NY 1355 Cooper Misco 9 M#634 139/144 M01-17 50:56 16:24 52:50 17:01 Syracuse NY 1356 Kim Ryder 70 F#722 4/9 F70+ 51:00 16:25 55:17 17:48 Bernhards Bay NY 1357 Lisa Spina 59 F#723 88/109 F50-59 51:02 16:26 55:00 17:42 Jamesville NY 1358 Lisa Thiel 55 F#724 89/109 F50-59 51:03 16:26 55:00 17:42 Jamesville NY 1359 Nancy Poole 48 F#725 115/142 F40-49 51:11 16:29 55:47 17:58 Syracuse NY 1360 Anny Ockenfels 39 F#726 186/209 F30-39 51:18 16:31 53:54 17:21 Auburn NY 1361 Alex Morse 29 M#635 149/162 M18-29 51:36 16:37 56:07 18:04 Jamesville NY 1362 Greg Lafrate 42 M#636 101/105 M40-49 51:41 16:38 56:04 18:03 Fulton NY 1363 Roseanne Lafrate 37 F#727 187/209 F30-39 51:41 16:38 56:04 18:03 Fulton NY 1364 Alessandra Miller 34 F#728 188/209 F30-39 51:55 16:43 56:13 18:06 Sherrill NY 1365 Ben Miller 38 M#637 123/131 M30-39 51:55 16:43 56:13 18:06 Fredonia NY 1366 Cordelia Atherton 10 F#729 107/113 F01-17 52:00 16:44 52:33 16:55 Baldwinsville NY 1367 Julia Houston 10 F#730 108/113 F01-17 52:01 16:45 52:34 16:56 Baldwinsville NY 1368 Shannon Houston 37 F#731 189/209 F30-39 52:05 16:46 52:40 16:57 Baldwinsville NY 1369 Nicole Piraino 30 F#732 190/209 F30-39 52:13 16:49 56:28 18:11 Buffalo NY 1370 Tommy Piraino 33 M#638 124/131 M30-39 52:14 16:49 56:28 18:11 Latham NY 1371 Stephanie Cusato 45 F#733 116/142 F40-49 52:28 16:54 56:35 18:13 Syracuse NY 1372 Eliana Valora 37 F#734 191/209 F30-39 52:28 16:54 55:57 18:01 Fulton NY 1373 Amanda Glazebrook 49 F#735 117/142 F40-49 52:30 16:54 56:36 18:13 Liverpool NY 1374 Christopher Zimmer 19 M#639 150/162 M18-29 53:06 17:06 57:12 18:25 Liverpool NY 1375 Keira Wise 17 F#736 109/113 F01-17 53:07 17:06 57:13 18:25 Liverpool NY 1376 Cathy Romano 52 F#737 90/109 F50-59 53:07 17:06 57:30 18:31 Brewerton NY 1377 Collin Romano 20 M#640 151/162 M18-29 53:09 17:07 57:30 18:31 Liverpool NY 1378 Samuel Benedict 28 M#641 152/162 M18-29 53:10 17:07 56:57 18:20 Syracuse NY 1379 Andrea Hotaling 34 F#738 192/209 F30-39 53:13 17:08 56:58 18:21 Mc Graw NY 1380 Meghan Rafferty 47 F#739 118/142 F40-49 53:18 17:10 57:22 18:28 Syracuse NY 1381 Christine Whidden 48 F#740 119/142 F40-49 53:18 17:10 57:22 18:28 Liverpool NY 1382 Daniel Perez 36 M#642 125/131 M30-39 53:21 17:11 58:06 18:42 Liverpool NY 1383 Emily King 32 F#741 193/209 F30-39 53:21 17:11 58:05 18:42 Syracuse NY 1384 Megan Morse 26 F#742 186/202 F18-29 53:23 17:11 57:54 18:38 Jamesville NY 1385 Jennifer Kogut 42 F#743 120/142 F40-49 53:27 17:12 57:57 18:39 Liverpool NY 1386 Lisa Yiatras 58 F#744 91/109 F50-59 53:36 17:16 57:26 18:30 Central Square NY 1387 Meghan MacBlane 43 F#745 121/142 F40-49 53:42 17:17 58:11 18:44 Liverpool NY 1388 Patricia Wolf 63 F#746 42/58 F60-69 53:43 17:18 58:13 18:45 Liverpool NY 1389 Jill MacBlane 37 F#747 194/209 F30-39 53:44 17:18 58:14 18:45 Liverpool NY 1390 Heather Carr 34 F#748 195/209 F30-39 53:45 17:18 58:15 18:45 Camillus NY 1391 Summer Costello 46 F#749 122/142 F40-49 53:48 17:19 58:20 18:47 Cicero NY 1392 Marisa Stanek 31 F#750 196/209 F30-39 53:51 17:20 58:21 18:47 Vernon NY 1393 Joanne Laatsch 40 F#751 123/142 F40-49 53:57 17:22 58:45 18:55 Camillus NY 1394 Greg McCann 28 M#643 153/162 M18-29 54:25 17:31 56:03 18:03 Liverpool NY 1395 Andrew Morgenroth 31 M#644 126/131 M30-39 54:27 17:32 56:05 18:03 Warners NY 1396 Daniel Rosaschi 59 M#645 79/85 M50-59 54:31 17:33 57:46 18:36 Monroe NY 1397 Maxwell Felkner 5 M#646 140/144 M01-17 54:39 17:36 59:38 19:12 Liverpool NY 1398 Heather Banga 36 F#752 197/209 F30-39 54:40 17:36 59:40 19:13 Liverpool NY 1399 Penelope Banga 5 F#753 110/113 F01-17 54:41 17:36 59:40 19:13 Liverpool NY 1400 Connor Klenotiz 5 M#647 141/144 M01-17 54:42 17:37 59:38 19:12 Liverpool NY 1401 Lindsey Felkner 40 F#754 124/142 F40-49 54:43 17:37 59:41 19:13 Liverpool NY 1402 Elyssa Klenotiz 34 F#755 198/209 F30-39 54:44 17:37 59:37 19:12 Liverpool NY 1403 James Leska 38 M#648 127/131 M30-39 54:45 17:38 59:37 19:12 Liverpool NY 1404 Melanie Johnson 64 F#756 43/58 F60-69 54:50 17:39 57:54 18:38 Baldwinsville NY 1405 Susan Gawlik 64 F#757 44/58 F60-69 54:50 17:39 57:54 18:39 Liverpool NY 1406 Taima Yagan 61 F#758 45/58 F60-69 54:53 17:40 59:36 19:11 Syracuse NY 1407 Maggie Petrella 28 F#759 187/202 F18-29 55:05 17:44 59:22 19:07 Liverpool NY 1408 Karen Petrella 55 F#760 92/109 F50-59 55:07 17:45 59:22 19:07 Liverpool NY 1409 Dylan Volk 27 M#649 154/162 M18-29 55:21 17:49 59:48 19:15 East Syracuse NY 1410 Caroline Miller 26 F#761 188/202 F18-29 55:21 17:49 59:17 19:05 Liverpool NY 1411 Sandra Tedesco 41 F#762 125/142 F40-49 55:21 17:49 59:47 19:15 East Syracuse NY 1412 Rachel Hawthorne 36 F#763 199/209 F30-39 55:21 17:49 1:00:27 19:28 Baldwinsville NY 1413 Lori Rupp 57 F#764 93/109 F50-59 55:21 17:49 59:17 19:05 Liverpool NY 1414 Geoff Hawthorne 43 M#650 102/105 M40-49 55:23 17:50 1:00:28 19:28 Baldwinsville NY 1415 Nicole Hotaling 50 F#765 94/109 F50-59 55:25 17:51 58:10 18:44 Liverpool NY 1416 Jenny Glennon 45 F#766 126/142 F40-49 55:26 17:51 58:10 18:44 Liverpool NY 1417 Cameron Campbell 22 M#651 155/162 M18-29 55:33 17:53 59:44 19:14 Liverpool NY 1418 Lexus Santimaw 17 F#767 111/113 F01-17 55:33 17:53 58:10 18:44 Liverpool NY 1419 Denise Shore 43 F#768 127/142 F40-49 55:34 17:53 58:09 18:43 Liverpool NY 1420 Jill Vanmenxel 61 F#769 46/58 F60-69 55:34 17:54 59:42 19:13 Liverpool NY 1421 David Banet 70 M#652 14/14 M70+ 55:35 17:54 58:10 18:44 Greenville SC 1422 Ella Rundberg 22 F#770 189/202 F18-29 55:35 17:54 59:44 19:14 Liverpool NY 1423 Angela Berry 51 F#771 95/109 F50-59 55:44 17:57 1:00:20 19:25 Syracuse NY 1424 Eric Poole 46 M#653 103/105 M40-49 55:44 17:57 1:00:20 19:26 Syracuse NY 1425 James Herrmann 57 M#654 80/85 M50-59 55:55 18:00 1:00:11 19:23 Liverpool NY 1426 Mike Muehlemann 64 M#655 35/39 M60-69 55:55 18:00 1:00:42 19:33 Liverpool NY 1427 Emma Dietz 10 F#772 112/113 F01-17 55:59 18:01 1:00:50 19:35 Liverpool NY 1428 Sandra Coant 48 F#773 128/142 F40-49 56:00 18:02 58:58 18:59 Hannibal NY 1429 Katie Yost 42 F#774 129/142 F40-49 56:00 18:02 1:00:51 19:35 Saratoga Springs NY 1430 Lorraine Muehlemann 58 F#775 96/109 F50-59 56:01 18:02 1:00:49 19:35 Liverpool NY 1431 Daija Dowe 26 F#776 190/202 F18-29 56:01 18:02 58:59 18:59 Syracuse NY 1432 Jennifer Jones 66 F#777 47/58 F60-69 56:02 18:02 1:00:02 19:20 Pittsburgh PA 1433 Mark Jones 65 M#656 36/39 M60-69 56:03 18:03 1:00:03 19:20 Pittsburgh PA 1434 Megan Dietz 43 F#778 130/142 F40-49 56:15 18:07 1:01:04 19:40 Liverpool NY 1435 Jackie Clarke 58 F#779 97/109 F50-59 56:23 18:09 1:01:18 19:44 Liverpool NY 1436 Kristina Gilbert 32 F#780 200/209 F30-39 56:26 18:10 59:52 19:16 Syracuse NY 1437 Kristen Ferguson 58 F#781 98/109 F50-59 56:27 18:10 1:01:21 19:45 Liverpool NY 1438 Katlyn Wilkie 33 F#782 201/209 F30-39 56:27 18:11 59:52 19:17 Liverpool NY 1439 Stephanie Slaymaker 63 F#783 48/58 F60-69 56:31 18:12 1:00:16 19:24 Constantia NY 1440 Eric Holmes 65 M#657 37/39 M60-69 56:33 18:12 1:00:50 19:35 Liverpool NY 1441 Jennifer Holmes 65 F#784 49/58 F60-69 56:33 18:12 1:00:51 19:35 Liverpool NY 1442 Karen Belcher 51 F#785 99/109 F50-59 56:42 18:15 1:01:22 19:46 Mexico NY 1443 Tanner Coad 25 M#658 156/162 M18-29 56:46 18:16 1:01:28 19:47 Mexico NY 1444 Mackenzie Belcher 21 F#786 191/202 F18-29 56:46 18:16 1:01:26 19:47 Mexico NY 1445 Kaitlyn Belcher 23 F#787 192/202 F18-29 56:46 18:17 1:01:28 19:48 Mexico NY 1446 Alisamarie Yiatras 24 F#788 193/202 F18-29 56:55 18:19 1:00:50 19:35 Coram NY 1447 Nicholas Conforti 25 M#659 157/162 M18-29 57:00 18:21 1:00:51 19:35 Coram NY 1448 Donna Korol 62 F#789 50/58 F60-69 57:26 18:29 1:02:15 20:03 Syracuse NY 1449 Mindy Korol 66 F#790 51/58 F60-69 57:26 18:29 1:02:15 20:03 Frederick MD 1450 Kayla Jones 22 F#791 194/202 F18-29 57:32 18:32 1:02:00 19:58 Syracuse NY 1451 Jonathan Pilat 27 M#660 158/162 M18-29 57:35 18:32 1:02:26 20:06 Bridgeport NY 1452 Lauren Shaw 22 F#792 195/202 F18-29 57:35 18:32 1:02:00 19:58 Syracuse NY 1453 Nicholas Baxter 24 M#661 159/162 M18-29 57:36 18:33 1:02:26 20:06 Bridgeport NY 1454 Michelle Brownell 40 F#793 131/142 F40-49 57:42 18:35 1:02:03 19:59 Syracuse NY 1455 Maria Luzzi 67 F#794 52/58 F60-69 57:42 18:35 1:02:03 19:59 Liverpool NY 1456 Gary Campbell 67 M#662 38/39 M60-69 57:56 18:39 1:01:51 19:55 Johnson City TN 1457 Natalie Luzzi 53 F#795 100/109 F50-59 57:57 18:40 1:02:18 20:03 Fayetteville NY 1458 Tricia D'Agostino 51 F#796 101/109 F50-59 57:57 18:40 1:01:53 19:55 Liverpool NY 1459 Lisa Jillson 43 F#797 132/142 F40-49 58:02 18:41 1:02:54 20:15 Minoa NY 1460 Lou D'Agostino 62 M#663 39/39 M60-69 58:05 18:42 1:02:01 19:58 Liverpool NY 1461 Alexander Harrington 12 M#664 142/144 M01-17 58:08 18:43 1:01:25 19:46 Liverpool NY 1462 Kitty Ashby 70 F#798 5/9 F70+ 58:10 18:44 1:01:58 19:57 Liverpool NY 1463 Judy Campbell 76 F#799 6/9 F70+ 58:10 18:44 1:02:05 19:59 Johnson City TN 1464 Chris D'Agostino 20 M#665 160/162 M18-29 58:14 18:45 1:02:02 19:58 Liverpool NY 1465 Barbara Hempel 51 F#800 102/109 F50-59 58:14 18:45 1:01:58 19:57 Liverpool NY 1466 Donna Gibbons 51 F#801 103/109 F50-59 58:36 18:52 1:03:04 20:18 Liverpool NY 1467 Alyssa Williams 31 F#802 202/209 F30-39 58:45 18:55 1:03:50 20:33 Liverpool NY 1468 Kaleigh Sharpe 35 F#803 203/209 F30-39 58:49 18:56 1:03:56 20:35 Syracuse NY 1469 Brittany Mere 29 F#804 196/202 F18-29 58:50 18:57 1:03:52 20:34 Liverpool NY 1470 Maria Ascenzo 45 F#805 133/142 F40-49 58:50 18:57 1:01:29 19:48 Liverpool NY 1471 Ashley Barbato 32 F#806 204/209 F30-39 58:53 18:57 1:03:52 20:34 Liverpool NY 1472 Madison Vono 28 F#807 197/202 F18-29 58:54 18:58 1:03:56 20:35 Liverpool NY 1473 Sharon Bellows-Verwij 60 F#808 53/58 F60-69 59:11 19:03 1:03:51 20:33 Liverpool NY 1474 Jill Haskell 48 F#809 134/142 F40-49 59:31 19:10 1:03:25 20:25 Syracuse NY 1475 Cayla Dutton 27 F#810 198/202 F18-29 59:33 19:10 1:04:20 20:43 Niagara Falls NY 1476 Cathy Dutton 62 F#811 54/58 F60-69 59:34 19:11 1:04:22 20:43 Niagara Falls NY 1477 Victoria Trumbull 24 F#812 199/202 F18-29 59:36 19:11 1:04:22 20:43 Tonawanda NY 1478 Kathy Curtis 76 F#813 7/9 F70+ 59:43 19:14 1:04:45 20:51 Syracuse NY 1479 Nicole Cambria 50 F#814 104/109 F50-59 59:44 19:14 1:04:46 20:51 Syracuse NY 1480 Harper Saville 12 F#815 113/113 F01-17 59:44 19:14 1:04:40 20:49 Moravia NY 1481 John Cambria 44 M#666 104/105 M40-49 59:44 19:14 1:04:44 20:50 Syracuse NY 1482 Shelley Folk 40 F#816 135/142 F40-49 59:46 19:14 1:04:40 20:49 Fort Washington MD 1483 Daniel Killenbec 33 M#667 128/131 M30-39 59:51 19:16 1:04:53 20:53 Liverpool NY 1484 Ashley Killenbec 31 F#817 205/209 F30-39 59:55 19:18 1:04:48 20:52 Liverpool NY 1485 Donald Bruce 53 M#668 81/85 M50-59 1:00:20 19:26 1:04:41 20:49 N Syracuse NY 1486 Dan Fasulo 54 M#669 82/85 M50-59 1:00:21 19:26 1:04:40 20:49 Syracuse NY 1487 Lisa Fasulo 52 F#818 105/109 F50-59 1:00:23 19:26 1:04:40 20:49 Syracuse NY 1488 Lisa Clancy-Bruce 55 F#819 106/109 F50-59 1:00:29 19:28 1:04:49 20:52 Syracuse NY 1489 Sara Tucker 26 F#820 200/202 F18-29 1:01:21 19:45 1:06:02 21:16 Syracuse NY 1490 Dan Hebert 36 M#670 129/131 M30-39 1:01:23 19:46 1:06:28 21:24 Brewerton NY 1491 Andrea Difrancesco 32 F#821 206/209 F30-39 1:01:24 19:46 1:06:28 21:24 Brewerton NY 1492 Shannon Saville 43 F#822 136/142 F40-49 1:01:51 19:55 1:06:48 21:30 Moravia NY 1493 Renee Sieradski 44 F#823 137/142 F40-49 1:02:09 20:01 1:06:23 21:22 Syracuse NY 1494 Esther Kammer 62 F#824 55/58 F60-69 1:02:15 20:03 1:06:27 21:23 Jordan NY 1495 Colleen Wickert 60 F#825 56/58 F60-69 1:02:32 20:08 1:07:06 21:36 Cicero NY 1496 Jake Stoddard 10 M#671 143/144 M01-17 1:02:33 20:08 1:07:04 21:36 East Syracuse NY 1497 Brian Stoddard 39 M#672 130/131 M30-39 1:02:33 20:08 1:07:05 21:36 East Syracuse NY 1498 Kate Wolling 46 F#826 138/142 F40-49 1:03:16 20:22 1:07:32 21:45 Arlington VA 1499 Megan Wolling 43 F#827 139/142 F40-49 1:03:17 20:22 1:07:33 21:45 Cicero NY 1500 Jeff Jenkins 59 M#673 83/85 M50-59 1:03:19 20:23 1:07:47 21:49 Fuquay Varina NC 1501 Gail Wolling 72 F#828 8/9 F70+ 1:03:19 20:23 1:07:35 21:45 Cicero NY 1502 Christine Claypoole 54 F#829 107/109 F50-59 1:03:22 20:24 1:04:36 20:48 Oakland CA 1503 Jeff Meloling 54 M#674 84/85 M50-59 1:03:22 20:24 1:07:49 21:50 Minoa NY 1504 Kimberly Farrell 57 F#830 108/109 F50-59 1:03:23 20:24 1:04:36 20:48 Marietta NY 1505 Jack Meloling 21 M#675 161/162 M18-29 1:03:23 20:25 1:07:50 21:50 Minoa NY 1506 Kellie Meloling 54 F#831 109/109 F50-59 1:03:26 20:25 1:07:52 21:51 Minoa NY 1507 Colleen Jenkins 62 F#832 57/58 F60-69 1:03:27 20:26 1:07:51 21:51 Fuquay Varina NC 1508 Emily Bowen 41 F#833 140/142 F40-49 1:04:32 20:47 1:08:28 22:03 Fulton NY 1509 Susan Keeter 65 F#834 58/58 F60-69 1:04:37 20:48 1:09:19 22:19 Syracuse NY 1510 Vishwesh Venkatramani 20 M#676 162/162 M18-29 1:04:42 20:50 1:09:24 22:21 Syracuse NY 1511 Emma Tucker 21 F#835 201/202 F18-29 1:04:44 20:50 1:09:25 22:21 Syracuse NY 1512 William James 15 M#677 144/144 M01-17 1:04:51 20:53 1:09:22 22:20 Portage MI 1513 Marcia Prignon 70 F#836 9/9 F70+ 1:04:52 20:53 1:09:21 22:20 Clay NY 1514 Lauren Walts 36 F#837 207/209 F30-39 1:05:05 20:57 1:07:54 21:52 Syracuse NY 1515 Jennifer Devincenzo 43 F#838 141/142 F40-49 1:05:16 21:01 1:10:22 22:39 Fulton NY 1516 Joseph Devincenzo 39 M#678 131/131 M30-39 1:05:17 21:01 1:10:23 22:40 Fulton NY 1517 Abigail Romano 31 F#839 208/209 F30-39 1:08:24 22:01 1:12:28 23:20 Liverpool NY 1518 Eric Naplin 46 M#679 105/105 M40-49 1:08:24 22:01 1:12:28 23:20 North Street MI 1519 Jamal Bacon 37 F#840 209/209 F30-39 1:20:29 25:55 1:25:32 27:32 Buffalo NY 1520 Rebekah Annechino 48 F#841 142/142 F40-49 1:21:43 26:18 1:25:25 27:30 Newark NY 1521 Heath Rush 52 M#680 85/85 M50-59 1:21:44 26:19 1:25:28 27:31 Syracuse NY 1522 Emily Rush 19 F#842 202/202 F18-29 1:21:46 26:19 1:25:28 27:31 Syracuse NY THE LIVERPOOL TURKEY TROT 5K Liverpool, NY November 23, 2023 Results By Leone Timing & Results Services AWARDS MALE OVERALL RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ryan Hagan 19 15:09 Liverpool NY 2 Abshir Yerow 25 15:30 Syracuse NY 3 Aj Beers 27 15:49 Manlius NY FEMALE OVERALL RESULTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jenna Schulz 21 17:28 Liverpool NY 2 Hannah Gapes 19 17:28 Liverpool NY 3 Stephanie Bitcon 27 17:44 Fayetteville NY **** AGE GROUP AWARDS BASED ON NET (CHIP) TIME **** MALE AGE GROUP: 1 - 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Charlie Raymond 15 16:35 Brewerton NY 2 Miles Chamberlain 17 17:31 Briarcliff Mano NY FEMALE AGE GROUP: 1 - 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Eileen Mullen 15 21:25 Syracuse NY 2 Sage Lester 16 22:05 Belmont MA MALE AGE GROUP: 18 - 29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Nick Ryan 28 16:07 Fayetteville NY 2 Hans Matzal 22 16:17 Syracuse NY FEMALE AGE GROUP: 18 - 29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Windsor Ardner 22 17:47 Geneseo NY 2 Abbie Sullivan 27 18:30 Manlius NY MALE AGE GROUP: 30 - 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Rick Decarr 39 18:11 Albany NY 2 Richard Wing 37 18:25 Syracuse NY FEMALE AGE GROUP: 30 - 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Margaret Distefano 37 20:50 Liverpool NY 2 Adrienne Doherty 34 21:53 Ballston Spa NY MALE AGE GROUP: 40 - 49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kevin Beatty 47 17:19 Frankford ON 2 Scott Jones 41 17:24 Liverpool NY FEMALE AGE GROUP: 40 - 49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sascha Scott 48 19:37 Syracuse NY 2 Breann Dodge 43 23:45 Clay NY MALE AGE GROUP: 50 - 59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Scott Persampieri 55 19:38 Auburn NY 2 Michael Boni 58 21:15 Liverpool NY FEMALE AGE GROUP: 50 - 59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kendra Krichbaum 52 25:04 East Syracuse NY 2 Kim Hunter 50 25:12 Iiverpool NY MALE AGE GROUP: 60 - 69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gary Mason 62 21:11 Auburn NY 2 Robert Mozo 60 22:15 Clay NY FEMALE AGE GROUP: 60 - 69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Susan Kreplin-Michae 67 24:30 Auburn NY 2 Linda Freeman 65 29:58 Binghamton NY MALE AGE GROUP: 70 - 99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Ted Lenio 73 25:58 Rome NY 2 Thomas Jones 71 27:43 Liverpool NY FEMALE AGE GROUP: 70 - 99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE NAME AGE TIME RESIDENCE ST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Coreen Steinbach 72 26:20 Pompey NY 2 Jane Trezise 70 46:43 Liverpool NY