Licensed to Leone Timing and Results Services - Contractor License
                                               Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 12/29/2007
                     CNYITA Christmas Relays - 12/29/2007                      
                         Hamilton College, Clinton, NY                         
                       Team Rankings - Through Event 15                        
                               Male Team Scores                                
            Place School                                          Points
                1 Cicero-North Syracuse              CNS              81  
                2 Rome Free Academy                  RFA              62  
                3 Baldwinsville                      BVIL             48  
                4 Henninger                          HENN             40  
                5 West Genesee                       WG               28  
                6 Clinton                            CLIN             27  
                7 Solvay                             SOL              25.5
                8 Liverpool                          LIV              23  
                9 Auburn                             AUB              20  
               10 New Hartford                       NH               13.5
               11 Jamesville-Dewitt                  JD               11  
               11 Central Square                     CSQ              11  
               11 Cazenovia                          CAZ              11  
               14 Corcoran                           CORC             10  
               14 South Jefferson                    SJEF             10  
               14 Nottingham                         NOT              10  
               17 Westhill                           WESH              9  
               18 Grimes/Ludden                      GL                6  
               18 Mexico                             MEX               6  
               20 Chittenango                        CHIT              5  
               21 VVS                                VVS               4  
               22 CBA                                CBA               2  
               22 Jordan-Elbridge                    JE                2