Syracuse, NY    October 1, 2017

                                            WOMEN'S 5K
                  Timing By Leone Timing & Results Services (
                                         PLACE IN      GUN    GUN     NET    NET                          1st 2.5K   2nd 2.5K
PLACE NAME                     AGE       AGEGROUP      TIME   PACE    TIME   PACE  RESIDENCE          ST   SPLIT       SPLIT 
    1 Laurel Leone              32    1/14   F30-34    17:22  5:36    17:22  5:36  Minoa              NY    8:34        8:48 
    2 Sascha Scott              42    1/31   F40-44    17:50  5:45    17:50  5:45  Syracuse           NY    8:44        9:06 
    3 Christy Peterson          42    2/31   F40-44    17:51  5:45    17:51  5:45  North Wales        PA    8:49        9:02 
    4 Cassandra Henkiel         47    1/29   F45-49    18:09  5:51    18:09  5:51  Austin             TX    8:59        9:10 
    5 Renee Tolan               42    3/31   F40-44    18:18  5:54    18:17  5:53  Clifton Park       NY    8:56        9:21 
    6 Suzanne Larsen            40    4/31   F40-44    18:19  5:54    18:18  5:54  Fenton             MI    9:04        9:14 
    7 Marisa Sutera Strange     54    1/36   F50-54    18:25  5:56    18:25  5:56  Pleasant Valley    NY    9:08        9:17 
    8 Katherine Wolski          51    2/36   F50-54    18:39  6:00    18:38  6:00  Knoxville          TN    9:14        9:24 
    9 Katie Mutter              27    1/34   F20-29    18:42  6:02    18:42  6:01  Marcellus          NY    9:08        9:34 
   10 Brenda Hodge              46    2/29   F45-49    18:56  6:06    18:56  6:06  York               PA    9:14        9:42 
   11 Lori Kingsley             51    3/36   F50-54    18:59  6:07    18:58  6:07  Wysox              PA    9:21        9:37 
   12 Alice Kassens             42    5/31   F40-44    19:10  6:11    19:10  6:10  Fincastle          VA    9:22        9:48 
   13 Kathy Wiegand             43    6/31   F40-44    19:12  6:11    19:12  6:11  Tucker             GA    9:20        9:52 
   14 Wakenda Tyler             42    7/31   F40-44    19:15  6:12    19:15  6:12  Syracuse           NY    9:24        9:51 
   15 Trish Butler              54    4/36   F50-54    19:15  6:12    19:15  6:12  Coral Springs      FL    9:30        9:45 
   16 Dianne Deoliveira         46    3/29   F45-49    19:22  6:14    19:22  6:14  Brick              NJ    9:29        9:53 
   17 Amanda Hatfield           38    1/20   F35-39    19:40  6:20    19:39  6:20  Oneida             NY    9:32       10:07 
   18 Murphee Hayes             43    8/31   F40-44    19:46  6:22    19:44  6:22  Marathon           NY    9:37       10:07 
   19 Carmen Ayala-Troncoso     58    1/31   F55-59    19:47  6:22    19:47  6:22  Austin             TX    9:34       10:13 
   20 Amy Roberson              34    2/14   F30-34    19:47  6:22    19:45  6:22  Sauquoit           NY    9:47        9:58 
   21 Dara Megivern             31    3/14   F30-34    19:49  6:23    19:47  6:23  Chittenango        NY    9:48        9:59 
   22 Kristin White             46    4/29   F45-49    19:49  6:23    19:49  6:23  Manlius            NY    9:48       10:01 
   23 Karyl Sargent             54    5/36   F50-54    19:55  6:25    19:54  6:25  Lafayette          NY    9:48       10:06 
   24 Tara Smith                45    5/29   F45-49    19:57  6:26    19:56  6:25  Limerick           PA    9:44       10:12 
   25 Mandy Plante              41    9/31   F40-44    20:08  6:29    20:07  6:29  Austin             TX    9:47       10:20 
   26 Amy Bartholomew-Koepp     43   10/31   F40-44    20:09  6:29    20:09  6:29  Cumming            GA    9:38       10:31 
   27 Eileen Brennan-Erler      56    2/31   F55-59    20:09  6:30    20:08  6:29  San Rafael         CA    9:55       10:13 
   28 Joan To Taro              45    6/29   F45-49    20:11  6:30    20:11  6:30  Toms River         NJ   10:10       10:01 
   29 Lorraine Jasper           55    3/31   F55-59    20:11  6:30    20:10  6:30  Birchrunville      PA    9:50       10:20 
   30 Beth Stalker              58    4/31   F55-59    20:12  6:30    20:11  6:30  Burnt Hills        NY    9:50       10:21 
   31 Katie Laris               23    2/34   F20-29    20:13  6:31    20:12  6:30  Clay               NY    9:40       10:32 
   32 Michelle Allen            53    6/36   F50-54    20:13  6:31    20:13  6:31  Fleming Island     FL    9:52       10:21 
   33 Laura Bruess              56    5/31   F55-59    20:17  6:32    20:17  6:32  Boulder            CO    9:49       10:28 
   34 Laurie Wharton            51    7/36   F50-54    20:19  6:33    20:18  6:32  Marietta           GA    9:55       10:23 
   35 Susan Cooke               58    6/31   F55-59    20:23  6:34    20:23  6:34  Odessa             FL    9:54       10:29 
   36 Julie Berube              27    3/34   F20-29    20:23  6:34    20:22  6:34  Syracuse           NY    9:47       10:35 
   37 Nora Cary                 62    1/16   F60-64    20:33  6:37    20:32  6:37  Morristown         NJ    9:56       10:36 
   38 Patrice Combs             60    2/16   F60-64    20:39  6:39    20:39  6:39  Johns Creek        GA    9:58       10:41 
   39 Anne Benson               52    8/36   F50-54    20:40  6:39    20:38  6:39  Clifton Park       NY    9:56       10:42 
   40 Shanley Alber             45    7/29   F45-49    20:40  6:40    20:38  6:39  Clifton Park       NY   10:18       10:20 
   41 Lynn Gottfried            38    2/20   F35-39    20:42  6:40    20:41  6:40  Penfield           NY   10:03       10:38 
   42 Vanessa Lordi             40   11/31   F40-44    20:42  6:40    20:42  6:40  Livermore          CA   10:05       10:37 
   43 Marilyn Gregory           42   12/31   F40-44    20:42  6:40    20:42  6:40  Twin Rocks         PA   10:06       10:36 
   44 Sabra Harvey              68    1/10   F65-69    20:44  6:41    20:44  6:41  Houston            TX   10:19       10:25 
   45 Paula Johnson             56    7/31   F55-59    20:45  6:41    20:44  6:41  Decatur            GA   10:09       10:35 
   46 Andi Camp                 43   13/31   F40-44    20:45  6:41    20:45  6:41  Portland           OR   10:01       10:44 
   47 Brittany Spritzer         31    4/14   F30-34    20:47  6:42    20:47  6:42  Binghamton         NY   10:07       10:40 
   48 Suzanne Cordes            57    8/31   F55-59    20:55  6:44    20:55  6:44  Alamo              CA   10:10       10:45 
   49 Kris Huff                 53    9/36   F50-54    20:57  6:45    20:55  6:44  Newnan             GA   10:16       10:39 
   50 Mary Swan                 56    9/31   F55-59    20:57  6:45    20:55  6:44  Penn Valley        PA   10:15       10:40 
   51 Kimberly Anderson         52   10/36   F50-54    20:57  6:45    20:55  6:44  Dillsburg          PA   10:21       10:34 
   52 Margaret Sloan            58   10/31   F55-59    20:58  6:45    20:57  6:45  Franklin           TN   10:10       10:47 
   53 Lesley Hinz               59   11/31   F55-59    20:59  6:45    20:59  6:45  Atlanta            GA   10:20       10:39 
   54 Erica Jenson              19    1/31   F14-19    21:04  6:47    21:01  6:46  Syracuse           NY   10:06       10:55 
   55 Bethany Titus             30    5/14   F30-34    21:23  6:53    21:21  6:53  Syracuse           NY   10:33       10:48 
   56 Kaleigh Ligoci            28    4/34   F20-29    21:29  6:55    21:28  6:55  Liverpool          NY   10:23       11:05 
   57 Anabelle Broadbent        49    8/29   F45-49    21:30  6:55    21:28  6:55  Perkasie           PA   10:21       11:07 
   58 Michelle Morrisey         52   11/36   F50-54    21:33  6:56    21:31  6:56  Snellville         GA   10:27       11:04 
   59 Edie Stevenson            68    2/10   F65-69    21:34  6:57    21:34  6:57  Boulder            CO   10:42       10:52 
   60 Betsy Stewart             54   12/36   F50-54    21:41  6:59    21:39  6:58  West Chester       PA   10:38       11:01 
   61 Mo Bartley                62    3/16   F60-64    21:42  6:59    21:41  6:59  Auburn             CA   10:32       11:09 
   62 Clare Toner               19    2/31   F14-19    21:44  7:00    21:42  6:59  Syracuse           NY   10:38       11:04 
   63 Jill Miller-Robinett      63    4/16   F60-64    22:04  7:06    22:03  7:06  Concord            CA   10:45       11:18 
   64 Lorie Ann Voight          52   13/36   F50-54    22:08  7:08    22:05  7:07  Syracuse           NY   10:51       11:14 
   65 Audra Naujokas-Knapp      47    9/29   F45-49    22:11  7:09    22:10  7:08  Rochester          NY   10:42       11:28 
   66 Cori Conlon               18    3/31   F14-19    22:11  7:09    22:08  7:08  Honeoye Falls      NY   10:38       11:30 
   67 Karen Carlton             50   14/36   F50-54    22:17  7:11    22:16  7:10  Jackson            NJ   11:07       11:09 
   68 Caitlin Murphy            18    4/31   F14-19    22:19  7:11    22:15  7:10  Syracuse           NY   10:35       11:40 
   69 Mary Buck                 54   15/36   F50-54    22:23  7:13    22:21  7:12  Mechanicville      NY   10:52       11:29 
   70 Katie Benoit              22    5/34   F20-29    22:24  7:13    22:21  7:12  Syracuse           NY   10:43       11:38 
   71 Jan Holmquist             73    1/4    F70-74    22:27  7:14    22:26  7:14  Burlington         MA   11:09       11:17 
   72 Alexis Lafever            15    5/31   F14-19    22:31  7:15    22:29  7:14  Eaton              NY   10:48       11:41 
   73 Susan Welch               50   16/36   F50-54    22:35  7:17    22:32  7:16  Atlanta            GA   10:59       11:33 
   74 Janet Smith               57   12/31   F55-59    22:36  7:17    22:34  7:16  San Jose           CA   11:04       11:30 
   75 Colleen Magnussen         57   13/31   F55-59    22:37  7:17    22:36  7:17  Geneseo            NY   11:06       11:30 
   76 Lynn Knothe               40   14/31   F40-44    22:38  7:17    22:35  7:17  Wilmington         DE   10:50       11:45 
   77 Karley Warden             18    6/31   F14-19    22:38  7:17    22:35  7:17  Syracuse           NY   10:57       11:38 
   78 Marissa Navarra           12    1/5    F01-13    22:41  7:18    22:37  7:17  Syracuse           NY   11:09       11:28 
   79 Mary Monks                57   14/31   F55-59    22:43  7:19    22:41  7:18  North Palm Beach   FL   11:04       11:37 
   80 Olivia Velazquez          18    7/31   F14-19    22:50  7:21    22:47  7:20  Frankfort          IL   10:45       12:02 
   81 Michelle Hays             46   10/29   F45-49    22:55  7:23    22:53  7:22  Penfield           NY   11:07       11:46 
   82 Tracey Bernett            62    5/16   F60-64    23:02  7:25    23:00  7:25  Niwot              CO   11:22       11:38 
   83 Coreen Steinbach          66    3/10   F65-69    23:07  7:27    23:07  7:27  Pompey             NY   11:12       11:55 
   84 Alison Ashe               41   15/31   F40-44    23:08  7:27    23:03  7:25  Syracuse           NY   11:14       11:49 
   85 Cynthia Williams          61    6/16   F60-64    23:11  7:28    23:10  7:28  Acworth            GA   11:16       11:54 
   86 Kathleen Wheeler          46   11/29   F45-49    23:16  7:30    23:14  7:29  Camillus           NY   11:12       12:02 
   87 Tonya Engst               50   17/36   F50-54    23:22  7:32    23:19  7:31  Ithaca             NY   11:37       11:42 
   88 Sonnet Loftus             34    6/14   F30-34    23:23  7:32    23:21  7:31  Syracuse           NY   11:08       12:13 
   89 Roxane Niezabytowski      48   12/29   F45-49    23:30  7:34    23:28  7:33  Syracuse           NY   11:40       11:48 
   90 Audrey Josephite          37    3/20   F35-39    23:32  7:35    23:28  7:33  Milford            PA   11:39       11:49 
   91 Jo Anne Rowland           69    4/10   F65-69    23:35  7:36    23:32  7:35  Concord            CA   11:41       11:51 
   92 Monique Cuyler            49   13/29   F45-49    23:49  7:40    23:46  7:39  Liverpool          NY   11:40       12:06 
   93 Teresa Quan               56   15/31   F55-59    23:50  7:41    23:47  7:40  Menlo Park         CA   11:49       11:58 
   94 Colleen Daggs             48   14/29   F45-49    23:52  7:41    23:48  7:40  Victor             NY   11:44       12:04 
   95 Margaret Taylor           62    7/16   F60-64    23:53  7:41    23:51  7:41  Atlanta            GA   11:26       12:25 
   96 Karen Mace                47   15/29   F45-49    23:53  7:42    23:47  7:40  Baldwinsville      NY   11:46       12:01 
   97 Julia Chou                18    8/31   F14-19    23:56  7:42    23:53  7:41  Syracuse           NY   11:25       12:28 
   98 Jean Regan                60    8/16   F60-64    23:57  7:43    23:53  7:42  Cazenovia          NY   11:47       12:06 
   99 Anne Dow                  44   16/31   F40-44    24:02  7:44    23:56  7:43  Liverpool          NY   11:41       12:15 
  100 Cheryl Guth               63    9/16   F60-64    24:02  7:44    24:00  7:44  Rochester          NY   11:44       12:16 
  101 Natalie McBane            34    7/14   F30-34    24:02  7:45    23:56  7:43  Cazenovia          NY   11:48       12:08 
  102 Nancy Nicholson           55   16/31   F55-59    24:07  7:46    24:05  7:46  Queensbury         NY   11:36       12:29 
  103 Sharon Moore              63   10/16   F60-64    24:08  7:46    24:06  7:46  Rochester          NY   11:49       12:17 
  104 Grace Fox                 18    9/31   F14-19    24:11  7:47    24:08  7:46  Oak Park           IL   11:28       12:40 
  105 Shellon McCallie          52   18/36   F50-54    24:13  7:48    24:10  7:47  Austin             TX   11:42       12:28 
  106 Elizabeth Besio           59   17/31   F55-59    24:24  7:52    24:21  7:50  Camillus           NY   12:03       12:18 
  107 Stephanie Urban           51   19/36   F50-54    24:35  7:55    24:32  7:54  Fayetteville       NY   12:10       12:22 
  108 Kayla Anderson            19   10/31   F14-19    24:37  7:56    24:33  7:54  Syracuse           NY   11:39       12:54 
  109 Lauren Estilow            57   18/31   F55-59    24:40  7:57    24:36  7:55  Elkins Park        PA   12:08       12:28 
  110 Kristen Borte             41   17/31   F40-44    24:43  7:58    24:40  7:57  Lafayette          NY   11:59       12:41 
  111 Nonie Hudnall             67    5/10   F65-69    24:48  7:59    24:46  7:59  Spartanburg        SC   11:57       12:49 
  112 Elaine Young              52   20/36   F50-54    24:48  7:59    24:08  7:46  Kirkville          NY   11:50       12:18 
  113 Madeline Gould            20    6/34   F20-29    24:57  8:02    24:54  8:01  Syracuse           NY   11:45       13:09 
  114 Karanya Aksornkoae        45   16/29   F45-49    25:07  8:05    25:00  8:03  Jamesville         NY   12:26       12:34 
  115 Marie Dow                 44   18/31   F40-44    25:07  8:05    25:02  8:04  Liverpool          NY   12:16       12:46 
  116 Sharon Ames               60   11/16   F60-64    25:08  8:06    25:04  8:04  Fayetteville       NY   12:41       12:23 
  117 Susan Stirrat             62   12/16   F60-64    25:10  8:06    25:08  8:06  Rockaway           NJ   12:14       12:54 
  118 Jennifer Ranck            47   17/29   F45-49    25:10  8:06    25:06  8:05  New York           NY   12:02       13:04 
  119 Eileen Clinton            59   19/31   F55-59    25:14  8:08    25:09  8:06  Syracuse           NY   12:31       12:38 
  120 Elizabeth Briggs          56   20/31   F55-59    25:16  8:08    25:11  8:07  Syracuse           NY   12:05       13:06 
  121 Orla McCarthy             35    4/20   F35-39    25:17  8:09    25:12  8:07  Dublin             IR   12:03       13:09 
  122 Amrita Stuetzle           25    7/34   F20-29    25:25  8:11    25:21  8:10  Syracuse           NY   12:00       13:21 
  123 Theresa White              9    2/5    F01-13    25:34  8:14    25:33  8:14  Fayetteville       NY   12:21       13:12 
  124 Cindy Ingalls             66    6/10   F65-69    25:36  8:15    25:34  8:14  Pittsford          NY   12:20       13:14 
  125 Kirstin Lyons             26    8/34   F20-29    25:41  8:16    25:36  8:15  Nedrow             NY   12:26       13:10 
  126 Kelsey Benitez            18   11/31   F14-19    25:51  8:20    25:47  8:18  Richmond           TX   12:14       13:33 
  127 Molly Ganley              31    8/14   F30-34    26:00  8:22    25:54  8:20  Syracuse           NY   12:55       12:59 
  128 Tobi Dirubbo               9    3/5    F01-13    26:04  8:24    25:58  8:22  Skaneateles        NY   12:17       13:41 
  129 Susan Sarn                47   18/29   F45-49    26:05  8:24    26:02  8:23  Long Branch        NJ   12:40       13:22 
  130 Amy Furletti              44   19/31   F40-44    26:08  8:25    26:00  8:22  Clay               NY   12:56       13:04 
  131 Francielli Grenier        25    9/34   F20-29    26:13  8:27    26:08  8:25  Syracuse           NY   13:02       13:06 
  132 Rosemary Angotti          49   19/29   F45-49    26:16  8:28    26:11  8:26  Liverpool          NY   12:54       13:17 
  133 Linda Owens               59   21/31   F55-59    26:16  8:28    26:11  8:26  Liverpool          NY   12:54       13:17 
  134 Joy Oakey                 68    7/10   F65-69    26:27  8:31    26:21  8:29  Media              PA   12:57       13:24 
  135 Jeanne Herrick            66    8/10   F65-69    26:39  8:35    26:37  8:34  Pittsford          NY   12:55       13:42 
  136 Mary Dirubbo              47   20/29   F45-49    26:48  8:38    26:42  8:36  Skaneateles        NY   12:57       13:45 
  137 Beth Rougeux              62   13/16   F60-64    27:09  8:45    27:06  8:44  Syracuse           NY   13:28       13:38 
  138 Leslie Nowicki            54   21/36   F50-54    27:13  8:46    27:09  8:45  Holmdel            NJ   13:07       14:02 
  139 Victoria Tumanova         37    5/20   F35-39    27:26  8:50    27:21  8:49  Fayetteville       NY   13:24       13:57 
  140 Shannon Clark             50   22/36   F50-54    27:27  8:51    27:21  8:49  Huntsville         AL   13:32       13:49 
  141 Dianne Anderson           71    2/4    F70-74    27:42  8:55    27:36  8:53  Danville           CA   13:27       14:09 
  142 Kathy Frawley             65    9/10   F65-69    27:43  8:56    27:36  8:53  Brewerton          NY   13:33       14:03 
  143 Linda Kelnock             50   23/36   F50-54    27:55  9:00    27:51  8:58  West Chester       PA   13:37       14:14 
  144 Beth Foxenberg            37    6/20   F35-39    28:28  9:10    28:23  9:09  Kirkville          NY   13:11       15:12 
  145 Robin Cottrell            56   22/31   F55-59    29:08  9:23    29:01  9:21  Liverpool          NY   14:08       14:53 
  146 Sarah Levesque            29   10/34   F20-29    29:22  9:27    29:15  9:25  Tully              NY   14:45       14:30 
  147 Kelly Cresswell           51   24/36   F50-54    29:23  9:28    29:17  9:26  Cazenovia          NY   14:52       14:25 
  148 Trish Altimonda           44   20/31   F40-44    29:47  9:35    29:42  9:34  Liverpool          NY   14:26       15:16 
  149 Elaine Kochanowicz        40   21/31   F40-44    29:47  9:35    29:41  9:34  Smithville         MO   14:10       15:31 
  150 Susan Soscia              55   23/31   F55-59    29:58  9:39    29:51  9:37  Liverpool          NY   14:44       15:07 
  151 Diane Ruffolo             59   24/31   F55-59    30:01  9:40    29:52  9:37  Hastings           NY   14:59       14:53 
  152 Nicole Gait               51   25/36   F50-54    30:10  9:43    30:08  9:42  Fayetteville       NY   14:54       15:14 
  153 Mary Jo Champlin          35    7/20   F35-39    30:10  9:43    30:03  9:41  Chittenango        NY   14:45       15:18 
  154 Paula Phelan              42   22/31   F40-44    30:23  9:47    30:16  9:45  Syracuse           NY   15:16       15:00 
  155 Nancy Linnenbach          53   26/36   F50-54    30:26  9:48    30:20  9:46  Baldwinsville      NY   14:58       15:22 
  156 Jeannette Clark           48   21/29   F45-49    30:27  9:48    30:20  9:46  Syracuse           NY   15:16       15:04 
  157 Cynthia Bright            59   25/31   F55-59    30:44  9:54    30:39  9:52  Skaneateles        NY   14:50       15:49 
  158 Caryn Hughes              53   27/36   F50-54    30:45  9:54    30:29  9:49  Fairport           NY   15:33       14:56 
  159 Silvia Vergara            48   22/29   F45-49    31:03 10:00    30:54  9:57  Syracuse           NY   14:53       16:01 
  160 Sarah Scicchitano         25   11/34   F20-29    31:25 10:07    31:20 10:06  Syracuse           NY   15:00       16:20 
  161 Katie McBeth              40   23/31   F40-44    31:30 10:09    31:24 10:07  North Syracuse     NY   15:43       15:41 
  162 Victoria With             37    8/20   F35-39    31:49 10:15    31:43 10:13  Lafayette          NY   15:27       16:16 
  163 Linda Glowacki            58   26/31   F55-59    31:57 10:17    31:50 10:15  Liverpool          NY   15:14       16:36 
  164 Marcia Baldwin            52   28/36   F50-54    31:58 10:18    31:51 10:15  Liverpool          NY   15:49       16:02 
  165 Patricia Seymour          47   23/29   F45-49    32:01 10:19    31:53 10:16  Syracuse           NY   15:36       16:17 
  166 Donia El Gebaly           36    9/20   F35-39    32:11 10:22    32:07 10:21  New Brunswick      NJ   15:52       16:15 
  167 Alison Deldicque          47   24/29   F45-49    32:24 10:26    32:14 10:23  Fayetteville       NY   16:06       16:08 
  168 Melinda Portmess          64   14/16   F60-64    32:34 10:29    32:25 10:26  Tully              NY   16:15       16:10 
  169 Irene Odonnell            45   25/29   F45-49    32:35 10:30    32:26 10:27  Camillus           NY   16:19       16:07 
  170 Jessica Van Valkenburgh   35   10/20   F35-39    32:42 10:32    32:35 10:29  Fort Plain         NY   15:44       16:51 
  171 Barb Jasinski             53   29/36   F50-54    32:46 10:33    32:37 10:30  Liverpool          NY   16:20       16:17 
  172 Nicole Neff               39   11/20   F35-39    32:58 10:37    32:52 10:35  Syracuse           NY   15:17       17:35 
  173 Krissie Oja               27   12/34   F20-29    33:04 10:39    32:56 10:36  Syracuse           NY   16:14       16:42 
  174 Kathleen Bump             52   30/36   F50-54    33:16 10:43    33:03 10:38  Syracuse           NY   16:09       16:54 
  175 Katie Oja                 27   13/34   F20-29    33:17 10:43    33:09 10:41  Syracuse           NY   16:14       16:55 
  176 Kristine Longshore        49   26/29   F45-49    33:35 10:49    33:31 10:48  Doylestown         PA   16:25       17:06 
  177 Mary Kresser              51   31/36   F50-54    33:39 10:50    33:29 10:47  Syracuse           NY   16:20       17:09 
  178 Melinda Reiner            54   32/36   F50-54    33:45 10:52    33:39 10:50  Syracuse           NY   16:14       17:25 
  179 Cindy Shore               61   15/16   F60-64    33:51 10:54    33:42 10:51  Tully              NY   16:23       17:19 
  180 Allison Devoe             28   14/34   F20-29    33:59 10:56    33:46 10:52  Jamesville         NY   16:10       17:36 
  181 Donna Eschenbrenner       59   27/31   F55-59    34:05 10:59    33:55 10:55  Ithaca             NY   16:27       17:28 
  182 Jennifer Russo            38   12/20   F35-39    34:07 10:59    33:55 10:55  Liverpool          NY   16:10       17:45 
  183 Megan Jones               38   13/20   F35-39    34:10 11:00    33:59 10:56  Liverpool          NY   16:30       17:29 
  184 Nicole Cambridge          36   14/20   F35-39    34:20 11:03    34:08 11:00  Endicott           NY   16:17       17:51 
  185 Maria Besaw               41   24/31   F40-44    34:20 11:03    34:08 10:59  Manlius            NY   16:16       17:52 
  186 Jonna Johnson             35   15/20   F35-39    34:20 11:03    34:08 10:59  Jamesville         NY   16:16       17:52 
  187 Maureen Mulderig          52   33/36   F50-54    34:29 11:06    34:23 11:04  Camillus           NY   17:23       17:00 
  188 Anika Flagg               44   25/31   F40-44    34:44 11:11    34:37 11:09  Syracuse           NY   16:47       17:50 
  189 Madeline Bost             78    1/4    F75-79    34:57 11:15    34:53 11:14  Randolph           NJ   17:23       17:30 
  190 Michelle Storinge         35   16/20   F35-39    35:05 11:18    35:00 11:16  Syracuse           NY   16:22       18:38 
  191 Jennifer Crisp            47   27/29   F45-49    35:16 11:21    35:09 11:19  Syracuse           NY   17:37       17:32 
  192 Carrie Narrow             37   17/20   F35-39    35:18 11:22    35:15 11:21  Manlius            NY   16:44       18:31 
  193 Mikaela Delpha            32    9/14   F30-34    35:28 11:25    35:23 11:24  Liverpool          NY   16:42       18:41 
  194 Julia Rizzo               28   15/34   F20-29    35:36 11:28    35:27 11:25  Tully              NY   17:44       17:43 
  195 Kristin Randall           38   18/20   F35-39    35:37 11:28    35:33 11:27  Baldwinsville      NY   17:23       18:10 
  196 Kelly Stone               55   28/31   F55-59    35:37 11:28    35:33 11:27  Cicero             NY   17:23       18:10 
  197 Neve Gordon               11    4/5    F01-13    35:43 11:30    35:34 11:27  Syracuse           NY   16:48       18:46 
  198 Kathy Redmond             56   29/31   F55-59    35:44 11:30    35:29 11:26  Central Square     NY   17:32       17:57 
  199 Marielle Emmanuel         10    5/5    F01-13    35:44 11:30    35:34 11:27  Liverpool          NY   16:50       18:44 
  200 Jennifer Bahr             31   10/14   F30-34    35:47 11:31    35:39 11:29  Cicero             NY   17:16       18:23 
  201 Carole Ozark              70    3/4    F70-74    35:48 11:32    35:45 11:31  Weedsport          NY   16:46       18:59 
  202 Siera Shepard             18   12/31   F14-19    36:18 11:41    36:12 11:40  Chesapeake         VA   17:07       19:05 
  203 Sandra Trainer            52   34/36   F50-54    36:19 11:42    36:10 11:39  Cicero             NY   17:03       19:07 
  204 Selina Lazarus            48   28/29   F45-49    36:32 11:46    36:22 11:43  Liverpool          NY   17:29       18:53 
  205 Christa Maier             77    2/4    F75-79    36:36 11:47    36:34 11:47  Williamsville      NY   17:22       19:12 
  206 Tami Graf                 81    1/2    F80-84    37:09 11:58    37:06 11:57  Lusby              MD   18:01       19:05 
  207 Laurie Simpson            43   26/31   F40-44    37:17 12:00    37:01 11:55  Phoenix            NY   18:14       18:47 
  208 Tracy Digenova            30   11/14   F30-34    37:32 12:05    37:16 12:00  Syracuse           NY   18:48       18:28 
  209 Corey Dunham              34   12/14   F30-34    37:32 12:05    37:17 12:00  Syracuse           NY   18:49       18:28 
  210 Fran Rowe                 77    3/4    F75-79    37:47 12:10    37:46 12:10  Niagara Falls      NY   17:53       19:53 
  211 Sarah Jackson             27   16/34   F20-29    37:59 12:14    37:47 12:10  Syracuse           NY   18:12       19:35 
  212 Clare Haynes              51   35/36   F50-54    38:00 12:14    37:45 12:09  Constantia         NY   18:22       19:23 
  213 Lonita Mathis             52   36/36   F50-54    38:27 12:23    38:25 12:22  Syracuse           NY   18:08       20:17 
  214 Elona Gera                43   27/31   F40-44    38:46 12:29    38:40 12:27  Jamesville         NY   18:53       19:47 
  215 Jill Gravante             42   28/31   F40-44    38:47 12:29    38:39 12:27  Liverpool          NY   18:49       19:50 
  216 Megan Waterman            42   29/31   F40-44    39:10 12:37    39:02 12:34  Hampstead          MD   18:36       20:26 
  217 Melissa Sugamele          41   30/31   F40-44    39:34 12:45    39:27 12:42  Syracuse           NY   19:01       20:26 
  218 Anny Stockman             85    1/1    F85-89    39:42 12:47    39:41 12:47  Rensselaer         NY   19:53       19:48 
  219 Angela Epolito            39   19/20   F35-39    39:44 12:48    39:37 12:45  East Syracuse      NY   19:01       20:36 
  220 Preslie Fields            25   17/34   F20-29    39:56 12:52    39:40 12:47  Tully              NY   18:32       21:08 
  221 Estelle Hahn              77    4/4    F75-79    40:08 12:55    40:02 12:54  Jamesville         NY   19:15       20:47 
  222 Kathryn Palmer-Smith      36   20/20   F35-39    40:26 13:01    40:21 13:00  Moravia            NY   19:39       20:42 
  223 Janet Seeley              61   16/16   F60-64    40:42 13:06    40:30 13:02  Baldwinsville      NY   19:17       21:13 
  224 Anne Proppe               66   10/10   F65-69    41:12 13:16    40:59 13:12  Baldwinsville      NY   19:41       21:18 
  225 Edna Hyer                 83    2/2    F80-84    41:22 13:19    41:20 13:18  South Wales        NY   19:57       21:23 
  226 Lindsey Truskowski        31   13/14   F30-34    41:44 13:26    41:32 13:23  Potsdam            NY   19:46       21:46 
  227 Deborah Sullivan          57   30/31   F55-59    41:44 13:26    41:33 13:23  Harrisville        NY   19:47       21:46 
  228 Pamela Roczen             58   31/31   F55-59    43:21 13:57    43:06 13:53  East Syracuse      NY   20:49       22:17 
  229 Sarah Bowers              31   14/14   F30-34    43:21 13:57    43:05 13:52  Syracuse           NY   20:49       22:16 
  230 Ella Hogan                21   18/34   F20-29    43:26 13:59    43:10 13:54  Rochester          NY   25:42       17:28 
  231 Neena Merola              21   19/34   F20-29    43:26 13:59    43:11 13:54  Syracuse           NY   25:42       17:29 
  232 Wadatawi Bomberry         18   13/31   F14-19    43:26 13:59    43:14 13:55  Syracuse           NY   24:09       19:05 
  233 Alexa Radziewicz          20   20/34   F20-29    43:26 13:59    43:15 13:56  Manlius            NY   24:09       19:06 
  234 Connie Ciccone            71    4/4    F70-74    47:59 15:27    47:55 15:26  Skaneateles        NY   23:29       24:26 
  235 Tracey McLean             45   29/29   F45-49    49:27 15:55    49:14 15:51  Camillus           NY   23:20       25:54 
  236 Morgan Alexander          20   21/34   F20-29    49:46 16:01    49:32 15:57  Adams              NY   24:07       25:25 
  237 Andrea Kooritzky          43   31/31   F40-44    50:19 16:12    50:08 16:08  Syracuse           NY   24:42       25:26 
  238 Mary Rahal                20   22/34   F20-29    51:57 16:44    51:45 16:40  Syracuse           NY   27:45       24:00 
  239 Emily Amell               20   23/34   F20-29    51:57 16:44    51:46 16:40  Dexter             NY   27:50       23:56 
  240 Morgan Hollenback         20   24/34   F20-29    51:57 16:44    51:44 16:39  Syracuse           NY   27:44       24:00 
  241 Brianna Stahrr            20   25/34   F20-29    51:58 16:44    51:46 16:40  North Syracuse     NY   27:47       23:59 
  242 Morgan Widner             19   14/31   F14-19    51:58 16:44    51:46 16:40  Syracuse           NY   27:46       24:00 
  243 Kerry Defliese            19   15/31   F14-19    52:16 16:50    52:03 16:46  Syracuse           NY   27:46       24:17 
  244 Emily Resnick             20   26/34   F20-29    52:16 16:50    52:02 16:45  Syracuse           NY   27:45       24:17 
  245 Samantha Swart            18   16/31   F14-19    54:29 17:32    54:12 17:27  Coopersburg        PA   28:31       25:41 
  246 Hailey Bengston           19   17/31   F14-19    54:29 17:33    54:17 17:29  Syracuse           NY   29:00       25:17 
  247 Cara Quimby               20   27/34   F20-29    54:29 17:33    54:19 17:29  Syracuse           NY   28:29       25:50 
  248 Riley Donahue             21   28/34   F20-29    54:30 17:33    54:14 17:28  Camillus           NY   28:25       25:49 
  249 Kelzi Vanatta             21   29/34   F20-29    54:30 17:33    54:14 17:28  Rochester          NY   28:25       25:49 
  250 Isabella Recchion         19   18/31   F14-19    54:30 17:33    54:17 17:29  East Quoge         NY   28:18       25:59 
  251 Emily Hawryschuk          19   19/31   F14-19    54:50 17:39    54:38 17:35  Syracuse           NY   28:29       26:09 
  252 Alie Jimerson             21   30/34   F20-29    54:50 17:39    54:36 17:35  Irving             NY   28:26       26:10 
  253 Christina McCabe          18   20/31   F14-19    54:50 17:39    54:35 17:34  Oceanside          NY   28:33       26:02 
  254 Sheridan Duff             19   21/31   F14-19    54:50 17:39    54:39 17:36  Yorktown Heights   NY   28:30       26:09 
  255 Lila Nazarian             19   22/31   F14-19    57:05 18:23    56:50 18:18  Baltimore          MD   29:40       27:10 
  256 Rilea Fusco               18   23/31   F14-19    57:05 18:23    56:51 18:18  Yorktown Heights   NY   29:37       27:14 
  257 Lauren Gray               18   24/31   F14-19    57:05 18:23    56:49 18:17  Clifton Park       NY   29:39       27:10 
  258 Allyson Trice             17   25/31   F14-19    57:10 18:24    56:53 18:19  Syracuse           NY   28:51       28:02 
  259 Julie Cross               20   31/34   F20-29    57:11 18:25    56:57 18:20  Syracuse           NY   28:54       28:03 
  260 Vanessa Costantino        19   26/31   F14-19    57:12 18:25    56:58 18:21  Syracuse           NY   28:55       28:03 
  261 Jaclyn Hingre             20   32/34   F20-29    57:35 18:32    57:19 18:27  Baldwinsville      NY   29:35       27:44 
  262 Hannah Van Middelem       18   27/31   F14-19    57:35 18:33    57:19 18:27  Mt Sinai           NY   29:36       27:43 
  263 Grace Fahey               18   28/31   F14-19    58:08 18:43    57:55 18:39  Boxford            MA   29:38       28:17 
  264 Molly Carter              18   29/31   F14-19    58:10 18:44    57:53 18:38  Lynbrook           NY   29:33       28:20 
  265 Taylor Gait               24   33/34   F20-29    59:46 19:15    59:29 19:09  Syracuse           NY   29:45       29:44 
  266 Nicole Levy               20   34/34   F20-29    59:47 19:15    59:34 19:11  Syracuse           NY   29:48       29:46 
  267 Asa Goldstock             19   30/31   F14-19    59:47 19:15    59:33 19:10  Syracuse           NY   29:48       29:45 
  268 Ella Simkins              19   31/31   F14-19    59:47 19:15    59:37 19:12  Syracuse           NY   29:44       29:53