
37th Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 13, 2014
Utica, NY
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Displaying 7351-7400 of 11891 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
7351 Richard Sears M 55 1:45:09 11:17 1:38:27 10:34 Boonville NY M55-59 346 474 4573 6233 32:44 1:05:59
7352 Nicole Campbell F 33 1:45:09 11:17 1:33:04 10:00 North Kingstown RI F30-34 373 871 2779 5658 30:55 1:01:52
7353 Megan Lee F 20 1:45:09 11:17 1:38:27 10:34 Boonville NY F20-24 439 797 2780 5658 32:46 1:05:58
7354 Kevin Beattie M 46 1:45:09 11:17 1:32:03 9:53 Massena NY M45-49 366 612 4574 6233 32:16 1:03:32
7355 Melissa Yahoudy F 37 1:45:10 11:17 1:37:48 10:30 Ballston Spa NY F35-39 412 747 2781 5658 30:34 1:03:19
7356 Scott Adamczyk M 32 1:45:10 11:17 1:32:14 9:54 Raritan NJ M30-34 567 863 4575 6233 28:41 58:02
7357 Philip Davis M 34 1:45:10 11:17 1:39:18 10:40 Oriskany NY M30-34 699 863 4576 6233 31:18 1:04:33
7358 Taylor Doolittle F 20 1:45:11 11:18 1:44:14 11:11 Barneveld NY F20-24 560 797 2782 5658 33:49 1:08:02
7359 Devin Frye M 24 1:45:11 11:18 1:44:14 11:11 Barneveld NY M20-24 568 638 4577 6233 33:50 1:08:03
7360 Sandy Oconnell F 35 1:45:11 11:18 1:40:22 10:47 Delmar NY F35-39 467 747 2783 5658 31:20 1:04:01
7361 Patrick Ryan M 39 1:45:12 11:18 1:37:59 10:31 Rexford NY M35-39 578 743 4578 6233 31:27 1:05:02
7362 Tyler Kallasy M 21 1:45:12 11:18 1:39:23 10:40 New Hartord NY M20-24 529 638 4579 6233 29:43 1:03:18
7363 Daniel Sindone M 42 1:45:12 11:18 1:30:18 9:42 Liverpool NY M40-44 358 604 4580 6233 29:53 59:51
7364 Colleen Vermette F 45 1:45:13 11:18 1:41:56 10:57 Cicero NY F45-49 296 499 2784 5658 32:02 1:04:58
7365 Sean Thomas M 32 1:45:13 11:18 1:37:16 10:27 Kenmore NY M30-34 667 863 4581 6233 31:32 1:03:35
7366 Kerry Wysner-Purdy F 44 1:45:13 11:18 1:35:11 10:13 Syracuse NY F40-44 294 622 2785 5658 32:40 1:04:17
7367 Jacob Mineo M 15 1:45:13 11:18 1:40:59 10:50 New Hartford NY M15-19 354 394 4582 6233 33:11 1:07:47
7368 Timothy Britt M 26 1:45:13 11:18 1:37:16 10:27 Cheektowaga NY M25-29 725 934 4583 6233 31:34 1:03:43
7369 Aldo Cortes M 36 1:45:14 11:18 1:33:46 10:04 New York NY M35-39 498 743 4584 6233 32:20 1:05:33
7370 Kristen Calenda F 25 1:45:14 11:18 1:37:48 10:30 Utica NY F25-29 574 1022 2786 5658 32:54 1:04:30
7371 Gary Kapps M 60 1:45:14 11:18 1:34:52 10:11 New Hartford NY M60-64 121 230 4585 6233 31:08 1:02:44
7372 Myriam Cotten F 43 1:45:14 11:18 1:34:27 10:09 Clinton NY F40-44 271 622 2787 5658 32:26 1:04:05
7373 Michele Davis F 39 1:45:15 11:18 1:40:02 10:44 Utica NY F35-39 459 747 2788 5658 30:17 1:03:41
7374 Kathleen Gray F 23 1:45:15 11:18 1:40:43 10:49 Marcy NY F20-24 498 797 2789 5658 33:41 1:07:10
7375 Christopher Bellona M 37 1:45:15 11:18 1:31:36 9:50 Potsdam NY M35-39 462 743 4586 6233 31:10 1:02:14
7376 Meghan Zaklukiewicz F 28 1:45:15 11:18 1:33:34 10:03 Little Falls NY F25-29 439 1022 2790 5658 30:48 1:02:55
7377 Andrea Bansner F 34 1:45:16 11:18 1:40:38 10:48 Utica NY F30-34 550 871 2791 5658 33:59 1:07:18
7378 Brian Bansner M 34 1:45:16 11:18 1:40:38 10:48 Utica NY M30-34 715 863 4587 6233 33:59 1:07:18
7379 Ashley Waldron F 23 1:45:16 11:18 1:31:36 9:50 Utica NY F20-24 294 797 2792 5658 31:10 1:02:14
7380 Anthony Verno M 52 1:45:16 11:18 1:37:01 10:25 Lycoming NY M50-54 390 544 4588 6233 31:11 1:02:58
7381 Ryan Vinci M 20 1:45:16 11:18 1:36:29 10:22 Utica NY M20-24 501 638 4589 6233 30:48 1:03:01
7382 Elaine Kimpel F 59 1:45:17 11:18 1:41:26 10:53 Fabius NY F55-59 91 199 2793 5658 33:54 1:07:28
7383 Stephen Cronauer M 23 1:45:17 11:18 1:36:54 10:24 Utica NY M20-24 508 638 4590 6233 30:02 1:03:20
7384 Matt Del Buono M 22 1:45:17 11:18 1:32:15 9:54 Sauquoit NY M20-24 449 638 4591 6233 31:30 1:02:18
7385 Stephen Brooks M 29 1:45:17 11:18 1:35:30 10:15 Astoria NY M25-29 694 934 4592 6233 33:03 1:03:03
7386 Isabelle Balency F 44 1:45:17 11:18 1:31:21 9:49 Montreal QC F40-44 207 622 2794 5658 31:35 1:01:53
7387 David Nacca M 53 1:45:17 11:18 1:42:05 10:58 Rochester NY M50-54 451 544 4593 6233 35:59 1:08:56
7388 Sean Knapp M 33 1:45:17 11:18 1:40:48 10:49 Gloversville NY M30-34 717 863 4594 6233 29:42 1:02:21
7389 Andrew Gladwin M 42 1:45:18 11:18 1:30:09 9:41 Niskayuna NY M40-44 356 604 4595 6233 31:06 1:01:29
7390 Justin Yousey M 25 1:45:18 11:18 1:40:27 10:47 Boonville NY M25-29 785 934 4596 6233 30:27 1:03:44
7391 Ann Usborne F 53 1:45:18 11:18 1:31:22 9:49 New Woodstock NY F50-54 118 388 2795 5658 30:13 1:00:52
7392 Nancy Rayne F 54 1:45:18 11:18 1:37:47 10:30 Clinton NY F50-54 185 388 2796 5658 32:10 1:04:48
7393 William Gibson M 29 1:45:18 11:18 1:36:21 10:21 Clayville NY M25-29 714 934 4597 6233 30:15 1:03:00
7394 Breanna Douglas F 23 1:45:18 11:18 1:41:12 10:52 Little Falls NY F20-24 504 797 2797 5658 32:41 1:06:15
7395 Joey Laino M 48 1:45:19 11:18 1:42:22 10:59 Clarence NY M45-49 496 612 4598 6233 33:04 1:07:07
7396 Danielle Callahan F 25 1:45:19 11:18 1:40:27 10:47 New Hartford NY F25-29 634 1022 2798 5658 33:12 1:06:39
7397 Paula Iannello F 59 1:45:19 11:18 1:31:32 9:50 Verona NY F55-59 42 199 2799 5658 30:46 1:01:48
7398 Seamus Murray M 21 1:45:19 11:18 1:36:32 10:22 Utica NY M20-24 503 638 4599 6233 30:48 1:03:01
7399 Ashley Iannello F 27 1:45:19 11:18 1:31:32 9:50 North Syracuse NY F25-29 375 1022 2800 5658 30:47 1:01:48
7400 Bettina Haskell Rand F 50 1:45:20 11:18 1:37:14 10:26 Waterbury VT F50-54 177 388 2801 5658 32:56 1:04:32

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