
37th Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 13, 2014
Utica, NY
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Displaying 8851-8900 of 11891 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
8851 Claire Maxey F 26 1:51:21 11:57 1:38:43 10:36 Lakewood OH F25-29 596 1022 3627 5658 32:23 1:05:23
8852 Shaun Oyer M 33 1:51:21 11:57 1:36:10 10:20 Whitesboro NY M30-34 645 863 5225 6233 31:00 1:03:58
8853 Rosemary Pyle F 51 1:51:21 11:57 1:44:01 11:10 Niskayuna NY F50-54 231 388 3628 5658 34:09 1:08:49
8854 Julie Duffy F 43 1:51:21 11:57 1:38:19 10:33 Pelham NY F40-44 351 622 3629 5658 33:38 1:06:44
8855 Lauren Valente F 31 1:51:22 11:57 1:43:26 11:06 Utica NY F30-34 599 871 3630 5658 34:54 1:09:04
8856 Michele Cseh F 45 1:51:23 11:58 1:41:46 10:56 Hillsborough NJ F45-49 294 499 3631 5658 34:38 1:07:51
8857 George Sandor M 32 1:51:24 11:58 1:43:45 11:08 Albany NY M30-34 753 863 5226 6233 34:15 1:06:40
8858 Emmet Kelleher M 49 1:51:24 11:58 1:36:16 10:20 Saratoga Springs NY M45-49 424 612 5227 6233 33:36 1:05:22
8859 Edward Smith M 29 1:51:24 11:58 1:41:34 10:54 Rome NY M25-29 796 934 5228 6233 33:14 1:06:36
8860 Michael Wheeler M 43 1:51:24 11:58 1:40:24 10:47 Albany NY M40-44 477 604 5229 6233 33:20 1:06:26
8861 Hollly Emery F 43 1:51:25 11:58 1:40:25 10:47 Albany NY F40-44 386 622 3632 5658 33:20 1:06:26
8862 Andrew Wright M 27 1:51:25 11:58 1:41:34 10:54 Corning NY M25-29 795 934 5230 6233 32:56 1:05:40
8863 Amy Conners F 31 1:51:25 11:58 1:43:14 11:05 Culpeper VA F30-34 594 871 3633 5658 34:12 1:08:48
8864 Lauren Gallimo F 29 1:51:25 11:58 1:43:13 11:05 Whitesboro NY F25-29 712 1022 3634 5658 34:12 1:08:47
8865 Carissa Mazza F 35 1:51:25 11:58 1:43:14 11:05 Utica NY F35-39 514 747 3635 5658 34:12 1:08:48
8866 Theresa Smith F 46 1:51:25 11:58 1:41:21 10:53 Cortland NY F45-49 289 499 3636 5658 35:11 1:08:53
8867 Ashley Kuit F 23 1:51:26 11:58 1:42:47 11:02 Randolph VT F20-24 530 797 3637 5658 34:23 1:08:39
8868 Amy Agostini F 38 1:51:26 11:58 1:43:57 11:10 Spencerport NY F35-39 528 747 3638 5658 33:33 1:08:12
8869 Kelly Greene F 42 1:51:26 11:58 1:46:01 11:23 Auburn NY F40-44 463 622 3639 5658 34:44 1:10:09
8870 Lori Nolan F 38 1:51:27 11:58 1:46:54 11:29 Endwell NY F35-39 576 747 3640 5658 32:55 1:08:31
8871 Christopher Dillon M 16 1:51:27 11:58 1:46:52 11:28 Tinton Falls NJ M15-19 376 394 5231 6233 33:17 1:09:28
8872 Anthony Kapps M 25 1:51:27 11:58 1:46:52 11:28 Rome NY M25-29 850 934 5232 6233 32:52 1:08:11
8873 Alexander Catera M 16 1:51:27 11:58 1:42:26 11:00 New Hartford NY M15-19 362 394 5233 6233 33:17 1:08:43
8874 Michael Reno M 54 1:51:27 11:58 1:44:00 11:10 Oswego NY M50-54 459 544 5234 6233 33:29 1:08:42
8875 Carly Sinclair F 16 1:51:27 11:58 1:45:31 11:20 Clinton NY F15-19 262 344 3641 5658 34:00 1:10:28
8876 Lindsay Hayduk F 15 1:51:28 11:58 1:45:31 11:20 Clinton NY F15-19 263 344 3642 5658 34:00 1:10:28
8877 Sara Bowman-Hayes F 25 1:51:29 11:58 1:42:45 11:02 Binghamton NY F25-29 702 1022 3643 5658 32:47 1:06:57
8878 Suzanne Paddock F 44 1:51:29 11:58 1:38:45 10:36 Ilion NY F40-44 359 622 3644 5658 32:19 1:05:44
8879 Frank Maine M 61 1:51:30 11:58 1:49:21 11:44 Deerfield NY M60-64 188 230 5235 6233 34:34 1:10:15
8880 Ron Young M 42 1:51:31 11:58 1:42:11 10:58 Guilderland NY M40-44 490 604 5236 6233 32:58 1:07:05
8881 Hannah Schwager F 24 1:51:31 11:58 1:41:47 10:56 East Greenwich RI F20-24 514 797 3645 5658 32:43 1:08:39
8882 Grace McIntosh F 24 1:51:31 11:58 1:37:09 10:26 Syracuse NY F20-24 415 797 3646 5658 32:26 1:03:40
8883 Daniel Avissato M 27 1:51:32 11:58 1:38:50 10:37 Brooklyn NY M25-29 757 934 5237 6233 33:06 1:06:16
8884 Susan Stockman F 57 1:51:33 11:58 1:37:04 10:25 Barneveld NY F55-59 73 199 3647 5658 32:11 1:04:49
8885 Carla Barry F 31 1:51:33 11:59 1:38:26 10:34 Rochester NY F30-34 509 871 3648 5658 32:35 1:06:13
8886 Miao Fan M 29 1:51:34 11:59 1:49:26 11:45 Schenectady NY M25-29 864 934 5238 6233 31:12 1:07:10
8887 Sarah Armitage F 39 1:51:34 11:59 1:39:09 10:39 Rome NY F35-39 438 747 3649 5658 33:19 1:06:41
8888 Melanie Parton F 24 1:51:34 11:59 1:39:09 10:39 Baldwinsville NY F20-24 448 797 3650 5658 33:20 1:06:42
8889 Nathan Gill M 28 1:51:34 11:59 1:41:58 10:57 Endicott NY M25-29 803 934 5239 6233 34:37 1:08:52
8890 Jeremy McDonald M 47 1:51:34 11:59 1:37:42 10:29 Cohoes NY M45-49 439 612 5240 6233 30:34 1:02:24
8891 Sarah Kindschuh F 29 1:51:34 11:59 1:41:58 10:57 Endicott NY F25-29 678 1022 3651 5658 34:37 1:08:52
8892 Patricia Evangelista F 50 1:51:34 11:59 1:41:35 10:54 Auburn NY F50-54 206 388 3652 5658 33:35 1:07:15
8893 Verna Jh Agen F 53 1:51:35 11:59 1:44:28 11:13 Utica NY F50-54 235 388 3653 5658 32:19 1:06:12
8894 Susan Strom F 38 1:51:35 11:59 1:36:37 10:22 Cary NC F35-39 383 747 3654 5658 30:38 1:03:26
8895 Mark Kenjarski M 40 1:51:35 11:59 1:36:36 10:22 Cary NC M40-44 440 604 5241 6233 30:37 1:03:25
8896 Adrienne Blaszak F 43 1:51:35 11:59 1:47:20 11:31 Marcy NY F40-44 474 622 3655 5658 35:00 1:10:45
8897 Michael Casciere M 60 1:51:36 11:59 1:41:50 10:56 Burlington NC M60-64 152 230 5242 6233 34:23 1:08:18
8898 Tim Dumont M 60 1:51:36 11:59 1:41:50 10:56 Utica NY M60-64 153 230 5243 6233 34:24 1:08:18
8899 Jen Bolton F 34 1:51:36 11:59 1:41:38 10:55 Burlington Flats NY F30-34 567 871 3656 5658 33:06 1:07:10
8900 Stephen Walasavage M 31 1:51:36 11:59 1:44:56 11:16 Quincy MA M30-34 760 863 5244 6233 33:03 1:08:12

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