
37th Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 13, 2014
Utica, NY
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Displaying 10651-10700 of 11891 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
10651 Anthony Seoane M 31 2:03:45 13:17 1:52:17 12:03 Rome NY M30-34 813 863 5863 6233 35:21 1:14:59
10652 David Elkovitch M 63 2:03:45 13:17 1:58:36 12:44 Skaneateles NY M60-64 206 230 5864 6233 36:43 1:15:56
10653 Debbie Sindone F 46 2:03:46 13:17 1:48:52 11:41 Liverpool NY F45-49 380 499 4789 5658 35:35 1:12:39
10654 Christa Maney F 27 2:03:48 13:17 1:53:38 12:12 Cohoes NY F25-29 883 1022 4790 5658 36:55 1:15:22
10655 Erica Preston F 30 2:03:48 13:17 1:51:41 11:59 Canton NY F30-34 727 871 4791 5658 37:01 1:14:55
10656 Terri Bonney F 24 2:03:48 13:17 1:57:42 12:38 Davenport Center NY F20-24 716 797 4792 5658 36:15 1:17:01
10657 Emilie Kane F 19 2:03:49 13:17 1:49:47 11:47 Frankfort NY F15-19 283 344 4793 5658 33:45 1:09:38
10658 Salvatore Raspante M 46 2:03:50 13:18 1:55:33 12:24 New Hartford NY M45-49 577 612 5865 6233 38:38 1:16:36
10659 Abby Marosek F 24 2:03:52 13:18 1:49:12 11:43 Herkimer NY F20-24 634 797 4794 5658 34:07 1:10:46
10660 Chris Anzalone M 38 2:03:52 13:18 1:50:27 11:51 Oswego NY M35-39 693 743 5866 6233 37:10 1:12:11
10661 Christine Goux F 33 2:03:52 13:18 1:56:11 12:28 New Hartford NY F30-34 774 871 4795 5658 37:55 1:16:56
10662 Suzanne Fenger F 67 2:03:53 13:18 1:59:20 12:49 Williamsville NY F65-69 25 35 4796 5658 39:49 1:21:39
10663 Andrew Derminio M 24 2:03:54 13:18 1:49:27 11:45 New Hartford NY M20-24 596 638 5867 6233 37:06 1:13:32
10664 George Spink M 56 2:03:56 13:18 1:59:32 12:50 Tillamook OR M55-59 454 474 5868 6233 39:02 1:18:52
10665 Sarah Greenwood F 27 2:03:56 13:18 2:00:58 12:59 Severna Park MD F25-29 950 1022 4797 5658 35:00 1:14:38
10666 Vivian Veazy F 44 2:03:57 13:18 1:54:43 12:19 Frankfort NY F40-44 541 622 4798 5658 38:34 1:17:40
10667 Rosaria Matt F 25 2:03:58 13:18 1:49:11 11:43 Marcy NY F25-29 827 1022 4799 5658 32:40 1:10:39
10668 Kira Andrilla F 35 2:03:58 13:18 2:00:08 12:54 Little Falls NY F35-39 682 747 4800 5658 37:51 1:19:55
10669 Sharry Whitney F 46 2:03:58 13:18 1:50:56 11:55 Clinton NY F45-49 404 499 4801 5658 34:41 1:12:27
10670 Jennifer Rogaski F 22 2:04:01 13:19 1:58:32 12:44 Schenectady NY F20-24 726 797 4802 5658 36:42 1:18:32
10671 Tanner Stewart M 26 2:04:02 13:19 1:57:34 12:37 Utica NY M25-29 900 934 5869 6233 33:27 1:11:49
10672 Carl Robertello M 29 2:04:02 13:19 1:56:29 12:30 Utica NY M25-29 894 934 5870 6233 38:08 1:17:08
10673 Rachel Heath F 22 2:04:02 13:19 1:55:07 12:21 Glenmont NY F20-24 691 797 4803 5658 34:31 1:13:54
10674 Alaina Valeriano F 25 2:04:03 13:19 1:54:08 12:15 Mohawk NY F25-29 887 1022 4804 5658 37:42 1:15:03
10675 Bill Haddad M 27 2:04:06 13:19 1:58:10 12:41 North Syracuse NY M25-29 902 934 5871 6233 38:48 1:17:14
10676 Tom Norton M 45 2:04:07 13:19 1:58:26 12:43 New Hartford NY M45-49 585 612 5872 6233 40:46 1:20:40
10677 Gloria Colton F 70 2:04:07 13:19 1:51:34 11:59 Fayetteville NY F70-74 2 4 4805 5658 37:38 1:15:14
10678 Joan Osier F 65 2:04:09 13:20 1:51:35 11:59 Baldwinsville NY F65-69 19 35 4806 5658 37:41 1:15:17
10679 Adam Mihalek M 21 2:04:09 13:20 1:57:25 12:36 Fort Johnson NY M20-24 618 638 5873 6233 37:32 1:18:44
10680 Lou Falcone M 46 2:04:10 13:20 1:54:30 12:18 West Roxbury MA M45-49 572 612 5874 6233 37:42 1:15:00
10681 Suzanne Kick F 43 2:04:11 13:20 1:56:32 12:31 Marcellus NY F40-44 549 622 4807 5658 38:12 1:16:45
10682 Melissa Snizek F 24 2:04:12 13:20 1:50:03 11:49 Vernon NY F20-24 648 797 4808 5658 34:27 1:10:56
10683 Michael Losito M 26 2:04:12 13:20 2:02:55 13:12 Cicero NY M25-29 918 934 5875 6233 34:58 1:13:30
10684 Duane Johnson M 33 2:04:13 13:20 1:50:56 11:55 Gansevoort NY M30-34 807 863 5876 6233 36:14 1:13:08
10685 Mistie West F 42 2:04:13 13:20 1:51:22 11:57 Fayetteville NY F40-44 511 622 4809 5658 36:48 1:13:47
10686 Katheryn Doran F 60 2:04:13 13:20 1:52:09 12:02 Clinton NY F60-64 63 92 4810 5658 34:20 1:13:23
10687 Sarah Lewis F 26 2:04:13 13:20 1:58:00 12:40 Fayetteville NY F25-29 926 1022 4811 5658 37:53 1:17:12
10688 Kelly Dehimer F 43 2:04:14 13:20 1:52:32 12:05 Marcy NY F40-44 522 622 4812 5658 35:27 1:14:28
10689 Elizabeth Talerico F 31 2:04:14 13:20 1:50:33 11:52 Brookline MA F30-34 706 871 4813 5658 36:16 1:13:12
10690 Martin Ciaccia M 25 2:04:14 13:20 1:56:12 12:29 Frankfort NY M25-29 892 934 5877 6233 37:34 1:16:56
10691 Nicholas Huban M 63 2:04:15 13:20 1:49:16 11:44 Latham NY M60-64 187 230 5878 6233 35:35 1:11:41
10692 Louis Stoio M 25 2:04:15 13:20 1:57:33 12:37 Utica NY M25-29 899 934 5879 6233 38:02 1:17:16
10693 Kristina Saunders F 22 2:04:16 13:20 2:01:35 13:03 Rome NY F20-24 750 797 4814 5658 41:45 1:23:22
10694 Henry Perry M 54 2:04:16 13:20 2:00:52 12:58 Solvay NY M50-54 523 544 5880 6233 39:09 1:19:23
10695 Thomas Hawkins, Jr. M 45 2:04:17 13:20 2:01:37 13:03 Rome NY M45-49 593 612 5881 6233 41:47 1:23:23
10696 Cheryl Ross F 43 2:04:19 13:21 1:49:16 11:44 Camp Hill PA F40-44 492 622 4815 5658 36:01 1:11:35
10697 James Rizzo M 45 2:04:19 13:21 1:49:15 11:44 Rome NY M45-49 548 612 5882 6233 36:00 1:11:34
10698 Sharon Dodd F 57 2:04:19 13:21 1:50:42 11:53 Vestal NY F55-59 131 199 4816 5658 37:23 1:14:02
10699 Christina Dodd F 31 2:04:19 13:21 1:50:50 11:54 Rochester NY F30-34 716 871 4817 5658 37:31 1:14:11
10700 Ray Gould M 42 2:04:20 13:21 2:00:01 12:53 Croghan NY M40-44 583 604 5883 6233 39:44 1:19:36

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