
37th Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 13, 2014
Utica, NY
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Displaying 11451-11500 of 11891 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
11451 Mary Scouten F 34 2:16:09 14:37 2:03:12 13:14 Syracuse NY F30-34 818 871 5350 5658 42:32 1:23:38
11452 Noah Geloso M 13 2:16:11 14:37 2:07:03 13:38 Ilion NY M01-14 61 61 6102 6233 33:29 1:31:06
11453 Mitchel Hansen M 62 2:16:12 14:37 2:07:56 13:44 Clinton NY M60-64 217 230 6103 6233 40:32 1:24:07
11454 Natalie Sumner M 26 2:16:12 14:37 2:04:40 13:23 Glenville NY M25-29 923 934 6104 6233 38:54 1:20:31
11455 Ghita Schwerzmann F 53 2:16:13 14:37 2:03:40 13:17 Watertown NY F50-54 352 388 5351 5658 39:54 1:21:45
11456 Michele Westfall F 29 2:16:15 14:37 2:02:14 13:07 Aurora NY F25-29 957 1022 5352 5658 41:37 1:21:21
11457 Melven Derr M 61 2:16:16 14:38 2:11:43 14:08 Rome NY M60-64 220 230 6105 6233 44:20 1:27:36
11458 Melissa Perkins F 29 2:16:16 14:38 2:11:01 14:04 Utica NY F25-29 997 1022 5353 5658 41:38 1:25:37
11459 Amanda Soja F 28 2:16:16 14:38 2:11:01 14:04 Yorkville NY F25-29 998 1022 5354 5658 41:39 1:25:38
11460 Matt Pettit M 38 2:16:18 14:38 2:05:00 13:25 North Bay NY M35-39 732 743 6106 6233 39:56 1:22:18
11461 Kendra Hartery F 37 2:16:18 14:38 2:02:48 13:11 Rome NY F35-39 695 747 5355 5658 39:58 1:24:09
11462 Edmund Danis M 47 2:16:19 14:38 2:02:49 13:11 Rome NY M45-49 595 612 6107 6233 39:58 1:24:10
11463 Margaret Riley F 61 2:16:19 14:38 2:01:28 13:02 Utica NY F60-64 75 92 5356 5658 39:59 1:20:05
11464 Daniel Rosa M 66 2:16:19 14:38 2:01:30 13:03 Utica NY M65-69 88 93 6108 6233 40:00 1:20:05
11465 Seana Juda F 44 2:16:19 14:38 2:04:32 13:22 Elmira NY F40-44 587 622 5357 5658 38:02 1:21:07
11466 Stephanie Wnuk F 32 2:16:21 14:38 2:05:47 13:30 Doylestown PA F30-34 830 871 5358 5658 39:39 1:21:14
11467 Kyle Marshall M 32 2:16:21 14:38 2:04:00 13:19 Manlius NY M30-34 847 863 6109 6233 35:22 1:17:36
11468 Matthew Tomb M 42 2:16:22 14:38 2:01:23 13:02 Fayetteville NY M40-44 585 604 6110 6233 37:50 1:17:57
11469 Shane Liebler M 33 2:16:22 14:38 2:01:24 13:02 Syracuse NY M30-34 844 863 6111 6233 37:50 1:17:57
11470 Janet Ingram F 26 2:16:23 14:38 2:02:31 13:09 Baldwinsville NY F25-29 961 1022 5359 5658 39:16 1:19:51
11471 Kelly Fielder F 35 2:16:27 14:39 2:08:35 13:48 Knotts Island NC F35-39 718 747 5360 5658 42:10 1:25:30
11472 Alison Kiser F 45 2:16:28 14:39 2:05:55 13:31 Port Leyden NY F45-49 474 499 5361 5658 41:44 1:22:32
11473 Sheila Conant F 50 2:16:29 14:39 2:02:41 13:10 Glenmont NY F50-54 349 388 5362 5658 39:53 1:22:21
11474 Maureen O'Connor F 60 2:16:29 14:39 2:02:41 13:10 Pepperell MA F60-64 77 92 5363 5658 39:52 1:22:21
11475 Christian Knutsen M 40 2:16:33 14:39 2:10:04 13:58 Fayetteville NY M40-44 596 604 6112 6233 40:23 1:24:01
11476 Patricia Williams F 54 2:16:33 14:39 2:13:25 14:19 Park Ridge IL F50-54 375 388 5364 5658 40:38 1:28:50
11477 Jennifer Wilson F 40 2:16:33 14:40 2:10:06 13:58 Fayetteville NY F40-44 604 622 5365 5658 40:25 1:24:04
11478 Diana Edwards F 34 2:16:34 14:40 2:07:05 13:39 New Hartford NY F30-34 835 871 5366 5658 40:49 1:24:01
11479 Dewey Boyer M 68 2:16:35 14:40 2:08:06 13:45 Herkimer NY M65-69 92 93 6113 6233 39:09 1:21:19
11480 Stephanie Stark F 37 2:16:37 14:40 2:05:15 13:27 Utica NY F35-39 707 747 5367 5658 39:08 1:21:22
11481 Mindy Cover F 39 2:16:38 14:40 2:03:22 13:15 Saint Johnsville NY F35-39 698 747 5368 5658 41:25 1:21:24
11482 Jessica Crum F 38 2:16:38 14:40 2:03:22 13:15 Saint Johnsville NY F35-39 697 747 5369 5658 41:24 1:21:23
11483 Linda Machovec F 62 2:16:39 14:40 2:02:56 13:12 Constantia NY F60-64 79 92 5370 5658 37:55 1:20:16
11484 Wenda Galler F 46 2:16:44 14:41 2:09:51 13:56 Hamilton NY F45-49 481 499 5371 5658 42:21 1:25:46
11485 Amy Edkins F 34 2:16:45 14:41 2:04:31 13:22 Whitesboro NY F30-34 827 871 5372 5658 39:36 1:21:37
11486 Erin O'Neil F 30 2:16:45 14:41 2:02:42 13:10 Syracuse NY F30-34 813 871 5373 5658 39:24 1:20:37
11487 Kathleen Gratien F 33 2:16:45 14:41 2:02:42 13:10 Syracuse NY F30-34 814 871 5374 5658 39:25 1:20:37
11488 Mary Healt F 53 2:16:47 14:41 2:03:34 13:16 Forestport NY F50-54 351 388 5375 5658 40:20 1:22:43
11489 Thomas Larkin,jr M 69 2:16:47 14:41 2:03:33 13:16 Lee Center NY M65-69 89 93 6114 6233 36:23 1:20:05
11490 D. Mary Finster F 56 2:16:47 14:41 2:03:34 13:16 Taberg NY F55-59 170 199 5376 5658 40:21 1:22:45
11491 Adrianne Arnone F 34 2:16:49 14:41 2:12:19 14:12 Utica NY F30-34 852 871 5377 5658 43:50 1:27:12
11492 Brooke Andresen F 43 2:16:49 14:41 2:05:03 13:25 Holland Patent NY F40-44 589 622 5378 5658 40:41 1:21:53
11493 Kenneth Lancto M 49 2:16:53 14:42 2:08:00 13:44 Schenectady NY M45-49 603 612 6115 6233 40:34 1:22:45
11494 Samantha Allen F 24 2:16:56 14:42 2:02:11 13:07 Middletown NY F20-24 755 797 5379 5658 37:27 1:19:24
11495 Sue Burrows F 56 2:16:57 14:42 2:02:55 13:12 Cicero NY F55-59 168 199 5380 5658 39:07 1:20:06
11496 Shelby Liebler F 29 2:16:59 14:42 2:02:01 13:06 Saint Clair Shores MI F25-29 956 1022 5381 5658 37:50 1:17:58
11497 Christopher Anderson M 55 2:17:01 14:43 2:10:03 13:58 Little Falls NY M55-59 469 474 6116 6233 43:47 1:25:53
11498 Beth Spingar F 49 2:17:02 14:43 2:04:45 13:24 Webster NY F45-49 470 499 5382 5658 40:08 1:22:18
11499 Andrea Perkins F 29 2:17:07 14:43 2:05:58 13:31 Rochester NY F25-29 984 1022 5383 5658 39:12 1:22:22
11500 Kristin Haag F 41 2:17:07 14:43 2:08:59 13:51 Ava NY F40-44 599 622 5384 5658 41:48 1:24:06

Displaying 11451-11500 of 11891 results

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