
40th Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 9, 2017
Utica, NY
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Displaying 5201-5250 of 11711 results

Page: 12345103104105106107231232233234235

Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
5201 Kendall Acho F 27 1:35:57 10:18 1:32:22 9:55 Knoxville TN F25-29 374 881 1635 3207 31:11 1:01:08
5202 Melissa Faeth F 35 1:35:57 10:18 1:29:29 9:37 Fairport NY F35-39 281 825 1636 8369 29:45 59:03
5203 Amber Parker F 34 1:35:57 10:18 1:29:48 9:39 Greenbelt MD F30-34 313 869 1637 12343 28:52 58:55
5204 Alexys Bolton F 19 1:35:57 10:18 1:29:02 9:34 Newport NY F15-19 91 245 1638 6456 28:43 59:26
5205 Alice Menis F 18 1:35:57 10:18 1:33:24 10:02 Schenectady NY F15-19 119 245 1639 4543 32:56 1:04:19
5206 Tyler Hannon M 22 1:35:57 10:18 1:29:22 9:36 Delran NJ M20-24 416 591 3567 9310 28:01 1:00:34
5207 James Awad M 58 1:35:57 10:18 1:32:11 9:54 Liverpool NY M55-59 288 489 3568 6007 30:23 1:00:21
5208 Curt Harrington M 33 1:35:58 10:18 1:29:40 9:38 Syracuse NY M30-34 592 926 3569 9343 29:22 59:18
5209 Dmitry Myalik M 20 1:35:58 10:18 1:26:25 9:17 Utica NY M20-24 371 591 3570 11920 27:12 55:36
5210 Dorothy Mack F 41 1:35:58 10:18 1:31:51 9:52 Pittsfield MA F40-44 191 544 1640 10945 30:17 1:02:12
5211 Laurie Hoyt F 51 1:35:58 10:18 1:33:25 10:02 Schenectady NY F50-54 135 421 1641 4144 32:56 1:04:21
5212 Ray Edic M 63 1:35:58 10:18 1:30:30 9:43 Marcy NY M60-64 148 326 3571 8240 30:15 1:00:17
5213 Christopher Lein M 41 1:35:58 10:18 1:25:45 9:12 Shepherdstown WV M40-44 281 584 3572 10682 30:00 58:39
5214 James Treuthart M 46 1:35:59 10:18 1:27:10 9:22 Webster NY M45-49 296 627 3573 14492 30:03 58:17
5215 Jessica Isaacs F 37 1:36:00 10:18 1:29:39 9:38 Binghamton NY F35-39 283 825 1642 9873 30:14 1:00:19
5216 Edward Boyer M 62 1:36:00 10:18 1:28:14 9:28 Plattsburgh NY M60-64 122 326 3574 6549 30:11 59:57
5217 Nancy Rayne F 57 1:36:00 10:18 1:30:20 9:42 Clinton NY F55-59 64 272 1643 12894 29:23 59:12
5218 Brian Griffin M 35 1:36:00 10:18 1:27:23 9:23 Whitesboro NY M35-39 449 776 3575 9143 28:15 56:29
5219 Michael Shaw M 33 1:36:00 10:18 1:23:48 9:00 Naples FL M30-34 454 926 3576 13663 28:46 56:37
5220 Justina McNamara F 26 1:36:00 10:18 1:28:00 9:27 Gansevoort NY F25-29 292 881 1644 4526 26:56 55:24
5221 Michael Seifert M 22 1:36:00 10:18 1:31:03 9:47 Rome NY M20-24 430 591 3577 5054 29:06 59:33
5222 Marlene Jones F 29 1:36:00 10:18 1:31:21 9:48 Whitesboro NY F25-29 358 881 1645 10026 29:07 59:09
5223 David Buchholz M 49 1:36:00 10:18 1:27:51 9:26 New Hartford NY M45-49 309 627 3578 6736 29:25 58:36
5224 Rick Whitford M 42 1:36:01 10:19 1:25:16 9:09 Ottawa ON M40-44 272 584 3579 15027 29:00 57:06
5225 Anthony Lagatta M 18 1:36:01 10:19 1:23:18 8:57 Whitesboro NY M15-19 203 310 3580 4303 28:16 54:34
5226 Rebecca Bennett F 23 1:36:01 10:19 1:29:39 9:38 Burlington Flats NY F20-24 232 631 1646 6304 30:08 59:22
5227 Maria Palacio F 38 1:36:01 10:19 1:33:55 10:05 Rochester NY F35-39 380 825 1647 12281 32:15 1:04:11
5228 Richard Ibbotson M 52 1:36:01 10:19 1:30:33 9:43 Fairport NY M50-54 336 599 3581 9838 29:43 1:00:48
5229 Joanna Cloherty F 29 1:36:02 10:19 1:26:12 9:15 Fairfield CT F25-29 250 881 1648 3594 28:03 56:54
5230 Mark Marzzacco M 30 1:36:03 10:19 1:29:35 9:37 Pittsburgh PA M30-34 590 926 3582 11196 29:44 59:00
5231 Robin Harrigan F 51 1:36:03 10:19 1:29:38 9:37 Ilion NY F50-54 98 421 1649 9340 29:04 58:29
5232 David Stutsrim M 47 1:36:03 10:19 1:29:39 9:38 Delmar NY M45-49 335 627 3583 14198 31:21 59:38
5233 Brittney Drew F 30 1:36:03 10:19 1:32:51 9:58 Horseheads NY F30-34 379 869 1650 8124 30:53 1:01:41
5234 Heidie Warren F 24 1:36:03 10:19 1:32:51 9:58 Horseheads NY F20-24 281 631 1651 14857 30:54 1:01:41
5235 Bethany Lischer F 40 1:36:04 10:19 1:32:22 9:55 Englewood CO F40-44 199 544 1652 10792 30:01 1:01:51
5236 Thomas Morley M 29 1:36:04 10:19 1:22:30 8:51 Rochester NY M25-29 358 753 3584 11751 29:44 57:15
5237 Terry Cramer M 46 1:36:04 10:19 1:30:05 9:40 Baldwinsville NY M45-49 345 627 3585 7513 34:12 1:03:12
5238 Sarah Stephens F 39 1:36:04 10:19 1:26:33 9:18 Clinton NY F35-39 197 825 1653 14101 28:32 57:28
5239 Scott Gaumer M 30 1:36:04 10:19 1:22:50 8:54 Rome NY M30-34 435 926 3586 2071 27:18 55:20
5240 Derek Carman M 31 1:36:04 10:19 1:34:06 10:06 Westernville NY M30-34 677 926 3587 1781 31:04 1:02:43
5241 Nicholas Neiley M 31 1:36:05 10:19 1:34:06 10:06 Liverpool NY M30-34 676 926 3588 4653 31:04 1:02:43
5242 Kenneth Heron M 35 1:36:06 10:19 1:22:37 8:52 Clarks Summit PA M35-39 355 776 3589 9516 27:21 54:08
5243 Lauren Kirkham F 31 1:36:06 10:19 1:28:57 9:33 Schenectady NY F30-34 289 869 1654 10286 29:02 58:08
5244 Martha O'Leary F 31 1:36:07 10:19 1:30:16 9:42 Clinton NY F30-34 324 869 1655 12153 30:43 1:00:24
5245 Anthony Slack M 56 1:36:07 10:19 1:28:08 9:28 Harrowsmith ON M55-59 239 489 3590 13815 31:24 59:43
5246 Holly Polidori F 34 1:36:08 10:19 1:25:09 9:09 Ilion NY F30-34 193 869 1656 12669 29:29 57:42
5247 Emily Hunt F 23 1:36:08 10:19 1:33:23 10:02 Mohawk NY F20-24 293 631 1657 9791 30:40 1:02:02
5248 Hayley Hunt F 27 1:36:08 10:19 1:33:23 10:02 Mohawk NY F25-29 399 881 1658 9792 30:41 1:02:02
5249 David Ravas M 59 1:36:08 10:19 1:28:15 9:28 Manlius NY M55-59 242 489 3591 12885 30:36 1:00:14
5250 Kelly Fellows F 25 1:36:09 10:19 1:24:45 9:06 Newport NY F25-29 218 881 1659 8438 27:56 56:15

Displaying 5201-5250 of 11711 results

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