
40th Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 9, 2017
Utica, NY
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Displaying 10651-10700 of 11711 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
10651 Erin Scala F 31 2:08:10 13:45 1:54:30 12:18 Baldwinsville NY F30-34 737 869 4750 13406 37:07 1:15:42
10652 Pamela Ingersoll F 51 2:08:10 13:45 1:54:30 12:17 Baldwinsville NY F50-54 346 421 4751 9855 37:08 1:15:41
10653 Terry Widrick M 41 2:08:10 13:46 1:54:30 12:18 Syracuse NY M40-44 539 584 5902 15049 37:08 1:15:41
10654 Georgia Graf F 50 2:08:11 13:46 1:56:07 12:28 Syracuse NY F50-54 354 421 4752 9055 38:40 1:17:41
10655 Alexandra Scorzelli F 25 2:08:12 13:46 1:54:31 12:18 Cicero NY F25-29 760 881 4753 13558 37:20 1:15:14
10656 Andrea Barry F 29 2:08:13 13:46 1:54:31 12:18 Oswego NY F25-29 761 881 4754 6171 37:19 1:15:15
10657 Susan Pocchiari F 56 2:08:14 13:46 1:55:01 12:21 Bethel CT F55-59 214 272 4755 12654 37:29 1:14:45
10658 Thomas Dinapoli M 46 2:08:14 13:46 2:03:06 13:13 Manlius NY M45-49 607 627 5903 1937 38:49 1:23:25
10659 Jennifer Young F 46 2:08:14 13:46 2:02:59 13:12 Syracuse NY F45-49 480 528 4756 15301 37:04 1:23:18
10660 Tina Iacovissi F 44 2:08:15 13:46 2:02:32 13:09 Rome NY F40-44 490 544 4757 9833 39:06 1:19:58
10661 Erin Beaulac F 34 2:08:16 13:46 1:52:04 12:02 Schenectady NY F30-34 711 869 4758 6233 35:40 1:13:21
10662 Katie Melsert F 31 2:08:17 13:46 1:52:05 12:02 Burnt Hills NY F30-34 713 869 4759 11491 35:40 1:13:21
10663 David Porter M 31 2:08:17 13:46 1:57:16 12:35 Utica NY M30-34 883 926 5904 12697 37:39 1:15:38
10664 Kristen Cummings F 33 2:08:18 13:46 1:58:28 12:43 Rome NY F30-34 772 869 4760 7584 37:18 1:16:54
10665 Cody Hatch M 28 2:08:18 13:46 1:55:58 12:27 Rochester NY M25-29 716 753 5905 9407 36:14 1:14:45
10666 Melissa Hatch F 28 2:08:19 13:46 1:55:59 12:27 Rochester NY F25-29 778 881 4761 9409 36:16 1:14:45
10667 John Schupp M 49 2:08:20 13:47 1:53:09 12:09 Liverpool NY M45-49 576 627 5906 13533 36:03 1:13:57
10668 Willijah Dawson F 31 2:08:20 13:47 1:59:27 12:49 Yorkville NY F30-34 780 869 4762 7740 35:50 1:21:41
10669 Janeane Wroblicki F 30 2:08:21 13:47 2:00:32 12:56 Yorkville NY F30-34 783 869 4763 15251 41:37 1:21:29
10670 Craig Kleine M 37 2:08:22 13:47 2:00:07 12:54 Lowville NY M35-39 762 776 5907 10303 38:31 1:18:48
10671 Margaret Tahan F 34 2:08:23 13:47 2:00:55 12:59 Whitesboro NY F30-34 785 869 4764 14297 39:58 1:17:37
10672 Carol Levitre F 50 2:08:23 13:47 2:00:48 12:58 Cape Coral FL F50-54 374 421 4765 10730 37:21 1:18:44
10673 Brandon Wynne M 25 2:08:23 13:47 1:57:18 12:36 Katonah NY M25-29 722 753 5908 15260 36:34 1:17:03
10674 Ashley Giesse F 26 2:08:23 13:47 1:52:04 12:02 Rome NY F25-29 729 881 4766 8903 35:22 1:11:59
10675 Jeff Levitre M 56 2:08:23 13:47 2:00:47 12:58 Cape Coral FL M55-59 471 489 5909 10731 37:01 1:18:44
10676 Matthew Gauvin M 33 2:08:23 13:47 1:53:42 12:12 Rochester NY M30-34 868 926 5910 8824 36:51 1:14:59
10677 Jen Williams F 31 2:08:25 13:47 1:56:49 12:32 Albany NY F30-34 757 869 4767 15108 37:48 1:18:13
10678 Nicole Giacometti F 26 2:08:26 13:47 1:58:44 12:45 Old Forge PA F25-29 805 881 4768 8890 35:54 1:17:06
10679 Kristen Ferretti F 26 2:08:27 13:47 1:58:44 12:45 Hamilton NY F25-29 806 881 4769 8468 35:54 1:17:06
10680 Julie Palmer F 46 2:08:27 13:47 2:01:18 13:01 West Winfield NY F45-49 469 528 4770 12298 39:15 1:19:06
10681 Michael Wynne M 56 2:08:27 13:47 1:57:21 12:36 Katonah NY M55-59 461 489 5911 15263 36:34 1:17:03
10682 Shannon Kemp F 26 2:08:31 13:48 1:57:41 12:38 Waterville NY F25-29 799 881 4771 10199 37:53 1:16:42
10683 Mary Burdick F 56 2:08:31 13:48 1:54:51 12:20 Rome NY F55-59 213 272 4772 6780 35:36 1:12:51
10684 Lily Barres F 28 2:08:31 13:48 1:56:59 12:33 Cicero NY F25-29 793 881 4773 6161 37:26 1:17:20
10685 Heather Mishlanie F 41 2:08:31 13:48 1:54:52 12:20 Yorkville NY F40-44 445 544 4774 11627 35:37 1:12:52
10686 Chris Schauerman M 33 2:08:32 13:48 1:58:01 12:40 Rochester NY M30-34 884 926 5912 13436 39:45 1:17:37
10687 Jennifer Schauerman F 32 2:08:32 13:48 1:58:01 12:40 Rochester NY F30-34 764 869 4775 13437 39:45 1:17:37
10688 Katie Muratore F 34 2:08:32 13:48 1:58:01 12:40 Rochester NY F30-34 765 869 4776 11863 39:45 1:17:37
10689 Nathan Rossi M 33 2:08:32 13:48 1:55:39 12:25 Jamesville NY M30-34 875 926 5913 13208 36:44 1:16:04
10690 Jillian Harrington F 45 2:08:32 13:48 2:05:14 13:27 Binghamton NY F45-49 489 528 4777 9345 40:51 1:23:29
10691 Margaret O'Keefe F 54 2:08:33 13:48 1:54:15 12:16 Rochester NY F50-54 345 421 4778 12147 35:02 1:12:39
10692 Kate Russell F 44 2:08:35 13:48 2:01:04 13:00 Old Forge NY F40-44 481 544 4779 13259 37:33 1:18:25
10693 Brian Vincent M 32 2:08:36 13:48 1:56:17 12:29 Whitesboro NY M30-34 878 926 5914 14714 35:40 1:14:30
10694 Lindsey Mohr F 35 2:08:38 13:49 1:52:08 12:02 New Hartford NY F35-39 691 825 4780 11662 34:29 1:14:39
10695 Michael Carey M 37 2:08:38 13:49 1:52:08 12:02 Rockaway Park NY M35-39 739 776 5915 1780 34:29 1:14:39
10696 James Aiello M 36 2:08:40 13:49 1:56:07 12:28 Palmyra VA M35-39 752 776 5916 5775 36:02 1:15:06
10697 John Mizgala M 61 2:08:40 13:49 1:52:21 12:04 Ava NY M60-64 277 326 5917 11654 39:01 1:15:33
10698 Rachel Deangelis F 27 2:08:40 13:49 1:52:21 12:04 Brookline MA F25-29 734 881 4781 7758 39:00 1:15:35
10699 Michael Connors M 56 2:08:40 13:49 2:03:22 13:15 Sherrill NY M55-59 478 489 5918 7394 38:35 1:19:46
10700 Barbara Deangelis F 62 2:08:40 13:49 1:52:21 12:04 Rome NY F60-64 88 131 4782 7755 39:01 1:15:35

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