
37th Annual Mountain Goat Run - 10 Mile

May 3, 2015
Syracuse, NY
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Displaying 1701-1750 of 2109 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 1st 5 Miles 2nd 5 Miles
1701 Stephanie Sullivan F 26 1:54:23 11:27 1:53:31 11:22 Brewerton NY F25-29 113 140 796 1078 51:15 1:02:16
1702 Holly Kay F 49 1:54:24 11:27 1:53:09 11:19 Camillus NY F45-49 123 158 789 1078 52:33 1:00:37
1703 Denise Moore-Bashta F 45 1:54:24 11:27 1:52:47 11:17 Auburn NY F45-49 120 158 775 1078 54:15 58:32
1704 Stacey Hearn F 46 1:54:24 11:27 1:52:47 11:17 Auburn NY F45-49 121 158 776 1078 54:08 58:39
1705 Paula Klaben F 45 1:54:27 11:27 1:52:43 11:17 Ithaca NY F45-49 119 158 772 1078 53:03 59:41
1706 Concetta Overend F 41 1:54:31 11:28 1:53:36 11:22 Auburn NY F40-44 120 162 799 1078 51:14 1:02:23
1707 William Moore M 51 1:54:35 11:28 1:54:16 11:26 Liverpool NY M50-54 119 130 926 1031 54:47 59:30
1708 David Badillo M 34 1:54:37 11:28 1:54:06 11:25 Liverpool NY M30-34 111 120 924 1031 53:55 1:00:12
1709 Sheri Dozier F 56 1:54:38 11:28 1:52:37 11:16 Syracuse NY F55-59 35 60 765 1078 51:57 1:00:40
1710 Mark Panto M 48 1:54:46 11:29 1:53:22 11:21 Manlius NY M45-49 118 129 914 1031 54:22 59:00
1711 Deborah Warner F 47 1:54:48 11:29 1:53:41 11:23 Cuyler NY F45-49 125 158 803 1078 54:25 59:16
1712 Gina Myers F 44 1:54:48 11:29 1:53:42 11:23 Jamesville NY F40-44 122 162 804 1078 54:26 59:16
1713 Jacob Elter M 22 1:54:50 11:29 1:53:43 11:23 Fabius NY M19-24 43 47 921 1031 48:05 1:05:39
1714 Keri Bucktooth F 33 1:54:51 11:30 1:54:19 11:26 Onondaga Nation NY F30-34 145 195 810 1078 54:13 1:00:06
1715 Jennifer Dennie F 39 1:54:53 11:30 1:52:43 11:17 Clayton NY F35-39 118 153 771 1078 56:24 56:19
1716 Jen Sommers F 35 1:54:53 11:30 1:54:06 11:25 Cicero NY F35-39 124 153 808 1078 55:06 59:01
1717 James Hayward M 47 1:54:53 11:30 1:53:40 11:22 Dewitt NY M45-49 119 129 920 1031 53:22 1:00:19
1718 Michael Skrocki M 60 1:54:54 11:30 1:52:52 11:18 Kirkville NY M60-64 42 62 905 1031 54:57 57:55
1719 Tom Kilmer M 59 1:54:55 11:30 1:54:37 11:28 Marietta NY M55-59 112 123 933 1031 52:47 1:01:50
1720 Colleen Schutt F 25 1:54:55 11:30 1:54:43 11:29 Liverpool NY F25-29 117 140 818 1078 52:49 1:01:54
1721 Nancy Haws F 47 1:54:57 11:30 1:53:27 11:21 Deruyter NY F45-49 124 158 794 1078 52:58 1:00:29
1722 Cheryl McGurk F 34 1:55:01 11:31 1:54:46 11:29 Walworth NY F30-34 150 195 820 1078 56:52 57:55
1723 Lisa Dolbear F 36 1:55:01 11:31 1:54:47 11:29 Syracuse NY F35-39 125 153 821 1078 56:52 57:55
1724 Jackie Reams F 38 1:55:01 11:31 1:54:01 11:25 Rome NY F35-39 123 153 807 1078 55:00 59:02
1725 Mark Peters M 57 1:55:02 11:31 1:53:00 11:18 Syracuse NY M55-59 107 123 907 1031 53:18 59:43
1726 Scott Thompson M 35 1:55:04 11:31 1:53:32 11:22 Marcy NY M35-39 131 145 916 1031 54:55 58:37
1727 Deborah Sabella F 43 1:55:06 11:31 1:53:29 11:21 Syracuse NY F40-44 119 162 795 1078 54:12 59:17
1728 Scott Bronstad M 34 1:55:06 11:31 1:53:35 11:22 Marietta NY M30-34 110 120 917 1031 53:11 1:00:24
1729 Marlei Simon F 22 1:55:06 11:31 1:54:16 11:26 Syracuse NY F19-24 45 61 809 1078 53:37 1:00:40
1730 Chip Capraro M 60 1:55:08 11:31 1:52:50 11:17 Geneva NY M60-64 41 62 903 1031 56:34 56:17
1731 Jamie Garrard F 28 1:55:10 11:31 1:53:36 11:22 Syracuse NY F25-29 114 140 800 1078 53:28 1:00:09
1732 Bethanne Beshaw F 53 1:55:11 11:32 1:53:16 11:20 Massena NY F50-54 67 102 792 1078 53:58 59:19
1733 Lynn Bowser F 34 1:55:13 11:32 1:54:28 11:27 East Syracuse NY F30-34 146 195 812 1078 53:11 1:01:18
1734 Thomas Fichter M 62 1:55:15 11:32 1:54:19 11:26 Baldwinsville NY M60-64 46 62 928 1031 52:48 1:01:32
1735 Mark Fullerton M 60 1:55:16 11:32 1:54:19 11:26 Syracuse NY M60-64 45 62 927 1031 53:49 1:00:31
1736 Warren Nash M 59 1:55:20 11:32 1:54:27 11:27 Norwich NY M55-59 111 123 929 1031 55:06 59:21
1737 Kimberly Doto F 33 1:55:22 11:33 1:53:36 11:22 Fayetteville NY F30-34 144 195 798 1078 54:59 58:38
1738 Emily Daniul F 25 1:55:23 11:33 1:53:15 11:20 Syracuse NY F25-29 112 140 790 1078 54:56 58:19
1739 Nina Carnes F 36 1:55:36 11:34 1:53:39 11:22 Syracuse NY F35-39 121 153 801 1078 54:53 58:47
1740 Francine Cantor F 59 1:55:36 11:34 1:54:20 11:26 Syracuse NY F55-59 37 60 811 1078 54:33 59:47
1741 Valerie Baish F 28 1:55:37 11:34 1:54:00 11:24 Cicero NY F25-29 115 140 806 1078 57:10 56:51
1742 Benjamin Mack M 35 1:55:47 11:35 1:53:47 11:23 Syracuse NY M35-39 132 145 922 1031 54:54 58:53
1743 Katie McGroarty F 28 1:55:47 11:35 1:54:43 11:29 Syracuse NY F25-29 118 140 819 1078 53:57 1:00:47
1744 Neal Champion M 60 1:55:47 11:35 1:54:06 11:25 West Monroe NY M60-64 44 62 923 1031 53:50 1:00:16
1745 Nick Huban M 64 1:55:51 11:36 1:54:37 11:28 Watervliet NY M60-64 49 62 934 1031 53:45 1:00:52
1746 Kevin Clary M 57 1:55:54 11:36 1:54:54 11:30 Pavilion NY M55-59 113 123 938 1031 52:33 1:02:21
1747 Amy Farsaci F 42 1:55:54 11:36 1:55:07 11:31 Liverpool NY F40-44 123 162 824 1078 54:01 1:01:06
1748 Lisa Haller F 32 1:55:56 11:36 1:54:39 11:28 Camillus NY F30-34 148 195 815 1078 55:12 59:27
1749 Katherine Ayling F 29 1:55:56 11:36 1:54:39 11:28 Liverpool NY F25-29 116 140 816 1078 55:11 59:29
1750 Robert Rieth M 68 1:55:58 11:36 1:55:09 11:31 North Syracuse NY M65-69 14 19 940 1031 55:26 59:43

Displaying 1701-1750 of 2109 results

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