
41st Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 8, 2018
Utica, NY
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Displaying 4601-4650 of 11509 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
4601 Chris Ronca M 32 1:34:39 10:10 1:31:31 9:50 Schenectady NY M30-34 634 939 3270 13003 30:50 1:01:00
4602 Terry Keister M 63 1:34:39 10:10 1:30:32 9:43 West Oneonta NY M60-64 158 343 3271 10156 31:41 1:01:04
4603 Steven Schaefer M 36 1:34:39 10:10 1:22:33 8:52 Fayetteville NY M35-39 367 801 3272 13271 29:23 57:43
4604 Nancy Wagner-Wetzel F 67 1:34:40 10:10 1:33:05 10:00 Staten Island NY F65-69 14 59 1332 5369 32:11 1:02:25
4605 Jacob Zangrilli M 34 1:34:40 10:10 1:26:28 9:17 Germantown MD M30-34 517 939 3273 5506 29:00 57:01
4606 Scott Keister M 50 1:34:40 10:10 1:30:32 9:43 Horseheads NY M50-54 304 559 3274 10155 31:42 1:01:04
4607 Stephen Depot M 24 1:34:40 10:10 1:31:51 9:52 Utica NY M20-24 391 567 3275 7876 28:30 59:49
4608 Karrie Moskal F 32 1:34:41 10:10 1:32:26 9:55 New Hartford NY F30-34 334 813 1333 11757 29:17 59:34
4609 Ted Olney M 23 1:34:41 10:10 1:22:41 8:53 Whitesboro NY M20-24 272 567 3276 12087 29:58 57:48
4610 Patrick Carey M 46 1:34:41 10:10 1:27:58 9:27 Utica NY M45-49 263 528 3277 3521 31:07 59:49
4611 Joseph Spaulding M 25 1:34:41 10:10 1:19:28 8:32 Albany NY M25-29 304 782 3278 13807 27:57 53:54
4612 Christine Beck F 32 1:34:42 10:10 1:29:51 9:39 Utica NY F30-34 280 813 1334 6244 29:50 58:43
4613 Chelsea Flynn F 29 1:34:42 10:10 1:27:34 9:24 Rochester NY F25-29 231 865 1335 8586 31:01 59:59
4614 Amy Hoskinson F 30 1:34:42 10:10 1:25:51 9:13 Schenectady NY F30-34 210 813 1336 9677 30:51 58:30
4615 Sarah Beck F 25 1:34:42 10:10 1:29:52 9:39 Whitesboro NY F25-29 286 865 1337 6248 29:50 58:44
4616 Melanie Epp F 54 1:34:42 10:10 1:28:19 9:29 Syracuse NY F50-54 78 394 1338 8299 30:31 59:15
4617 Adam Roorda M 27 1:34:43 10:10 1:28:23 9:29 Herkimer NY M25-29 477 782 3279 13005 29:03 58:32
4618 Heather Adamo F 35 1:34:43 10:10 1:31:50 9:52 Whitesboro NY F35-39 345 836 1339 5744 31:09 1:01:09
4619 Susan Giuliano F 50 1:34:43 10:10 1:29:31 9:37 Montclair NJ F50-54 89 394 1340 8942 30:35 59:33
4620 Catherine Brennan F 18 1:34:43 10:10 1:30:06 9:40 Yorktown Heights NY F15-19 85 241 1341 6599 30:07 59:41
4621 Margaret Brennan F 55 1:34:43 10:10 1:30:06 9:40 Yorktown Heights NY F55-59 61 255 1342 3411 30:07 59:41
4622 Nicholas Colella M 35 1:34:44 10:10 1:19:10 8:30 Washington DC M35-39 300 801 3280 7303 27:20 53:34
4623 Jane Grzebinski F 54 1:34:44 10:10 1:31:51 9:52 Williamsville NY F50-54 119 394 1343 9174 31:46 1:02:12
4624 Vincent Young M 54 1:34:44 10:10 1:26:28 9:17 Orleans ON M50-54 248 559 3281 15157 30:25 58:48
4625 Curt Railey M 55 1:34:45 10:10 1:29:34 9:37 Corning NY M55-59 240 482 3282 12690 32:07 1:02:43
4626 Mary Broccoli F 27 1:34:45 10:10 1:30:20 9:42 New York NY F25-29 300 865 1344 6634 31:02 1:00:40
4627 Linda Dedominicis F 50 1:34:46 10:11 1:31:27 9:49 Albany NY F50-54 112 394 1345 7788 29:50 1:00:05
4628 Trevor Bender M 35 1:34:47 10:11 1:32:47 9:58 Rochester NY M35-39 559 801 3283 3323 30:18 1:00:42
4629 Caroline Comeskey F 15 1:34:47 10:11 1:25:37 9:12 Raleigh NC F15-19 65 241 1346 3607 30:28 58:19
4630 Jamie Hillgardner F 31 1:34:47 10:11 1:31:53 9:52 Ringwood NJ F30-34 322 813 1347 9565 30:31 59:55
4631 Grace Nassar F 47 1:34:49 10:11 1:30:37 9:44 Frankfort NY F45-49 143 494 1348 11896 31:09 1:00:21
4632 Todd Thomas M 56 1:34:49 10:11 1:20:17 8:37 Albany NY M55-59 122 482 3284 14231 29:36 55:36
4633 Richard Higgins M 71 1:34:50 10:11 1:31:50 9:52 East Syracuse NY M70-74 12 59 3285 9551 31:33 1:01:50
4634 Caitlin Adams F 30 1:34:50 10:11 1:27:59 9:27 Clinton NY F30-34 241 813 1349 5746 29:31 58:35
4635 James Tolbert M 44 1:34:50 10:11 1:32:34 9:56 Remsen NY M40-44 379 585 3286 5277 29:41 59:50
4636 Sheila Horak F 53 1:34:50 10:11 1:31:47 9:51 Deerfield NY F50-54 118 394 1350 4153 29:48 59:59
4637 Brian Tolbert M 12 1:34:50 10:11 1:32:35 9:56 Remsen NY M01-14 35 64 3287 5276 29:42 59:47
4638 Nicole Ashley F 40 1:34:50 10:11 1:22:07 8:49 Massena NY F40-44 75 539 1351 5975 27:49 54:34
4639 Alfie Ladue M 45 1:34:51 10:11 1:28:00 9:27 Plattsburgh NY M45-49 264 528 3288 10477 31:19 59:39
4640 Shauna Ladue F 40 1:34:51 10:11 1:27:57 9:27 Plattsburgh NY F40-44 129 539 1352 10478 31:15 59:34
4641 Matthew Wood M 29 1:34:53 10:11 1:26:14 9:16 Rochester NY M25-29 444 782 3289 5483 29:23 57:42
4642 Mallory Froelich F 29 1:34:53 10:11 1:24:02 9:01 Rome NY F25-29 167 865 1353 8694 29:12 56:26
4643 Jennifer Marshall F 44 1:34:54 10:11 1:28:47 9:32 Fort Johnson NY F40-44 140 539 1354 4481 29:56 59:24
4644 Nick Phillips M 21 1:34:54 10:11 1:29:35 9:37 West Monroe NY M20-24 354 567 3290 12438 30:31 1:00:27
4645 Raam David M 50 1:34:54 10:11 1:31:53 9:52 Syracuse NY M50-54 323 559 3291 7703 30:09 59:55
4646 Mindy Fuller F 42 1:34:54 10:11 1:23:16 8:57 Delmar NY F40-44 88 539 1355 8710 28:59 56:17
4647 Matthew Herron M 28 1:34:54 10:11 1:27:46 9:25 Whitesboro NY M25-29 469 782 3292 2155 31:22 59:58
4648 Tim Luxner M 37 1:34:54 10:11 1:21:43 8:47 Nassauau NY M35-39 350 801 3293 4431 27:26 54:35
4649 Nicholas Perez M 40 1:34:54 10:11 1:28:38 9:31 Burlington VT M40-44 328 585 3294 12361 31:32 1:01:44
4650 Kelly Zurakowski F 37 1:34:55 10:11 1:32:38 9:57 Schenectady NY F35-39 367 836 1356 5525 31:40 1:01:46

Displaying 4601-4650 of 11509 results

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