
30th Annual Utica Boilermaker 15K

July 8, 2007
Utica, NY
Text Results (Gun/Net)  -Text Results (By Net Times)  -

Displaying 9401-9450 of 10882 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
9401 Michele Rahn F 52 1:55:09 12:22 1:52:28 12:04 Utica NY F50-54 265 324 3588 4493 34:14 1:10:41
9402 Matthew Humphreys M 39 1:55:10 12:22 1:47:08 11:30 Maryville TN M35-39 701 760 5814 6389 34:16 1:12:00
9403 Carol Wallace F 38 1:55:10 12:22 1:47:08 11:30 Seattle WA F35-39 488 600 3589 4493 34:12 1:12:00
9404 Darcy King F 29 1:55:11 12:22 1:50:42 11:53 Anchorage AK F25-29 601 678 3590 4493 32:47 1:09:05
9405 Herb Ouellette M 48 1:55:11 12:22 1:53:44 12:13 Poland NY M45-49 801 838 5815 6389 32:20 1:10:29
9406 Tara Sandor F 20 1:55:11 12:22 1:46:46 11:28 Menands NY F20-24 567 693 3591 4493 36:39 1:12:36
9407 Briana Cowles F 30 1:55:12 12:22 1:46:03 11:23 Watertown NY F30-34 413 524 3592 4493 35:51 1:11:38
9408 Rick Hengsterman M 37 1:55:13 12:22 1:45:01 11:16 Clifton Park NY M35-39 682 760 5816 6389 31:27 1:05:30
9409 Naron Keo F 55 1:55:13 12:22 1:46:12 11:24 Sidney NY F55-59 74 125 3593 4493 36:24 1:12:15
9410 Lynn Siverd F 45 1:55:14 12:22 1:46:25 11:25 East Rochester NY F45-49 366 484 3594 4493 33:36 1:10:56
9411 Laura Bramley F 21 1:55:15 12:22 1:43:08 11:04 Clinton NY F20-24 529 693 3595 4493 33:14 1:08:43
9412 Jason Fuller M 31 1:55:15 12:22 1:43:52 11:09 Manlius NY M30-34 536 593 5817 6389 34:00 1:09:14
9413 James Bramley M 56 1:55:15 12:22 1:43:26 11:06 Clinton NY M55-59 332 403 5818 6389 33:30 1:08:58
9414 Katie Louer F 24 1:55:16 12:22 1:50:18 11:50 Brighton MA F20-24 600 693 3596 4493 34:16 1:10:58
9415 Martin Connell M 58 1:55:16 12:22 1:48:01 11:36 Ausable Forks NY M55-59 350 403 5819 6389 34:54 1:12:01
9416 Sharon Morton F 24 1:55:17 12:23 1:47:57 11:35 Oxford CT F20-24 578 693 3597 4493 34:40 1:11:10
9417 Marion Oswald F 50 1:55:17 12:23 1:49:42 11:47 Old Forge NY F50-54 246 324 3598 4493 35:11 1:12:00
9418 Melissa Dooher F 24 1:55:18 12:23 1:44:45 11:15 Albany NY F20-24 541 693 3599 4493 33:50 1:08:20
9419 Kevin Norton M 54 1:55:18 12:23 1:42:57 11:03 North Syracuse NY M50-54 599 727 5820 6389 35:07 1:08:21
9420 Timothy Stevens M 46 1:55:18 12:23 1:46:17 11:25 Pittsford NY M45-49 750 838 5821 6389 33:14 1:09:12
9421 Stephanie Law F 25 1:55:18 12:23 1:44:43 11:15 Whitesboro NY F25-29 552 678 3600 4493 34:02 1:10:24
9422 Allison Godfryd F 36 1:55:18 12:23 1:42:40 11:01 Clarence Center NY F35-39 434 600 3601 4493 33:36 1:07:58
9423 Amy Stehlik F 38 1:55:18 12:23 1:42:40 11:01 Utica NY F35-39 435 600 3602 4493 33:36 1:07:58
9424 Harold Henning M 51 1:55:18 12:23 1:46:13 11:24 Fulton NY M50-54 634 727 5822 6389 33:16 1:07:38
9425 Hollie Kelly F 37 1:55:18 12:23 1:46:58 11:29 Cicero NY F35-39 483 600 3603 4493 34:08 1:09:30
9426 Cathy Melnikow F 18 1:55:19 12:23 1:50:28 11:52 Yorkville NY F15-19 309 343 3604 4493 35:28 1:13:11
9427 Dale Brown M 48 1:55:19 12:23 1:46:06 11:23 Lexington VA M45-49 748 838 5823 6389 34:55 1:10:38
9428 Donald MacIntosh M 54 1:55:19 12:23 1:48:15 11:37 Yorkville NY M50-54 654 727 5824 6389 34:18 1:09:47
9429 Susana Mendez F 37 1:55:19 12:23 1:47:43 11:34 Brooktondale NY F35-39 494 600 3605 4493 34:48 1:10:40
9430 Sara Shaffer F 25 1:55:19 12:23 1:43:36 11:07 Moon Township PA F25-29 534 678 3606 4493 34:31 1:09:15
9431 Theodore Yantsides M 24 1:55:19 12:23 1:43:36 11:07 Vienna VA M20-24 617 668 5825 6389 34:31 1:09:15
9432 Joel Peterson M 31 1:55:20 12:23 1:50:32 11:52 Brooklyn NY M30-34 563 593 5826 6389 35:06 1:11:57
9433 Juan Alvarez-Calderon M 38 1:55:20 12:23 1:47:44 11:34 Brooktondale NY M35-39 705 760 5827 6389 34:45 1:10:40
9434 Cliff Auth M 36 1:55:20 12:23 1:45:09 11:17 Syracuse NY M35-39 683 760 5828 6389 34:01 1:09:50
9435 Debbie Giroux F 38 1:55:21 12:23 1:48:12 11:37 Roswell GA F35-39 499 600 3607 4493 36:06 1:11:40
9436 Leeann Joseph F 33 1:55:23 12:23 1:51:14 11:56 Clifton Park NY F30-34 463 524 3608 4493 34:10 1:10:58
9437 Miles Joseph M 33 1:55:23 12:23 1:51:14 11:56 Clifton Park NY M30-34 571 593 5829 6389 34:13 1:10:56
9438 Jessica Fox F 25 1:55:24 12:23 1:48:59 11:42 Utica NY F25-29 589 678 3609 4493 35:15 1:12:09
9439 Alexis Dobrzenski F 25 1:55:24 12:23 1:48:59 11:42 Utica NY F25-29 590 678 3610 4493 35:15 1:12:09
9440 Kelly Kellar F 40 1:55:24 12:23 1:44:32 11:13 Syracuse NY F40-44 464 592 3611 4493 33:39 1:07:30
9441 Maya Lindstrom F 34 1:55:24 12:23 1:44:33 11:13 Baldwinsville NY F30-34 399 524 3612 4493 33:15 1:07:59
9442 Diane Baker F 51 1:55:24 12:23 1:46:45 11:28 Lee Center NY F50-54 224 324 3613 4493 34:39 1:10:17
9443 Gerald Guzski M 63 1:55:25 12:23 1:49:27 11:45 Whitesboro NY M60-64 152 188 5830 6389 35:43 1:11:35
9444 April Scarafile F 39 1:55:25 12:23 1:49:30 11:45 New Hartford PA F35-39 511 600 3614 4493 35:27 1:13:00
9445 Tracy Kennedy F 28 1:55:25 12:23 1:50:48 11:54 Liverpool NY F25-29 602 678 3615 4493 37:14 1:14:30
9446 Jeremy Hartman M 31 1:55:25 12:23 1:50:33 11:52 Framingham MA M30-34 564 593 5831 6389 36:21 1:13:22
9447 Kelly Ryfun F 28 1:55:27 12:24 1:50:55 11:54 Brewerton NY F25-29 604 678 3616 4493 36:10 1:13:05
9448 Gail Danforth F 49 1:55:27 12:24 1:44:53 11:16 Gansevoort NY F45-49 349 484 3617 4493 34:15 1:08:46
9449 Stephen Calef M 40 1:55:27 12:24 1:44:37 11:14 Chester Springs PA M40-44 754 829 5832 6389 34:15 1:08:47
9450 Teresa VanWie F 35 1:55:27 12:24 1:43:47 11:09 Schenectady NY F35-39 445 600 3618 4493 34:13 1:08:35

Displaying 9401-9450 of 10882 results

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