
40th Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 9, 2017
Utica, NY
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Displaying 6951-7000 of 11711 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
6951 Kellie Ball F 24 1:44:20 11:12 1:29:56 9:39 New Hartford NY F20-24 239 631 2529 6083 28:59 59:24
6952 Breyt Coakley M 44 1:44:20 11:12 1:39:20 10:40 Oneida NY M40-44 453 584 4423 7294 32:11 1:05:42
6953 Cheryl Cook F 38 1:44:20 11:12 1:38:13 10:33 North Syracuse NY F35-39 473 825 2530 7410 31:48 1:04:53
6954 James Williams M 54 1:44:20 11:12 1:38:43 10:36 Barneveld NY M50-54 435 599 4424 15106 32:08 1:05:31
6955 Gary Fisher M 57 1:44:21 11:12 1:31:00 9:46 Rockville VA M55-59 279 489 4425 8546 30:40 1:01:34
6956 Kellen Mulvihill M 16 1:44:22 11:12 1:39:50 10:43 Syracuse NY M15-19 279 310 4426 4616 31:25 1:04:52
6957 Jim Gilroy M 66 1:44:22 11:12 1:30:58 9:46 Falls Church VA M65-69 45 137 4427 8935 30:53 1:01:40
6958 Jennifer Centra F 35 1:44:22 11:12 1:37:11 10:26 Dover MA F35-39 453 825 2531 7116 32:16 1:04:01
6959 Joseph Nackley M 20 1:44:22 11:12 1:34:06 10:06 Whitesboro NY M20-24 465 591 4428 11932 30:31 1:01:37
6960 Tracy Kehoe-Payne F 47 1:44:22 11:12 1:38:55 10:37 Wilmington NC F45-49 259 528 2532 10162 31:58 1:05:21
6961 Sean Mulvihill M 20 1:44:22 11:12 1:39:51 10:43 Syracuse NY M20-24 516 591 4429 4617 31:27 1:04:52
6962 Robin Abdulla F 57 1:44:23 11:12 1:41:21 10:53 Utica NY F55-59 134 272 2533 5714 32:22 1:06:27
6963 Bruce Althoff M 55 1:44:23 11:12 1:41:22 10:53 Youngsville NC M55-59 377 489 4430 3236 32:23 1:06:27
6964 Robert Digiacco M 60 1:44:23 11:12 1:29:56 9:39 Ogdensburg NY M60-64 137 326 4431 7952 31:28 1:00:34
6965 Shelly Van Gorder F 49 1:44:23 11:12 1:30:50 9:45 Cortland NY F45-49 163 528 2534 14615 30:19 1:01:24
6966 Jill Ireland F 29 1:44:23 11:12 1:39:57 10:44 Waterville NY F25-29 538 881 2535 9864 30:05 1:04:08
6967 Vince Murphy M 51 1:44:23 11:12 1:28:59 9:33 Camillus NY M50-54 309 599 4432 11899 29:43 1:00:06
6968 Jessica Merchant F 30 1:44:24 11:12 1:39:16 10:39 Rome NY F30-34 525 869 2536 11501 33:10 1:06:31
6969 Courtney Dziuban F 33 1:44:24 11:13 1:39:34 10:41 Waterville NY F30-34 530 869 2537 8212 32:16 1:05:28
6970 Amanda Horth F 28 1:44:24 11:13 1:30:10 9:41 New Hartford NY F25-29 333 881 2538 9683 30:25 1:00:17
6971 Jarryd Wick M 19 1:44:25 11:13 1:33:06 10:00 Ayer MA M15-19 254 310 4433 1372 29:34 1:00:55
6972 Sam Spinella M 57 1:44:25 11:13 1:27:46 9:25 Cicero NY M55-59 231 489 4434 14002 29:10 58:59
6973 Lauren Belfast F 22 1:44:25 11:13 1:33:06 10:00 Ilion NY F20-24 289 631 2539 6263 29:35 1:00:55
6974 Cassie Camman F 50 1:44:25 11:13 1:36:35 10:22 Rochester NY F50-54 178 421 2540 6901 31:55 1:04:38
6975 Justin Ringen M 23 1:44:25 11:13 1:38:56 10:37 Staten Island NY M20-24 510 591 4435 13026 34:11 1:07:06
6976 Jaman Welch M 39 1:44:25 11:13 1:34:55 10:11 Ontario NY M35-39 574 776 4436 14934 31:00 1:02:41
6977 Jenna Gibbons F 23 1:44:25 11:13 1:38:56 10:37 Staten Island NY F20-24 384 631 2541 8893 34:10 1:07:05
6978 Rezar Gera M 42 1:44:26 11:13 1:40:38 10:48 Jamesville NY M40-44 462 584 4437 8863 31:50 1:05:07
6979 Jose Vazquez M 30 1:44:26 11:13 1:30:51 9:45 Somerset NJ M30-34 616 926 4438 14669 30:59 1:01:45
6980 Katherine Maxwell F 42 1:44:27 11:13 1:33:51 10:05 Weatogue CT F40-44 220 544 2542 11273 31:10 1:02:09
6981 Lacey Alex F 32 1:44:27 11:13 1:32:36 9:57 Byfield MA F30-34 376 869 2543 5801 31:01 1:02:45
6982 Darren Woods M 51 1:44:28 11:13 1:33:32 10:03 New Hartford NY M50-54 369 599 4439 15224 30:48 1:01:36
6983 Jennifer Hulihan F 28 1:44:28 11:13 1:41:48 10:56 Rome NY F25-29 583 881 2544 4153 32:35 1:06:32
6984 Amy Conners F 34 1:44:29 11:13 1:33:42 10:04 Culpeper VA F30-34 402 869 2545 7386 31:03 1:03:26
6985 Margaret Dunn F 63 1:44:29 11:13 1:36:04 10:19 Quincy MA F60-64 36 131 2546 8173 30:36 1:02:44
6986 Lauren Gallimo F 32 1:44:29 11:13 1:33:42 10:04 Whitesboro NY F30-34 401 869 2547 8774 31:03 1:03:26
6987 Mandy Johnson F 39 1:44:29 11:13 1:33:48 10:04 Dexter NY F35-39 378 825 2548 4195 30:43 1:02:00
6988 Annie Wafer F 34 1:44:29 11:13 1:38:19 10:33 Deansboro NY F30-34 509 869 2549 14761 30:52 1:03:30
6989 Lindsey Wood F 21 1:44:30 11:13 1:33:22 10:02 Saratoga Springs NY F20-24 292 631 2550 5470 29:41 1:01:19
6990 Natasha Le Fever F 26 1:44:30 11:13 1:33:42 10:04 New Hartford NY F25-29 405 881 2551 10642 30:08 1:02:15
6991 Richard Sparacin M 37 1:44:31 11:13 1:31:40 9:51 Holbrook NY M35-39 519 776 4440 13975 30:31 1:00:56
6992 Tim Kloster M 53 1:44:31 11:13 1:43:13 11:05 Youngsville NC M50-54 491 599 4441 2309 32:30 1:08:11
6993 Siobhan Conley F 22 1:44:31 11:13 1:33:05 10:00 Sauquoit NY F20-24 287 631 2552 7380 31:27 1:02:38
6994 Lindsey Hogel F 23 1:44:31 11:13 1:32:09 9:54 Rochester NY F20-24 271 631 2553 9622 31:19 1:01:51
6995 Gianna Pepperine F 17 1:44:31 11:13 1:41:27 10:53 Whitesboro NY F15-19 161 245 2554 12463 31:56 1:06:22
6996 Casandra Buell F 27 1:44:33 11:13 1:32:49 9:58 Lowville NY F25-29 385 881 2555 6756 29:29 1:00:31
6997 Kate Freyer F 34 1:44:33 11:13 1:39:51 10:43 Nedrow NY F30-34 533 869 2556 8698 31:30 1:05:12
6998 Peter Scheer M 56 1:44:33 11:14 1:31:20 9:48 Lyons Falls NY M55-59 282 489 4442 13439 30:40 1:01:02
6999 Amy Koppmann F 42 1:44:33 11:14 1:34:38 10:10 Grand Island NY F40-44 232 544 2557 10366 30:44 1:03:35
7000 Miranda Salamone F 22 1:44:34 11:14 1:38:32 10:35 Little Falls NY F20-24 373 631 2558 13328 32:38 1:05:55

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