
40th Annual Utica Boilermaker Road Race - 15K

July 9, 2017
Utica, NY
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Displaying 7001-7050 of 11711 results

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Place Name Sex Age Gun Time Gun Pace Net Time Net Pace City State Division Division Place Division Total Sex Place Sex Total Bib # 5K Split 10K Split
7001 Dariusz Kordas M 42 1:44:34 11:14 1:33:05 10:00 Baldwinsville NY M40-44 391 584 4443 10367 30:25 1:01:41
7002 Frank Giardino M 60 1:44:34 11:14 1:31:04 9:47 Rome NY M60-64 151 326 4444 8892 30:28 1:01:53
7003 Gabriella Balseca F 23 1:44:34 11:14 1:38:13 10:33 Newfane NY F20-24 370 631 2559 6089 33:08 1:06:12
7004 Sabrina Blanchard F 38 1:44:35 11:14 1:36:49 10:24 Melrose MA F35-39 446 825 2560 6412 32:57 1:05:21
7005 Louis Iaconelli M 37 1:44:35 11:14 1:34:09 10:07 Astoria NY M35-39 561 776 4445 9832 30:23 1:01:38
7006 Ricky Harvey M 61 1:44:35 11:14 1:36:49 10:24 Baldwinsville NY M60-64 193 326 4446 4075 32:57 1:05:22
7007 Neil Parshall M 29 1:44:35 11:14 1:33:57 10:05 East Hartford CT M25-29 539 753 4447 12355 31:28 1:02:56
7008 Tyson Brooks M 41 1:44:36 11:14 1:31:55 9:52 Barneveld NY M40-44 369 584 4448 1734 31:01 1:02:51
7009 Tomasz Kuczynski M 28 1:44:38 11:14 1:37:32 10:28 Liverpool NY M25-29 583 753 4449 10432 31:26 1:03:47
7010 John Murphy M 27 1:44:39 11:14 1:37:31 10:28 Rome NY M25-29 582 753 4450 11881 31:26 1:03:46
7011 Megan Keating F 28 1:44:39 11:14 1:32:44 9:57 Manlius NY F25-29 380 881 2561 10143 31:41 1:03:00
7012 Tommy Manna M 9 1:44:39 11:14 1:32:40 9:57 Utica NY M01-14 39 57 4451 11088 30:02 1:01:21
7013 Howard Kohn M 64 1:44:40 11:14 1:39:37 10:42 Schenectady NY M60-64 214 326 4452 10348 35:29 1:08:13
7014 Sarah Hebert F 35 1:44:40 11:14 1:28:04 9:27 Schenectady NY F35-39 226 825 2562 2172 29:46 58:48
7015 Joan Stedman F 51 1:44:40 11:14 1:43:06 11:04 Sauquoit NY F50-54 248 421 2563 5167 32:04 1:06:14
7016 Joel Peterson M 41 1:44:41 11:14 1:34:15 10:07 Staten Island NY M40-44 403 584 4453 12502 32:08 1:02:38
7017 Frank Aurigema M 45 1:44:41 11:14 1:40:38 10:48 Rome NY M45-49 477 627 4454 5989 32:13 1:05:20
7018 James Verrill M 43 1:44:41 11:14 1:37:37 10:29 Phoenix AZ M40-44 439 584 4455 5338 32:05 1:04:59
7019 Adam Helmer M 45 1:44:41 11:14 1:32:00 9:53 Barneveld NY M45-49 374 627 4456 2174 30:59 1:02:50
7020 Cheryl Cronin F 62 1:44:42 11:14 1:37:40 10:29 Tully NY F60-64 40 131 2564 7552 32:27 1:04:57
7021 Amanda Hughes F 32 1:44:42 11:14 1:39:02 10:38 Camden NY F30-34 522 869 2565 9752 32:57 1:06:16
7022 Maja Helmer F 13 1:44:43 11:15 1:32:00 9:53 Barneveld NY F01-14 22 49 2566 4095 31:01 1:02:51
7023 Annette Buffa F 32 1:44:43 11:15 1:41:19 10:53 Waterville NY F30-34 560 869 2567 6761 33:56 1:06:58
7024 Angelica Deguardia F 14 1:44:43 11:15 1:32:01 9:53 Turin NY F01-14 23 49 2568 7798 31:03 1:02:51
7025 Shawn Lowry M 21 1:44:43 11:15 1:34:47 10:11 Springfield Center NY M20-24 472 591 4457 10876 30:46 1:02:31
7026 Aaron Conklin M 43 1:44:43 11:15 1:39:44 10:42 West Winfield NY M40-44 457 584 4458 7372 32:42 1:03:57
7027 Stephanie Burgstrom F 32 1:44:44 11:15 1:28:27 9:30 Rochester NY F30-34 274 869 2569 6790 28:53 59:16
7028 Michael Labuz M 50 1:44:44 11:15 1:41:16 10:52 Clinton NY M50-54 462 599 4459 10473 30:00 1:04:47
7029 Sarah White F 29 1:44:44 11:15 1:39:42 10:42 East Longmeadow MA F25-29 529 881 2570 15021 34:49 1:06:26
7030 Rachael Gratch F 17 1:44:44 11:15 1:31:47 9:51 Rome NY F15-19 110 245 2571 9074 30:07 1:00:11
7031 Matthew Brooks M 13 1:44:45 11:15 1:32:02 9:53 Barneveld NY M01-14 38 57 4460 6665 31:00 1:02:51
7032 Kathy Morse F 53 1:44:45 11:15 1:30:54 9:46 Lowville NY F50-54 112 421 2572 11776 30:56 1:01:35
7033 Nancy Landolf F 62 1:44:46 11:15 1:39:55 10:44 Baltimore MD F60-64 53 131 2573 10543 32:41 1:06:00
7034 Vanessa Vaccaro F 39 1:44:46 11:15 1:31:21 9:48 Rome NY F35-39 326 825 2574 14595 31:07 1:01:56
7035 Melissa Landolf F 47 1:44:46 11:15 1:39:55 10:44 Cockeysville MD F45-49 272 528 2575 10541 32:42 1:06:00
7036 Julia Gerrity F 28 1:44:47 11:15 1:36:15 10:20 New Haven CT F25-29 465 881 2576 8878 34:17 1:07:07
7037 Jennifer Bowen F 27 1:44:47 11:15 1:35:56 10:18 Hartwick NY F25-29 453 881 2577 6535 31:48 1:03:59
7038 Claire Lacagnina F 29 1:44:48 11:15 1:37:53 10:31 Hoboken NJ F25-29 494 881 2578 10474 33:38 1:05:47
7039 Lisa Donahue F 24 1:44:48 11:15 1:36:43 10:23 Albany NY F20-24 345 631 2579 8035 32:15 1:04:25
7040 Eric Moser M 50 1:44:48 11:15 1:37:03 10:25 Cheektowaga NY M50-54 414 599 4461 11788 32:05 1:03:59
7041 Sonja Mishalanie F 44 1:44:49 11:15 1:30:59 9:46 Washington DC F40-44 178 544 2580 11626 28:12 58:53
7042 Dane Groszek M 63 1:44:49 11:15 1:30:42 9:44 Middletown NY M60-64 150 326 4462 9170 31:07 1:01:19
7043 Lisa Farewell F 42 1:44:49 11:15 1:36:17 10:20 Central Square NY F40-44 255 544 2581 8387 32:32 1:04:54
7044 Marissa Fevelo F 27 1:44:50 11:15 1:28:35 9:31 Syracuse NY F25-29 304 881 2582 8484 29:32 1:01:09
7045 Brian Scott M 47 1:44:50 11:15 1:31:33 9:50 Carthage NY M45-49 366 627 4463 13560 32:05 1:02:37
7046 Conrad Law M 57 1:44:51 11:15 1:37:14 10:26 Whitesboro NY M55-59 341 489 4464 10616 31:56 1:04:24
7047 Robin Demarco F 42 1:44:51 11:15 1:34:15 10:07 Holland Patent NY F40-44 227 544 2583 7836 31:16 1:01:55
7048 Walter Sojda M 25 1:44:51 11:15 1:37:56 10:31 Oriskany NY M25-29 590 753 4465 13957 33:37 1:05:57
7049 Mevan Perera M 60 1:44:51 11:15 1:39:52 10:43 Orleans ON M60-64 216 326 4466 12466 34:18 1:07:54
7050 Kristin Huber F 40 1:44:52 11:16 1:35:43 10:17 Buffalo NY F40-44 245 544 2584 4146 32:04 1:03:41

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